Food Crops News, Hoàng Kim, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
Cassava News; Chào ngày mớiCây Lương thực, Học mỗi ngày,
Update of Food Crops News from 3 Aug to 5 Aug, 2014.
Organically raised food far preferable to genetically engineered crops: Carol Goland, Ohio ...
Guest columnist Carol Goland is the executive director of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association. Founded in 1979 as a grassroots ...
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Consider some of the benefits of genetically modified foods: Jack Fisher, Ohio Farm Bureau ...
Granted, food choices aren't purely academic, but to the extent you're ... And since farming GM crops requires fewer tractor trips across the field, ...
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Farmers, Environmental Groups Defend Moratorium of GMO Crops on Hawai'i's Big Island
“In Hawaii we believe that our seeds, crops, and foods should remain free of contamination from genetically engineered plants,” said Big Island farmer ...
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How Vegetables Can Save the World
they can play a critical role in healing the food system. ... by
creating seed banks and seed exchanges that preserve important food crops.
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RoboBees might be pollinating our crops within 10 years
The team believes that in 10 years, the RoboBees will be ready to carry out artificial pollination on food crops, which will be a much needed ...
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China took strict measures to Regulate GM Crops
According to Ministry of Agriculture and office in charge of GM food Safety, any ... However, it didn't permit commercial production or sale of GM crops.
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Kharif crop procurement target fixed at 300.50 lakh tonnes
The Government has set a procurement target for kharif crops at 300.50 lakh ... This decision was taken in a meeting of State Food Secretaries held on ...
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Crop-damaging light brown apple moths found in Arroyo Grande
officials have set out additional traps in an effort to determine the
extent of the infestation. A quarantine of approximately nine square
miles ...
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Warming threatens to cut crop yields
Projecting the impact of climate change on global food production is no easy task. A warming climate might result in better crop yields in one region, ...
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Nearly J$1billion in crops destroyed by Jamaica drought
Nearly J$1billion in crops destroyed by Jamaica drought ... Kellier, however, insists there is no shortage of ground food provisions in the country, ...
Lester's Farm opens new food truck utilizing fresh crops
Lester's Farm on Brookfield Road opened a food truck, where staff prepare the fresh ingredients to serve from the field right to the customer.
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The Food Boom
Food and agriculture are fundamental to human survival and it was the birth of ... Since the first crops were domesticated around 10,000 years ago, ...
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Time for an informed debate on GM trials
drafted by a committee headed by MS Swaminathan ten years ago, clearly
supports the use of GM technology in all crops including food crops.
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Scientists ask Modi to stall GM crop field trials: Crops 'harmful to humans and environment'
decision by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) to
approve numerous experiments on GM crops, including several GM food crops ...
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GMO initiative is misguided
However, labeling a food for its food production process that has been ... 4) Genetically modified crops have been grown for thousands of years.
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First US soybean crop for the year harvested in South Texas
EDINBURG – Unless someone can prove otherwise, two agricultural experts believe the first U.S. soybean harvest of the year is currently taking place ...
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Govt stance at WTO belies assurance on food security, says farmers' group
Instead of increasing the crop basket under purview of the price support ... “Agricultural subsidies are being frozen and public food-stockholding is ...
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Community-supported agriculture connects people to their food
She's in her garden, work gloves in hand, tending to the crops. ... as well as educate people about their food and about which produce grows in which ...
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Raegan Johnson preaches safety to employees, customers and communities
Then, it's all relative, taking its company mission of agricultural sustainability beyond seeds, weeds and crops to people, who make up the fabric of the ...
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IGC raises 2014-15 world corn, wheat crop outlooks
Large crops will also boost direct human food use," the IGC said. The organisation raised its wheat production forecast to 702 million tonnes from a ...
Appraising the Cost of Biotechnologically Improved Crops
The “biotechnology crops” are later transferred to the farms where they produce what is called “biotechnology foods” (Biofoods). What are generally ...
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MIT study links climate change, air pollution and decreasing food supplies
This could be exacerbated further as people across the world eat an increasingly similar diet, meaning the reliance on a few crops makes the food ...
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Flint Michigan area urban agriculture report – July 31, 2014
In Flint, the edible flint Food Garden Tour showcased 16 areas urban farms ... Crops are a bit delayed in their development due to our cool summer.
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Nano Bio-Solutions Centre to be inaugurated today
press release issued here Friday, untreated water is polluting the
fresh water resources and creating water born diseases thus affecting food crops, ...
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Missoula CSA farmer experiments with grains, veggies of all kinds
They deliver different types of food to Missoula twice a week, and they also sell ... “They took about 200 of our chard plants and our early succession of ...
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Missouri Weighs Unusual Addition to Its Constitution: Right to Farm
The right to farm hardly seems threatened in Missouri, one of the leading agricultural states, with nearly 100,000 farms producing crops including ...
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KAP still pushing AgriRecovery
Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) continues to build a case for an ... to assist Manitoba farmers who couldn't seed or lost crops due to flooding or ...
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Aspen Times Weekly: Carrying on at Cozy Point
Cozy Point has already made strides at becoming a bona fide food ... Summers had to scrape up $70,000 for emergency hay when his crops failed.
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Plan revealed over implementation of new Common Agricultural Policy
Details of the way the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will be implemented in ... l Nitrogen fixing crops (mandatory weighting factor of 0.7).
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The cyclical nature of agriculture--never to be denied
The upturn in U.S. agricultural profitability for the remainder of the 1970s was astonishing. People had never seen the market bid for their crops, and ...