FOOD CROPS Food Crops News 107 (Bản tin Cây Lương thực Quốc tế)
CROPS FOR BIOFUEL Cây Nhiên liệu Sinh học
CROPS FOR BIOFUEL Cây Nhiên liệu Sinh học
Food Crises and Technological Phobia
With reduced yield, prices have risen rapidly for these crops that are
widely-used food and feed ingredients, huge international agricultural
trade commodities, and important food aid essentials. With the price
increases, persons around the world have ...
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Drought — an ill portent for snack food world
Oman Daily Observer
It's an ill portent for the snack food world. All across the Midwest, where
rows of popcorn normally thrive alongside fields of soybeans, US popcorn
farmers have watched in horror as stifling, triple-digit temperatures and
weeks without rain withered ...
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Why Can't Our Own Growers Plant the Root Crops That We Eat?
The question is why can't our own cultivators be encouraged by the
extension sections of our national and state ministries of agriculture to
grow such popular food crops? Moreover growing them can yield well in our
soils and that can make them be ...
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Food or fuel - that is the question
The Canberra Times
In Europe's case, a substantial amount of the biofuel feedstock is palm oil
imported from Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's two top producers and
exporters of a crop that is widely used for cooking and food processing as
well as biodiesel. Greenpeace ...
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Concern over herbicide used in Samoan farming
Radio Australia
Samoan farmers are worried about the use of the herbicide Gramoxone which
is widely used on food crops, including Bananas. The herbicide was banned
by the European Union Court in 2007 because it did not meet health
standards. (Credit: ABC) ...
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Crop outlook adjusts in face of summer's drought
Columbia Daily Tribune
"Nationwide the total level of revenue to crop producers may actually be up
this year from last year because prices are up," Westhoff said. "Of course
it's a very different story for someone with no crop at all." Consumer food
prices are expected to ...
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West Africa unveils food security plan
The Citizen Daily
It seeks to boost food production in the region and create jobs and income
opportunities for farmers and SMEs involved in cash crops. Cassavas,
mangoes and onions are some of the crops that have been featured
prominently in this initiative. One of ...
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Extensive Irrigation Farming and Use of Select Crops Effective Approach ...
Asmara — Mr. Arefaine Berhe, Minister of Agriculture, said that extensive
irrigation farming along with the application of select crops is the timely
approach towards ensuring food security, and that farmers should extend a
helping hand to this end ...
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Covenant Church members on a mission to grow crops for the hungry
Chicago Daily Herald
This summer alone, they are nurturing 200 tomato plants. “I don't know, I
just love tomatoes,” says Larson, a retired customer service specialist
with United Airlines. “And so do the food pantry clients. They're easy to
grow and you don't have to do ...
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With reduced yield, prices have risen rapidly for these crops that are
widely-used food and feed ingredients, huge international agricultural
trade commodities, and important food aid essentials. With the price
increases, persons around the world have ...
See all stories on this topic:
Drought — an ill portent for snack food world
Oman Daily Observer
It's an ill portent for the snack food world. All across the Midwest, where
rows of popcorn normally thrive alongside fields of soybeans, US popcorn
farmers have watched in horror as stifling, triple-digit temperatures and
weeks without rain withered ...
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Why Can't Our Own Growers Plant the Root Crops That We Eat?
The question is why can't our own cultivators be encouraged by the
extension sections of our national and state ministries of agriculture to
grow such popular food crops? Moreover growing them can yield well in our
soils and that can make them be ...
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Food or fuel - that is the question
The Canberra Times
In Europe's case, a substantial amount of the biofuel feedstock is palm oil
imported from Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's two top producers and
exporters of a crop that is widely used for cooking and food processing as
well as biodiesel. Greenpeace ...
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Concern over herbicide used in Samoan farming
Radio Australia
Samoan farmers are worried about the use of the herbicide Gramoxone which
is widely used on food crops, including Bananas. The herbicide was banned
by the European Union Court in 2007 because it did not meet health
standards. (Credit: ABC) ...
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Crop outlook adjusts in face of summer's drought
Columbia Daily Tribune
"Nationwide the total level of revenue to crop producers may actually be up
this year from last year because prices are up," Westhoff said. "Of course
it's a very different story for someone with no crop at all." Consumer food
prices are expected to ...
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West Africa unveils food security plan
The Citizen Daily
It seeks to boost food production in the region and create jobs and income
opportunities for farmers and SMEs involved in cash crops. Cassavas,
mangoes and onions are some of the crops that have been featured
prominently in this initiative. One of ...
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Extensive Irrigation Farming and Use of Select Crops Effective Approach ...
Asmara — Mr. Arefaine Berhe, Minister of Agriculture, said that extensive
irrigation farming along with the application of select crops is the timely
approach towards ensuring food security, and that farmers should extend a
helping hand to this end ...
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Covenant Church members on a mission to grow crops for the hungry
Chicago Daily Herald
This summer alone, they are nurturing 200 tomato plants. “I don't know, I
just love tomatoes,” says Larson, a retired customer service specialist
with United Airlines. “And so do the food pantry clients. They're easy to
grow and you don't have to do ...
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Gardening Tips Video
tomaten in beeld
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