Food Crops News 215, Hoàng Kim, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
Chào ngày mớiCây Lương thực, Học mỗi ngày, Dạy và học
Update of Food Crops News from 21 April to 3 May 2014.
Drought Reduces Rice Crops, Raises Prices
Economists say of all the food crops in California, rice is likely to be affected by the drought the most, and the mere speculation of losses is already ...
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Calestous Juma on Being Pro-Africa, Why Africa Needs GM Crops, and How He Came to Be a ...
Center for Food Safety Testifies Before Panel
state-sanctioned review's “Key Findings” concluded that farms in
Jackson County are at “serious” risk of contamination by GE crops. The review ...
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Developing sustainable biofuels
Unfortunately, many current biofuels start with food crops, and this can ... "Unlike most plants, agave opens the pores in its leaves and captures carbon ...
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US corn yields are increasingly vulnerable to hot, dry weather, study shows
As Lobell explained, the quest to maximize crop yields has been a driving force behind agricultural research as the world's population grows and ...
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Global acceptance of GM crops in decline - Friends of the Earth
Mute Schimpf, food campaigner for Friends of the Earth Europe said: "There is public resistance to GM crops on every continent, with increasing social ...
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Chinese trial alcohol crop in the Kimberley
In WA's Ord Valley sweet sorghum is being trialled by the Chinese company developing Ord stage 2, Kimberley Agricultural Investment. The trial ...
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Spring Crops Changes Menu Offerings at Workshop Kitchen + Bar
Beckman, chef/owner at Workshop Kitchen + Bar in Palm Springs, notes
the abundance of spring ingredients that impact the food and bar ...
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EPA Set to Approve Increased Use of Toxic 2,4-D on Dow's 'Agent Orange' Crops
Dow Chemical developed the GE crops – known as Enlist – solely to ... The food movement must quickly organize and forcefully let the EPA know that ...
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Opinion: A kernel of truth about what we eat
A bill being considered in the State Legislature would require food ... Since 1996, crops have been genetically engineered to produce their own ...
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NTB joins forces with TNI to grow soybean
... the provincial administration, through the NTB Agriculture, Horticultural and Food Crops Agency, has implemented a simultaneous-soybean planting ...
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Ohio Ag dept. accepting specialty-crop proposals
Food and agricultural
nonprofit organizations, cooperatives, associations or commodity
groups, universities and research institutions are eligible to ...
GMO labeling wisdom cast in doubt by extensive report
... crops are “the most extensively tested crops ever added to our food supply,” and that ... However the foods are the same and need not be labeled.
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Vanuatu Lusi victims lack proper food
People affected by last month's Cyclone Lusi in Vanuatu have been forced to eat unripe crops while they wait for goverment assistance. Affected ...
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Ample Asia Food Stocks Should Withstand El Niño Impact
Ample Asia Food Stocks Should Withstand El Niño Impact ... America, may have negative implications for food crops like rice, palm oil and sugar.
Food Security Has Weakened
Windhoek — All communal crop producing regions are expecting below average harvest, following poor rainfall performance coupled with damages ...
Exclusive: War-ravaged Syria may face worst wheat harvest in 40 years
AMMAN/ABU DHABI (Reuters) - War and drought have crippled Syria's wheat crop, with some experts now forecasting output of the staple food could ...
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How to Stop the Water Crisis: Eat Plants
Raising animals for food
is a major water suck, and if we are truly going to feed the world, we
need to completely stop or at the very least severely cut ...
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Pesticide Pushers Spin the Bee Crisis to Protect Profits
However, these pesticides are still widely used in the U.S. despite massive bee losses that threaten vital food crops, from almonds in California to ...
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Farmers harvest rain water to improve food security...
They plant food crops
together with fruit trees such as oranges and ginger. The local people
are reversing the harsh conditions of the land that is ...
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Waiting for the Sun
Last week's crop progress report from the USDA indicated that some corn planting has begun in southwestern Minnesota, along with some oats, ...
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Natural insecticide helps expand agricultural production
revival of this crop, first introduced in colonial times, is one of
Rwanda's ... The remaining 60 per cent can be planted with food crops, while the ...
Locals encouraged to grow their own food
While a video shown before the farmers talked guessed that 60 percent of all food crops were controlled by six companies, Gina Covina of Laughing ...
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Vanuatu government asked to help Lusi victims
He says crops were planted after the cyclone but in the meantime food is slowly ... "A lot of needs is to do with food needs, we are looking at food relief.
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Is Modi's support price formula a recipe for food inflation?
Narendra Modi's promise to fix minimum support prices (MSP) for crops by adding 50 per cent profits to farmers' input costs has stirred up a debate on ...
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Washington Week Ahead: Focus set on GMOs, data, immigration reform
The event is being held by National C-FAR, the Council for Agricultural ... the American Society of Plant Biologists, and the Agronomy, Crop and Soil ... On Tuesday, the Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics will ...
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Interest in local food draws younger farmers to the field
“The local food thing only really got legs six or seven years ago, when ... In addition to farming traditional crops with her father – Old Oakes Farm grows ...
Lyons, Bradford: Labeling law would hurt California farmers
It would mandate complex new food-labeling regulations in California that ... safety, agricultural benefits and nutritional wholesomeness of GE crops.
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Vermont governor says he'll sign GMO food-labeling bill
The Vermont bill also makes it illegal to describe any food product ... of genetically modified crops and the $360 billion U.S. packaged food industry ...
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A Journalist and a Scientist Break Ground in the GMO Debate
Last year, G.M.O. crops—corn, cotton, and soybeans—were planted on ... But anti-G.M.O. activists have worked to mobilize a backlash: food with the ...
Food security at risk as crop varieties shrink
Eating a less diverse range of crops, for example, could bring health or nutritional problems, but it could also put at risk world food supplies if a ...
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Homegrown: Alternatives in the food garden
Unless this final week of April brings a chilling frost, sowing seeds and setting out plants will pick up speed in the days ahead as we try to produce food ...
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Governmental cover-up, mono GMO crops destroy nature's balance, lack micro-nutrients
"The genetic modification of food is intrinsically dangerous. ... and environmentally damage the other non-GMO crops and refused to pull them when ...
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Nonwovens improve crop yields and reduce harvesting waste
According to the European nonwovens organisation EDANA, nonwovens can make a big difference to the amount of food produced when growing ...
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Crop Roundup: Nitrogen Fixation
Crop Roundup: Nitrogen Fixation .... and much of the world is worried about the continued availability of water to grow food crops, ” says Jerry Flint, ...
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Salem / SAL 2014-04-25 16:46:54
Cliff Bentz, R-Ontario, the tax credit fails to compensate farmers for the actual cost of packaging and delivering crops to food banks, or the cost of ...
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Termite insecticides might taint produce
A: The insecticide label will tell you if the product is registered for use on food crops. Ask the pest control company you hire to give you a copy of the ...
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This Warehouse Is the Future of Farming
With climate change wrecking havoc on the world's crops, it's time to consider other options. Warehouse farms might be the answer to the global food ...
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Water need brings farmers and ag workers closer
Farm workers and farmers both have a deep understanding that producing food crops supports them both. Workers need a healthy agriculture industry ...
Governor signs crop-donation tax credit
Kitzhaber signed a bill into law at the Oregon Food Bank that will give farmers and other food producers a 15 percent tax credit on the wholesale price ...
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FOOD SECURITY CHALLENGE ... drought resistant varieties of crops need to be developed keeping in mind food and nutritional needs of the people ...
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Food security: Ag's big challenge
CAN the world's plant breeders and crop producers continue to increase food production at a pace to match a global population growth rate that is ...
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USDA announces Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), is designed to enhance the markets for specialty ...
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World Bank and UN push the potential of jackfruit as food staple
But jackfruit, despite its huge potential, remains underexploited as a food crop in India, where it originated. That is beginning to change, however, with ...
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Vermont ups the ante on genetically modified foods
Katie Spring rolls up plastic that was used to cover certain plants during the winter in a field at the Good Heart Farmstead, Thursday, April 24, 2014, ...
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Hunger Season Reaches Its Peak - Agriculture
FOOD shortage remains a challenge for rural Namibians as the hunger ... Water and Forestry has revealed in its Crop Prospect and Food Security ...
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Opinion: How climate change affects food security
Vietnam, Ghana and Malawi are among countries bucking the trend by taking action in areas such as social protection, crop irrigation and agricultural ...
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Sprouting knowledge: Master gardeners teach WMS students the value of growing food
When the students come back in the fall, they will help harvest the crops. The produce will be shared between the local food shelf, churches that host ...
Jackfruit heralded as 'miracle' food crop
big and bumpy with a gooey interior and a powerful smell of decay – but
it could help keep millions of people from hunger. Researchers say ...
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Community Development Week award to Community CROPS
Community CROPS helps people work together to grow healthy food and live sustainably. In their first 10 years, Community CROPS has cultivated ...
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Agricultural Sector Contribution to GDP, falling – Minister
Agricultural Sector Contribution to GDP, falling – Minister ... He said the crops sub-sector including cocoa had continued to dominate sub-sectoral ...
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Whitsett weighs in on GMO
They are tools that enable growers to enhance food production by improving crop yield and enabling more efficient and less costly farming practices.
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Connect with Us
While the ministry has been firmly opposed to allowing treated waste water to be used on food crops, a consultant recently pointed out to Vernon ...
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Around Silicon Valley, lettuce, strawberries and broccoli bring in billions
Silicon Valley hasn't completely lost its agricultural roots. So we crunched the numbers to illustrate the top 10 cash crops in the greater Silicon Valley ...
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'Research and Development in agric critical for Africa'
... replicated across the continent while urging Ghana to use R&D to develop other crops to the standard of cocoa to improve its food security situation.
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“Open source” seeds aim to protect plants from patents
April 23rd, 2014 (VOA) Taking a cue from the software industry, scientists, farmers and sustainable food advocates have released what they're calling ...
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Could higher food prices reduce food waste?
Food waste is more than just a shame. It's a terrible waste of natural resources, from the water used to irrigate crops to the energy necessary for ...
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China to 'maintain self-sufficiency in food production'
Despite an expected increase in the country's food imports, China will maintain self-sufficiency in its main food crops, including wheat and rice, in the ...
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Stakeholders reiterate commitment to scaling-up bio-fortified foods
... announced that bio-fortified nutritious food crops had already reached more than one million farmers globally. By forging new partnerships, it aimed ...
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HAGL Adds Laos Crops as Singapore Listing Looms: Southeast Asia
HAGL is focusing on growth in food commodities to meet rising regional demand, Chief Executive Officer Nguyen Van Su said in an April 16 interview.
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biotechnology crucial to the pursuit of global food security
Biotech crops
are essential but are not a panacea and adherence to good farming
practices such as rotations and resistance management, are a must ...
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Quinoa crops yield promising harvests in the UAE
ABU DHABI // Quinoa, the South American crop that has taken health food stores by storm in the past few years, could soon be commercially grown in ...
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HarvestPlus, Global Policymakers Seek to Increase Availability of Biofortified Food
a CGIAR program to improve nutrition and public health that organised
the conference, announced that biofortified nutritious food crops ...
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China to Remain Self-sufficient in Food Production
CHINA - Despite an expected increase in the country's food imports, China will maintain self-sufficiency in its main food crops, including wheat and ...
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Implications of winged bean crop are enormous
The winged bean may be such a crop. Practically all parts of the plant are used for food. This tropical plant, variously called princess bean, asparagus ...
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Fungus Threatens Banana Supply
But aside from its culinary delight, the banana is the eighth most important food crop in the world, and the fourth most important one for developing ...
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Hawaii Is Ground Zero For The GMO Debate
As of 2012, the most recent data available, seed crops in Hawaii were worth $217 ... In all, they exceed the value of the state's next several largest crops ... There has been little scientific evidence to prove that foods grown from ...