ISAAA Brief 46-2013: Infographic
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Governments Prepare for Implementation of Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
Governments have set up concrete groundwork for the
implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing of
Genetic Resources during the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and
Benefit-sharing (ICNP 3) conducted on 28 February 2014 in Pyeongchang,
South Korea. The major outcomes of the meeting include the following:
- A
global multilateral benefits-sharing mechanism will be in place
to address instances of benefit sharing, including the use of
traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, that occur in
transboundary situations or for which it is not possible to grant or
obtain prior informed consent. ICNP agreed on a road map that will allow
Parties to unravel the complexities of the mechanism.
- The
pilot phase of the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing House (ABSCH) was
launched, and training sessions were held. Governments underscored the
critical importance of a fully functional ABSCH when the Protocol is
- Adoption of a strategic framework to assist
developing countries to build capacity to implement the Protocol was
recommended. It will be the cornerstone of implementation on the ground
and play a pivotal role for making the Nagoya Protocol a reality at
national level.
As of today, 29 countries have ratified the
Protocol. It will enter into force 90 days after the 50th country has
ratified the protocol.
Read the press release at
International Team Crack Sesame Genome
Researchers from China, Denmark, and other institutes have successfully cracked the
of sesame, a high oil content crop, providing insights on the important
stages of seed development and oil accumulation, and the potential key
genes for sesamin production.
In the study, researchers produced a
high-quality draft genome of the sesame genotype ‘Zhongzhi No. 13', an
elite cultivar in China, planted over the last ten years. The assembled
sesame genome size is about 337 Mb, with a total of 27,148 genes. Result
highlighted the absence of the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor domain in
resistance genes, and suggested that this may be a new paradigm in
elucidating the interaction of resistance genes along with diseases.
Sesame (
Sesamum indicum
L.) is considered as the queen of oilseeds for its high oil content and
quality, and grown widely in tropical and subtropical areas as an
important source of oil and protein. The joint efforts of the Oil Crops
Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, BGI,
University of Copenhagen, and other institutes made sesame the second
Lamiales to be sequenced along with the former published minute genome
Utricularia gibba. Results of the study were published online in
Genome Biology:
For more information, read the news release at:
International Team Crack Sesame Genome
Researchers from China, Denmark, and other institutes have successfully cracked the
of sesame, a high oil content crop, providing insights on the important
stages of seed development and oil accumulation, and the potential key
genes for sesamin production.
In the study, researchers produced a
high-quality draft genome of the sesame genotype ‘Zhongzhi No. 13', an
elite cultivar in China, planted over the last ten years. The assembled
sesame genome size is about 337 Mb, with a total of 27,148 genes. Result
highlighted the absence of the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor domain in
resistance genes, and suggested that this may be a new paradigm in
elucidating the interaction of resistance genes along with diseases.
Sesame (
Sesamum indicum
L.) is considered as the queen of oilseeds for its high oil content and
quality, and grown widely in tropical and subtropical areas as an
important source of oil and protein. The joint efforts of the Oil Crops
Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, BGI,
University of Copenhagen, and other institutes made sesame the second
Lamiales to be sequenced along with the former published minute genome
Utricularia gibba. Results of the study were published online in
Genome Biology:
For more information, read the news release at:
Researchers Discover Plant Without Chloroplasts
Researchers from New York University (NYU), NYU Abu Dhabi,
Long Island University (LIU), the Philippine Genome Center, University
of Canterbury, University of Arizona, and Southern Illinois University
sequenced the
genome of Rafflesia, a parasitic genus of plants endemic to southeast Asia, believed to have lost its chloroplast genome.
by NYU biology Professor Michael Purugganan and LIU professor Jeanmaire
Molina, the study attempted to find the chloroplast genome. Purugganan
said "In science, one of the hardest things to show is that something
isn't there."
Rafflesia is dominated by a large flower and roots
that parasitize a specific vine and smells like rotting flesh to attract
flies that pollinate it. As a parasite, it diverges from typical
plants, which are photosynthetic autotrophs. Professor Eric Brenner said
the plant has evolved into a heterotroph, and has lost its chloroplast
DNA since it is no longer needed for survival. Rafflesia was known to
lack chloroplasts because it obtains all of its sugars, or energy, from
its host vine.
For more details about this study, read the news release available at
Scientists Develop Biofortified Sorghum for Africa
Scientists from Dupont successfully developed
biofortified sorghum which was intended to contribute to food and nutrition security most especially for people from Africa.
Pioneer scientists and other researchers from the U.S. and Africa are
currently working to produce improved sorghum varieties enriched with
vitamin A precursor, iron, and zinc through
plant breeding or
modern biotechnology techniques.
These efforts are part of the African Biofortified Sorghum (ABS)
initiative which aims to benefit millions of Africans. Sorghum is one of
the staple crops in the continent but it is lacking key nutrients such
as vitamin A. Up to 500,000 children in Africa become blind due to
vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and about 600,000 women die from
childbirth-related causes, many from complications that could be reduced
through healthy diets containing of vitamin A.
DuPont recently
won the ‘Patents for Humanity' Award from the United States Patent and
Trademark Office for its willingness to share its intellectual property
that has resulted in revolutionary research to strengthen the
nutritional profile of sorghum and help improve public health in target
African countries.
Entomologists Update Definitions of Terms Related to Resistance to Biotech crops and Pesticides
Entomologists from University of Arizona and Michigan
State University addressed the current jumble of words relating to pest
resistance by coming up with updated definitions for 50 key terms. They
published these definitions in the
Journal of Economic Entomology.
authors selected definitions that promote proactive detection and
management of resistance, such as resistance defined as "a genetically
based decrease in susceptibility to a pesticide." They contrast this
with an alternative definition used by some industry scientists that
requires "repeated failure of a product to achieve the expected level of
control," which generally occurs only after it's too late to respond
most effectively.
Confusion in definition is usually associated in defining and managing insect resistance to
Bt crops.
Bt proteins are not exclusive to genetically engineered crops. Organic
growers have used Bt protein in sprays for decades, even before Bt crops
became commercially available in 1996.
Read more at and
Scientists Identify Gene that May Ease Genetic Modification in Plants
A recent discovery by a research team from Purdue University could lead to easier
genetic modification
of plants considered recalcitrant to standard methods, including
varieties of economically important crops. The team identified a gene
that influences susceptibility to infection by
Agrobacterium tumefaciens,
a bacterium used to insert genes into plants to produce desired traits
such as resistance to pests, diseases or harsh environmental conditions,
or to improve the nutrition or shelf life of a crop.
Led by
Stanton Gelvin, Purdue's Edwin Umbarger Distinguished Professor of
Biological Sciences, the team conducted genetic screens of
Arabidopsis mutants hyper-susceptible to
infection to identify genes responsible for susceptibility. They
discovered that a mutation in the gene MTF1 affected susceptibility to
infection and genetic transformation. Plants in which MTF1 is suppressed
were more susceptible to transformation. Gelvin said that the team is
working on developing technology to translate their findings into a tool
that can reduce the expression of MTF1 and genetically transform a
plant in one step.
For more information about this research, read the news release available at
Vilsack Reveals Plan for Biofuels
U.S Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said during Commodity Classic, the annual meeting of
and sorghum growers in San Antonio, California, that his discussions
with Environmental Protection Agency were not focused on the message
that biodiesel and ethanol advocates are already pursuing: abandoning
the proposal that would lessen the amount of
biofuels mixed into U.S. fuel supply.
said that the right way to go is marketing ethanol and biodiesel for
export. He said that their team has planned to expand trade promotion on
biofuels by including biofuels experts on a trip to potential importing
countries such as China. He added that they can also address
infrastructure issues to make sure that it is not a barrier to getting
more biofuels into the system. He sees making sure biodiesel and ethanol
are successful as matters of national security importance,
environmental concern, and economic interest.
"Bottom line is:
we're going to continue to help this industry as best we can, advocate
for it, and trust that EPA at the end of the day makes the right set of
For more information, visit
Asia and the Pacific
Bt Brinjal Cultivation in Bangladesh Follows Biosafety Measures, Says Ag Minister
Matia Chowdhury, Minister for Agriculture
unveiled the
ISAAA Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops 2013,
as the Chief Guest in a seminar on 26 February 2014 in Dhaka,
Bangladesh. In her keynote speech, the lady minister explained the
research, development, and extension activities on biotech crops in the
country, where
Bt brinjal
has recently been cultivated compliant with the stringent regulatory
measures for biosafety and environmental risk assessment of the
Cartagena Biosafety Protocol,
and the enabling regulatory measures formulated and gazetted by the
government. The minister emphasized that "Being an overpopulated
country, we will not hesitate in using
if it is proven to be useful and safe for human, animal and for the
environment." She urged the scientists to develop new crop varieties
through frontier research using biotechnology to combat the
environmental hazards like salinity, drought, submergence, and cold.
Clive James, founder and emeritus chair ISAAA presented the Global
Biotech Status for 2013. Dr. Randy Hautea, ISAAA global coordinator has
elaborated the
biotech maize experience in the Philippines whereas, Mr. Bhagirath Choudhary, ISAAA India director explained the
Bt cotton
progress in India. Prof. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Hoque, vice chancellor,
Bangladesh Agriculural University as the Guest of Honor of the seminar
also appreciated the government initiative of releasing biotech crop in
Bangladesh keeping the biosafety matters in to consideration. Dr. Md.
Kamal Uddin, executive chairman, BARC and the director generat of
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) chaired the seminar and
claimed the success of scientists in sequencing the
genomes of jute and
Bangladesh Biotechnology Information Centre (BdBIC) and the
International Service for the Acquisition Of Agri-Biotech Applications
(ISAAA) in collaboration with Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council
(BARC) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) organized
the seminar which was attended by around 350 policy planners,
academicians, researchers, extension officers, research students, and

For details on the seminar and information on biotechnology in Bangladesh, contact Prof. D. Khondoker Nasiruddin at
Asian Biotech Crop Importing Countries Hold Seminars on Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops for 2013
Biotech crops importing countries South Korea, Japan, and
Indonesia hosted the seminar of ISAAA founder and Emeritus Chair Dr.
Clive James'
Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops for 2013.
In Seoul, Korea, the media conference was held on February 17 and
participated by 25 journalists. Inquiries were on the status of the
development and commercialization of
biotech crops
in Europe, climate change, and the possible solutions to public
mistrust and awareness about GM crops. Four media interviews were
conducted for print and online releases.
In Tokyo Japan, a seminar
held on February 18 was participated by more than 100 stakeholders
interested in biotechnology. Dr. Clive James' presentation of the Global
Status Report was well received as well as the presentations of Dr.
Randy Hautea on
biotech corn
commercialization in the Philippines, Dr. Masahiro Suzuki on activities
of Center for Biotechnology in Japan, and Nippon Biotechnology
Information Center (BIC) director Dr. Fusao Tomita on biotech crop
awareness and acceptance in Japan. The ISAAA team were received by the
US MInister-Counselor for Agricultural Affairs David Miller during their
visit at the US Embassy in Tokyo.
Jakarta, Indonesia seminar was held on February 28 with 128 people in
attendance. Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan of Malaysia BIC joined Dr. James
and Dr. Hautea by giving a presentation on Communicating agri-biotech:
Scientific accuracy vs popularized myths. Two interviews for release on
television were conducted featuring Dr. Clive James.

Fof further information, contact
Vietnam, Slow and Cautious on GM Crop Adoption
Speaking during the seminar launch of ISAAA Brief 46 on
Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops for 2013 on February 20, 2014 in Hanoi, Dr. Nguyen Van Tuat, Deputy Director of Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said
GM corn
has been planted on a trial basis since 2007. From this test, seven
corn lines have proven to be insect resistant and yielding double the
ordinary harvest, with no pesticide use. Tuat said the use of GM plants
has become an indispensable trend and has won the government's
approval. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
has continued to complete procedures to allow the future cultivation of
biotech crops.
Professor Nguyen Lan Dung (a famous scientist in
Vietnam), however, said Vietnam is slow and too cautious in using GM
varieties on a large scale. "These kinds of agricultural products have
appeared in the market for a long time. We've imported GM corn, soybeans
and soybean meal from the US and China. Why don't we plant these on a
large scale, as they should be?" he asked. Professor Dung added that
complicated procedures and a bias about GM plants are the main reasons
for the delay in using
"Scientists must show evidence which proves these plants are harmless
to human and animal health. They are just like other kinds of crops," he
Clive James, founder and emeritus chair of ISAAA, said
that biotech crops are demonstrating their global value as a tool for
poor farmers who faced decreasing water supplies and increasing weed and
pest problems. Also, the effects of climate change would only continue
to expand the need for this technology. Experts urged the Ministries of
Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development and
Science and Technology should work together to reduce legal procedures
and cooperate with foreign scientists to quickly apply the technology.
of participants from scientific and academic community, government
agencies, companies and the media took part in this event organized by
the Institute of Agricultural Genetics,
ISAAA and Agbiotech Viet.

For details of the seminar and for biotech news from Vietnam, contact Agbiotech Viet at or
Philippines Increases Biotech Adoption in 2013
The Philippines reached around 800,000 hectares of biotech
corn cultivation in 2013, up from 750,000 hectares in 2012, landing it
in the 12
th place among the top countries adopting biotech
crops. This was reported in a media conference organized by ISAAA,
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in
Agriculture (SEARCA), and the Biotechnology for Life Media and Advocacy
Resource Center (BMARC) on March 6, 2014 at Dusit Thani Hotel, Makati
In the conference,
Dr. Paul Teng talked about food security and how
biotech crops
help contribute in various aspects of food security such as improvement
of nutrition and agricultural productivity. ISAAA Global Coordinator
SEAsia Center Director Dr. Randy Hautea presented the
global status, trends, and significant benefits of biotech crop adoption.
Meanwhile, Undersecretary for Policy, Planning, Research and
Development of the Philippine Department of Agriculture (DA) Dr.
Segfredo Serrano, and former University of the Philippines (UP) System
President and UP Los Baños Chancellor Dr. Emil Q. Javier talked about
policy developments for agriculture as well as biotech crops in the
Philippines, how biotech crops and modern technologies are helping the
country, and insights on current issues such as the court case of
Bt eggplant.
They also emphasized the safety of the technology and the rigorous
safety assessments and national regulatory system for biotech products.
SEARCA Director Dr. Gil C. Saguiguit, Jr. stated in his message that the
Center will continue to support biotech education and promotion
particularly in developing countries, in line with its 10
th Five Year Plan which seeks to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development.
media conference was attended by mulit-media journalists, members of
the academe, government agencies, private sector, non-government
organizations, and local government units.

For more information about biotechnology in the Philippines, visit SEARCA BIC's website at or send an e-mail to
NAAS Endorses GM Crops for Nutritional Security
Indian National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) unanimously passed a resolution endorsing application of
in agriculture during the roundtable meeting on "GM Crops for
Nutritional Security" conveyed under the chairmanship of Prof. M.S.
Swaminathan and organized by the National Academy of Agricultural
Sciences on 12 February 2014. Based on the deliberation on the potential
of GM crop technology in solving the entrenched low farm productivity,
malnutrition, and
hunger problems
in a large section of Indian population, the academy reached an
agreement that to achieve a zero hunger challenge of the United Nations
by 2025, the farm productivity must be doubled which will be possible
only through the intelligent and intensive applications of new
The academy concurred that
GM crop technology
is a promising, relevant and efficient technology for low-input
high-output agriculture for crop improvement where conventional breeding
tools have not been effective. GM technology will be a tool to improve
agricultural crops for their nutritional value, nutrient and water use
efficiency, productivity, tolerance/resistance to biotic and abiotic
stresses. The academy called on the government of India to lift de facto
moratorium on the field trials of GM crops.
Other key resolutions
included strengthening of existing regulatory system till BRAI becomes
functional; integrating capacity building as a necessary operational
requirement to keep pace with scientific advancement through
international collaborations; communication by the scientists with
public and policy makers about the safety and benefits of GM crop
products; setting up two Committees by the Academy on Public
Understanding of Science and Political Understanding of Science. The
group also agreed upon several other issues including ICAR taking the
lead role in the commercial release of the GM crops; functioning of GEAC
as a statutory body that makes final decision on approval. It was also
stressed that there is need for a PAN-political support for promoting
genetic engineering research in the country to harness its full
For detailed information visit; Pakistan Finalizes Strategy to Make Quality Cotton Seed Available
The Pakistan government having set cotton production
target, has activated seed monitoring system in markets to ensure
availability of quality cotton seed to farmer's community. A joint
strategy by Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department
(FSC&RD), Ministry of National Food Security and Research and Seed
Association of Pakistan (SAP) is being developed for availability of
quality cotton seed for Kharif 2014-15. The significant features of the
strategy for availability of quality cotton seed include clearance of
Provincial Seed Councils (PSC) which would be required while National
Biosafety Committee (NBC) clearance for commercialization was also being
sought. In addition, to put Bt cotton varieties in pedigreed seed
production cycle, Breeder Nucleus Seed (BNS) and Pre-Basic crop seed can
be offered for crop inspection so that authentication of source may be
verified through biotechnology laboratory in all the later categories of
seed from basic to certified and approved seed.
Due to financial constraints and non-provision of funds in FSC&RD, the applicant/seed company will provide
strips/kits for testing of Bt and non Bt traits. There have been 18
meetings of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and 12 meetings of
National Biosafety Committee (NBC), Ministry of Climate Change held in
Islamabad to discuss the submitted cases for approval of genetic
manipulation work in the laboratory, field trial and exempt status of Bt
cotton varieties and other GM crops. To date 292 cases related to
genetically modified crops research and development activities were
received, 155 cases so far have been decided by NBC while TAC had
recommended 37 cases for NBC decisions for GMOs and their products
related activities. Moreover, 55 cases of different activities are under
process for next TAC meeting.
See the article at:
New Study Shows OPR Protein Function Important for Photosynthesis
A new study conducted by Ludwig-Maximilians-University of
Munich shows that a new class of helical repeat proteins called
Octotricopeptide Repeat Proteins (OPRs) has recently been discovered.
While OPR proteins form a diverse family in green algae, in most land
plants only a single protein of this type is found.
Bohne from Professor Jörg Nickelsen's research group at LMU's Biocenter
and her colleagues investigated genetically modified plants that were
unable to synthesize the OPR protein RAP. They found that the RAP
protein has an important role in translating the genetic information in
the chloroplast DNA into specific proteins. RAP turns out to be involved
in the maturation of the so-called 16S rRNA, a major component of the
"protein factories" in the chloroplast.
Nickelsen said "Loss of
RAP leads to a reduction in the level of protein synthesis in the
chloroplasts, which in turn results in a decrease in the efficiency of
Read more about this research at
EU Innovation Scoreboard Shows Need for Action to Keep Innovation and Industry in Europe
The 2014 EU Innovation Scoreboard published by the
European Commission stressed that Europe risks becoming the world's
research hub while innovative products and processes and the jobs and
growth that go with their development, will be found in other areas. It
was reported that there is an improvement in closing the innovation
divide with the rest of the world, however, Europe is still behind the
innovations of countries like Japan, South Korea, and the U.S.
The critical state of innovative industries such as the
industry in Europe today and the need for concrete action, go beyond
the improvement of research and development funding which has taken
place in Europe. Thus, André Goig, EuropaBio Chairman commented: "The
Commission has made great strides in terms of reformulating its Research
Framework programmes to include e.g. Public Private Partnerships and
instruments targeted specifically at SMEs, which go beyond standard
research funding and move toward funding innovation. However, unless
Europe can guarantee such improvements are coupled with science-based,
predictable and workable regulatory systems for small and large
companies, as well as tailored market pull measures for innovative
products and faster and more equitable access to products for end users,
similar to those available in other parts of the world, we are setting
ourselves up to keep losing, not only on the scoreboard but most
importantly in terms of jobs, growth and benefits for society."
Read the report at Read EuropaBio's press release at
Scientists at Cornell University reported that the combination of natural enemies, such as ladybeetles, with
Bt crops
delays a pest's ability to evolve resistance to Bt insecticidal
proteins. According to Anthony Shelton, co-author of the study, their
findings is the first reported case of predator being able to delay the
evolution of resistance in an insect pest to a Bt crop. In the study,
the researchers set up large cages in a greenhouse where each cage
contained Bt broccoli and refuges of non-Bt broccoli. They studied
populations of diamondback moth larvae, a pest of broccoli, and their
natural enemies, ladybird beetles, for six generations. Cages contained
different combinations of treatments with and without predators, and
with and without sprayed insecticides on the non-Bt refuge plants.
showed that diamondback moth populations were reduced in the treatment
containing ladybird beetles and unsprayed non-Bt refuge plants. It was
also observed that resistance to Bt plants evolved significantly slower
in this treatment. In contrast, Bt plants with no refuge were completely
defoliated in treatments without ladybirds after only four to five
generations, showing rapid development of resistance in the pests. In
the treatment with sprayed non-Bt refuge plants and predators,
diamondback moth populations were reduced, but the larvae more quickly
evolved resistance to the Bt plants.
Based on the results, the
effectiveness of Bt plants in controlling the pest population, the lack
of effect of Bt on the predators and the role predators play in delaying
resistance to Bt plants in the pest population.
The research is published in the open-access journal
PLoS One.
Read the media release at
Biotech Rice Expressing Exo-glucanase Show Enhanced Production of Reducing Sugars
Tohoku University scientists and partners developed biotech
with improved production of reducing sugars by expression of EXG
exo-glucanase under the control of senescence-inducible promoter. When a
GUS coding sequence was connected to a promoter region of
SGR) gene of rice and introduced into rice, GUS activity was specifically observed along with senescence. When an
EXG1 cDNA was connected to the
SGR promoter and introduced into rice, higher cellulase activities were detected after senescence.
biotech rice plants exhibited enhanced saccharification efficiencies
after senescence or biological aging. However, there was no significant
difference of saccharification efficiencies observed before senescence.
The saccharification efficiencies were found to be linked with cellulase
activities in the biotech rice plants. Furthermore, the biotech rice
plants did not exhibit physical deformity as well as reproductive glitch
EXG1 was overexpressed. Based on the findings, the
expression of cellulase and other cell wall degrading enzymes can
improve the saccharification ability of cellulosic biomass without
hampering growth for efficient production of biofuels.
Read the abstract at
What: Livestock Biotech Summit
When: September 16-18, 2014
Where: Sioux Falls, South Dakota
For more information, visit
Document Reminders
VIB Publishes New GM Background Report
Genetically modified (GM)
papaya developed by Cornell University, USA and the University of Hawaii
has been cultivated since 1998 in Hawaii and saved the local papaya
cultivation. The story of the GM papaya demonstrates that GM crops are not
often associated with multinationals because the Hawaiian GM papaya was
developed by the public sector and the intellectual property rights were
transferred to the local papaya industry. To recalibrate the GM debate by supplying
scientific founded information, VIB releases the, which provides detailed
background information, case-by-case style and up-to-date answers on current GM
topics. The background report 'virus resistant papapya in Hawaii is now
freely available.
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