Food Crops News, Hoàng Kim, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
Chào ngày mớiCây Lương thực, Học mỗi ngày, Dạy và học
Update of Food Crops News from 3 June to 6 June, 2014.
Turkey: Long-expected rain disastrous, damaging agricultural crops
The Ministry of Food,
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry announced on Tuesday that the hail
storms that hit Ankara, Çankırı, Çorum, Eskişehir, Kayseri ...
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GM Crops for Europe – The Deal Nobody Wants
the latest: On 28 May, a preparatory meeting agreed that on 12 June the
Council will vote on a proposal for so-called “opt outs” on GM crops.
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World Environment Day 2014: Are You Paying Attention?
Climate change: the impacts on crops are worse than we thought. ... an abundance of food while also preserving and restoring the environment. It's not ...
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Funnel web venom may save honeybees
The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) says pollinators contribute to at least 70 per cent of the major human food crops. The economic value of ...
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Kenyans still at risk of aflatoxin contamination
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 25 percent of the world food crop and a higher percentage of the ...
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Biotech's Assault On Balanced Journalism
A paragraph later she wrote: "Makers of biotech crops and many large food manufacturers have fought mandatory labeling, arguing that genetically ...
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Eating locally isn't enough, says Dan Barber
Q. Can the food system adapt to make the “third plate” system work? A. One of the crops that Klaas grows for soil structure and carbon is barley.
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Keep cool with crop of cucumbers available at Farmers' Market
Keep cool with crop of cucumbers available at Farmers' Market ... Other food items available at the market include farm-fresh free-range eggs, various ...
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Spider venom may save the bees
year, scientists said certain pesticides used to protect crops or bee
... pollinators contribute to at least 70 percent of the major human food crops.
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Seeding anxiety: Late spring pushes farmers to the brink
In its latest weekly provincial crop report released late Monday, Agriculture, Food and Rural Development estimated seeding in Manitoba was about ...
Loss of crop diversity
(1,2). The study used data from the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations) on more than 50 crops and over 150 countries ...
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Grassroots Approach to Reducing Global Food Losses: Interview with Dr. Lisa Kitinoja
food losses, often from lack of storage capacity, are a serious ...
estimated to account for up to 80 percent of many perishable food crops.
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Ethical Society invites Monsanto to speak about GM foods
Ethical Society invites Monsanto to speak about GM foods ... speak on the topic of “Growing Food for our Growing World: GM Crops and Sustainablilty.
Tapping the Sun to Put More Food on Africa's Table
That's because up to 40 percent of their crops can spoil, as there's no way to ... no access to electricity at all—and that can ill afford to throw away food.
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Long-expected rain disastrous, damaging agricultural crops
a long dry period that made many people concerned about the potential
for a serious drought in the country, heavy downpours and hail
storms ...
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Trouble is brewing for the coffee industry
Agricultural methods can have a lot to do with how susceptible coffee plants are to leaf rust, as the fungus doesn't affect all plants in the same way.
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The problems with the arguments against GM crops
Other documented benefits of biotech crops go beyond agricultural improvement to climate change mitigation and environmental sustainability.
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Wyllie aims to be honey-making hub
A VALLEYS community is set to become the hub of a honey-making initiative to help save the local bee population and food crops. The Sirhowy Valley ...
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Genetically modified crops are not the only solution
Residue from these herbicides remains on the food. Areas where GM crops are plentiful and herbicides are being broadcast generously have seen ...
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Commercializing PICS bags in Africa Funding
The award for the five-year PICS3 project moves the Purdue Improved Crop Storage bags from research and ... more abundant and safer food in Sub-Sahara Africa as part of our work in helping to reduce poverty and food insecurity ...
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The Virtual Water Content of Chinese Crops
Noting that "looming water scarcity and climate change pose big challenges for China's food security," the authors state that "previous studies have ...
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Innovative farmer grows crops without using soil
It was difficult at first because the crops were infected by fungus,” says ... generate food crops from barren desert sand and desalinated ocean water, ...
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Australia's Weather Bureau Expects El Niño by August
weather bureau said Tuesday it expects a return of the El Niño weather
system by August, a phenomenon that could damage food crops ...
Trở về trang chính
Hoàng Kim, hoangkim, hoangkimvietnam, Ngọc Phương Nam, Chào ngày mới Thung dung, Dạy và học, Cây Lương thực, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam, Food Crops, Cassava in Vietnam, Khát khao xanh, Dayvahoc, Học mỗi ngày, Danh nhân Việt , Food Crops News, Điểm chính, CNM365, Kim LinkedIn, KimTwitter, KimFaceBook Đọc lại và suy ngẫm, Việt Nam tổ quốc tôi, Tình yêu cuộc sống, Thơ cho con
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