Friday, August 31, 2012

Food Crops News 100

FOOD CROPS Food Crops News 100 (Bản tin Cây Lương thực Quốc tế)
HỌC MỖI NGÀY Lớp học trên đồng.
Food for Thought Going to Seed
Weekly Alibi

As your plants fill out and crowd together, they won't be able to grow as
large as they would if they had more room. If your singular goal is to pull
as many pounds of food from the garden as possible, then letting plants
bolt might not be the game for ...
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New Food Plant Boosts Valley Farms
CBS 47

The company plans, White Oak Frozen Foods, plans to supply hundreds of jobs
and buy locally grown crops. "We supply ingredients to these companies. For
instance tomatoes on the top of this pizza are products that we process,"
said White Oak Sales Vice ...
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Wheat harvest in Mattole Valley kicks off Local Food Month

In the last few years Hindley has been working to revive a traditional crop
that hasn't been seen in the Mattole for decades -- wheat. This Saturday,
which is also the first day of Local Food Month in Humboldt County, Hindley
will harvest the second ...
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Study shows hope of greater global food output, less environmental impact of ...

Mueller and colleagues used management and yield data for 17 major crops to
take a big-picture look at how much water and nutrients it would take to
bring underperforming farmlands to meet their food production potential.
They also looked for places ...
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Global survey reveals routes to boosting crop yields

But an analysis published today in Nature1 suggests that strategies already
exist that could shrink the 'yield gap' — which they define as the
difference between attainable and actual yields of food crops. Assembling
the most comprehensive global data ...
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UNR's Michael Helmar: Get ready for another round of higher food prices
Reno Gazette Journal

While food commodity prices at the farm gate increased 4 percent last
month, grains and oilseeds saw double-digit price increases, setting the
stage for much higher-priced processed products. These crops are so widely
used in our everyday processed ...
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Poll Says Increased Feed Costs, Food Prices

Our poll results: Thirty-eight percent said feed costs; thirteen percent
said food prices; eleven percent said fuel costs and crop insurance,
respectively; nine percent said crop inputs; eight percent said land costs;
and five percent said tillage ...
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Now, food prices to take toll on Britons
SME Times

The cost of basic food products is rising because of a drought in the US
and poor crops in Russia and eastern Europe, Daily Express reported.
According to Jose Graziano Da Silva, head of the UN Food and Agriculture
Organisation, food prices could reach ...
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VIDEO: Keep soybeans out of edible bean crops
Manitoba Co-operator

Farm production advisor Dennis Lange, of Manitoba Agriculture, Food and
Rural Initiatives' GO centre at Altona, considered that topic among others
at the Crop Diagnostic School, in this eighth of a series of nine videos
hosted for the Manitoba Co ...
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