FOOD CROPS Food Crops News 91 (Bản tin Cây Lương thực Quốc tế)
Cassava variety KM419 in Vietnam.
Proposition 37 has too much bite
Monterey County Herald
It is also common in such crops as canola, cotton, sugar beets and zucchini
as well as in ingredients used in processed food. The LAO says a minimum of
40 percent of the food sold in California grocery stores has some
genetically modified ingredients.
< /opinion/ci_21349617/propositi on-37-has-too-much-bite>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl=http://www.montereyhe proposition-37-has-too-much- bite&hl=en&geo=us>
GM crops sneak into 43 varieties of food
The Australian
Food Standards Australia New Zealand has approved 43 varieties of
genetically modified canola, corn, potato, rice, soybean and sugarbeet for
human consumption. But food items do not have to be labelled as GM if the
ingredients are highly processed into ...
< au/news/health-science/gm-crop s-sneak-into-43-varieties-of- food-we-eat/story-e6frg8y6-122 6453659443>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl=http://www.theaustral science/gm-crops-sneak-into- 43-varieties-of-food-we-eat/ story-e6frg8y6-1226453659443& hl=en&geo=us>
US drought renews food speculation concerns
Financial Times
Dried up crops in Arkansas, US. Drought monitors suggest it is the worst on
record since the 1930s. Underpinned by the worst drought in the US midwest
for decades, Chicago corn, wheat and soyabean futures prices have soared
since June. For investors ...
< 6d9ea-e16e-11e1-9c72-00144feab 49a.html>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl= /s/0/6d36d9ea-e16e-11e1-9c72- 00144feab49a.html&hl=en&geo=us
What The Threat Of A Global Food Crisis Means For World Markets
Business Insider
The global food crisis of 2007-2008 is threatening to repeat in the coming
months, as the worst drought in 50 years devastates the US corn crop, with
51% of the crop rated "Poor/very poor" by the US Department of Agriculture.
This crop is said to be on ...
< m/what-the-threat-of-a-global- food-crisis-means-for-world- markets-2012-8>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl=http://www.businessin a-global-food-crisis-means- for-world-markets-2012-8&hl= en&geo=us>
Ag giants spend big to defeat GMO labeling
Lincoln Journal Star
The food initiative, known as Proposition 37, is one of 11 statewide
measures to go before California voters in November. It would require most
processed foods to bear a label by 2014 letting shoppers know if the items
contain ingredients derived from ...
< ss/agriculture/ag-giants- spend-big-to-defeat-gmo- labeling/article_28407a9f-2536 -5a44-b327-2885243738ff.html>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl= m/business/agriculture/ag-gian ts-spend-big-to-defeat-gmo- labeling/article_28407a9f-2536 -5a44-b327-2885243738ff.html& hl=en&geo=us>
Food costs to soar as US drought bites
The Independent
In the US, the worst drought in 50 years has destroyed almost one-sixth of
the nation's corn crop. The price of corn has shot up 27.7 per cent since
June, with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggesting that extreme
weather conditions are the ...
< news/business/news/food-costs- to-soar-as-us-drought-bites-80 59739.html>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl=http://www.independen food-costs-to-soar-as-us- drought-bites-8059739.html&hl= en&geo=us>
Food bank to deliver locally grown crops to senior citizens
Denver Post
The Food Bank of the Rockies will hand out 1000 boxes filled with locally
grown fruits and vegetables to area seniors today, officials say. The
contributions are paid for through a grant from the Rocky Mountain Farmers
Union and the Colorado Department ...
< akingnews/ci_21343924/food-ban k-deliver-locally-grown-crops- senior-citizens>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl=http://www.denverpost .com/breakingnews/ci_21343924/ food-bank-deliver-locally- grown-crops-senior-citizens& hl=en&geo=us>
Famine hits 142 families in Ukerewe
The Citizen Daily
Mwanza. A total of142 families in Ukerewe District face an acute shortage
of food because of drought and a mosaic virus locally called 'batobato'.
Large areas of cassava, the main food crop raised by residents of the
district, have been destroyed ...
< y-citizen/-/25007-famine-hits- 142-families-in-ukerewe>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl= tz/sunday-citizen/-/25007-fami ne-hits-142-families-in-ukerew e&hl=en&geo=us>
Editorial: Food or fuel? Withering corn crops will force some costly choices ...
Detroit Free Press
Reflecting on corn, as it shrivels during the Midwestern drought, is an
exercise full of conflicts. Because for the most part, corn's uses play
into Americans' worst foibles. Skyrocketing costs for meat? Honestly, most
everyone eats too much already ...
< 20120818/OPINION01/308180010/E ditorial-Food-or-fuel-Witherin g-corn-crops-will-force-some- costly-choices-some-of-them- maybe-even-healthy?odyssey= mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext% 7CFRONTPAGE%7Cp>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl= article/20120818/OPINION01/ 308180010/Editorial-Food-or- fuel-Withering-corn-crops- will-force-some-costly-choices -some-of-them-maybe-even- healthy%3Fodyssey%3Dmod%257Cne wswell%257Ctext%257CFRONTPAGE% 257Cp&hl=en&geo=us>
A perennial source of food
Winnipeg Free Press
Jackson, who was named one of the 100 most influential Americans by
Time-Life magazine, is far from alone in his quest for a more sustainable
food supply based on perennial plants. There are now pockets of research
taking place all over the world, ...
<http://www.winnipegfreepress. com/opinion/columnists/a-peren nial-source-of-food-166628836. html>
See all stories on this topic:
< tory?ncl=http://www.winnipegfr /a-perennial-source-of-food- 166628836.html&hl=en&geo=us>
=== Web - 1 new result for [food crops] ===
new crops and food - Minecraft Forum
This belongs in suggestions. Well, actually it doesn't even belong there
since you are not actually suggesting anything, you are just saying what
would be nice.
< /topic/1432607-new-crops-and- food/>
This once a day Google Alert is brought to you by Google.
Monterey County Herald
It is also common in such crops as canola, cotton, sugar beets and zucchini
as well as in ingredients used in processed food. The LAO says a minimum of
40 percent of the food sold in California grocery stores has some
genetically modified ingredients.
See all stories on this topic:
GM crops sneak into 43 varieties of food
The Australian
Food Standards Australia New Zealand has approved 43 varieties of
genetically modified canola, corn, potato, rice, soybean and sugarbeet for
human consumption. But food items do not have to be labelled as GM if the
ingredients are highly processed into ...
See all stories on this topic:
US drought renews food speculation concerns
Financial Times
Dried up crops in Arkansas, US. Drought monitors suggest it is the worst on
record since the 1930s. Underpinned by the worst drought in the US midwest
for decades, Chicago corn, wheat and soyabean futures prices have soared
since June. For investors ...
See all stories on this topic:
Business Insider
The global food crisis of 2007-2008 is threatening to repeat in the coming
months, as the worst drought in 50 years devastates the US corn crop, with
51% of the crop rated "Poor/very poor" by the US Department of Agriculture.
This crop is said to be on ...
See all stories on this topic:
Ag giants spend big to defeat GMO labeling
Lincoln Journal Star
The food initiative, known as Proposition 37, is one of 11 statewide
measures to go before California voters in November. It would require most
processed foods to bear a label by 2014 letting shoppers know if the items
contain ingredients derived from ...
See all stories on this topic:
Food costs to soar as US drought bites
The Independent
In the US, the worst drought in 50 years has destroyed almost one-sixth of
the nation's corn crop. The price of corn has shot up 27.7 per cent since
June, with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) suggesting that extreme
weather conditions are the ...
See all stories on this topic:
Food bank to deliver locally grown crops to senior citizens
Denver Post
The Food Bank of the Rockies will hand out 1000 boxes filled with locally
grown fruits and vegetables to area seniors today, officials say. The
contributions are paid for through a grant from the Rocky Mountain Farmers
Union and the Colorado Department ...
See all stories on this topic:
Famine hits 142 families in Ukerewe
The Citizen Daily
Mwanza. A total of142 families in Ukerewe District face an acute shortage
of food because of drought and a mosaic virus locally called 'batobato'.
Large areas of cassava, the main food crop raised by residents of the
district, have been destroyed ...
See all stories on this topic:
Editorial: Food or fuel? Withering corn crops will force some costly choices ...
Detroit Free Press
Reflecting on corn, as it shrivels during the Midwestern drought, is an
exercise full of conflicts. Because for the most part, corn's uses play
into Americans' worst foibles. Skyrocketing costs for meat? Honestly, most
everyone eats too much already ...
See all stories on this topic:
A perennial source of food
Winnipeg Free Press
Jackson, who was named one of the 100 most influential Americans by
Time-Life magazine, is far from alone in his quest for a more sustainable
food supply based on perennial plants. There are now pockets of research
taking place all over the world, ...
See all stories on this topic:
=== Web - 1 new result for [food crops] ===
new crops and food - Minecraft Forum
This belongs in suggestions. Well, actually it doesn't even belong there
since you are not actually suggesting anything, you are just saying what
would be nice.
This once a day Google Alert is brought to you by Google.
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