Food Crops News, Hoàng Kim, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
Chào ngày mớiCây Lương thực, Học mỗi ngày, Dạy và học
Update of Food Crops News from 10 June to 12 June, 2014.
Global Agricultural Biotechnology Market for Transgenic Crops - Synthetic Biology - Enabled ...
Researchmoz presents this most up-to-date research on Agricultural Biotechnology Market for Transgenic Crops 2013 - 2019 ...
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Q&A: Krishnaswamy VijayRaghavan on GM food crops
India, one of the world's top agricultural producers, has traditionally resisted genetically modified (GM) food crops, but is keen not to miss the ...
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UK Farmers Say Food Output Cut as EU Bans Pesticides
U.K. food production is stagnating as European Union regulators ban pesticides, and growers need the same access to crop-protection products as ...
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Food companies work with farmers on sustainability
DES MOINES, Iowa — Some big food makers are getting serious about making sure farmers grow crops in ways that minimize damage to water, soil ...
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Queensland wild rice could save crop if supply were to be compromised
Henry said if the supply of rice, one of the world's most important food crops, were compromised, the ancient DNA found in Australian wild rice in ...
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Health of local foods starts in the soil
They know it needs nourishment, just as crops do. A steady diet of chemicals feeds plants, but starves soil. Kinda like junk food. We don't see the ...
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Cropping solutions take root focus: avoiding the 2050 food crisis
MAPPING wheat root systems is part of research aimed at avoiding the global food crisis experts predict will occur by 2050 as crops fail under the ...
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It's raining money
The majority of India's population lives in villages and depends on agriculture (whether food crops or cash crops) for income. Farming is either a ...
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Irish FameLab winner throws light on food solution
Plants turn light into food. So if we could get crops to do that more efficiently, we would get more food, right? So goes the thinking behind a talk by Irish ...
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If GM is the Answer, it is Only the Answer Partly, Sometimes, Maybe
But an official acceptance of GM crops would, it is argued, increase productivity, reduce food aid dependence and tackle poverty. GM for some is the ...
Could nappy technology help food production in drought-prone regions?
... may be able to aid farming by evenly distributing water onto food crops. ... By providing plants with a ready supply of nutrients, SAPs can result in ...
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England: NFU welcomes Defra decision to included nitrogen fixing crops in CAP Ecological Focus ...
The National Farmers' Union today welcomed a decision by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) that planting nitrogen ...
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Food For Thought
Despite last-minute clearances given to stalled field trials of genetically modified (GM) crops by former environment minister Veerappa Moily, seed ...
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Bean genome sequencing yields uncommon findings
This will be critically important for increasing crop yields for both fuel and food production. The new sequencing identified a handful of genes involved ...
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Growers Fight Hawai'i County Over GE Crops
HONOLULU (CN) - Agricultural and floral trade groups sued the County of Hawai'i, challenging a law that "severely limits and, in many cases, wholly ...
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Canada Invests in International Grains Institute
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced ... Grains Institute to find innovative applications for Canada's field crops.
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Food for thought in GM food debate
It calls to mind images of white-coated scientists splicing petri dish grown cells to create crops the likes of which nature never intended. Food 'like ...
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Renewed push for GM wheat
In terms of the backlash to GM food crops, Mr Snooke said every year that went by without incident was convincing more people of the safety of GM ...
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Insurers mull food security programme to boost agric insurance
The programme, which more or less looks like social programme for food security, would support farmers with high-bred crops, training and fertilisers ...
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Horticultural Research Focuses on Increasing Antioxidant Content, Decreasing Disease
... said C.B. Rajashekar, professor of food crops and phytochemicals in Kansas State University's Department of Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation ...
Modified crop insurance scheme to be revamped
The government has decided to immediately stop the newly launched the new crop insurance - Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme ...
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Explainer: The GM 'revolution'
Humans have been 'modifying' their food crops and domestic animals for thousands of years. We have selectively bred sheep to produce the finest ...
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GM crops: continuing controversy
An official acceptance of GM crops would, it is argued, increase productivity, reduce food aid dependence and tackle poverty. GM for some is the silver ...
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Mercyhurst & Food Bank Team Up
This year, the campus has some extra space so the food bank is planting its own crops. Mercyhurst farm manager tim bouche says this project is part ...
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Rise in Carbon Dioxide Level Linked to Low Quality Food - Study
found that rising levels of CO2 are affecting human nutrition by
reducing levels of very important nutrients in very important food crops," said Prof ...
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Montgomery church connects food pantries with backyard gardeners wishing to share excess crops
The church recently joined AmpleHarvest.org, a nationwide program that connects neighborhood food pantries with local backyard gardeners wishing ...
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The great food debate
we eat, how much we eat, the variety of foods and frequency with ....
“The University's research program includes work to protect food crops ...
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Healthy diet? Why plants outgrow all other trends
It's a message neatly put by food writer Michael Pollan in his phrase: "eat food, mainly plants, not too much". The win-win here is that diets centred on a ...
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Letter: Grow hemp in Colorado
It's a versatile, sustainable, economically profitable agricultural crop that is grown in thirty countries. China is the biggest producer of hemp, and the ...
• International Organizations Reconfirm Support for Biotech Wheat Commercialization
• Scientists Analyze Citrus Genomes to Produce Resistant Varieties
• Kenyan Governors Call for Lifting of GMO Ban
• Phaseolus Genome Gives Insights into Nitrogen Fixation
• Scientists Show How Bacterial Protein in Aphid Saliva Triggers Plant Defense
• New Website for Fruit Genome Databases
Asia and the Pacific
• CCAFS-SEA and Partners Discuss Effective Communication on Climate Change
• A Comparative Study of GMO Labeling in the South Korea, US, and EU
• Australian GM Farmer Wins Landmark Case
• Scientists Uncover Root Mechanism to Boost Crop Performance
• Effect of Excessive UV-B Light on Soybean Plants
• OsMYB103L Regulates Cellulose Synthase Genes and Improves Leaf Shape and Strength in Rice
• Potassium Transport Gene in Soybean Enhances Its Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus
• Impact of Virus Resistant GM Wheat on Microbial Community Diversity
Beyond Crop Biotech
• Human Genome Project Gets Protein Equivalent
• Sheep Genome Decoded
• Functional Human Growth Factors Produced from an Insect-Baculovirus System
• International Conference on Asian Food Security
Document Reminders
• ISAAA Infomercial: What Do People Say About Biotech?
• Biotech Corn Farmer Story in ISAAA Blog
• International Organizations Reconfirm Support for Biotech Wheat Commercialization
• Scientists Analyze Citrus Genomes to Produce Resistant Varieties
• Kenyan Governors Call for Lifting of GMO Ban
• Phaseolus Genome Gives Insights into Nitrogen Fixation
• Scientists Show How Bacterial Protein in Aphid Saliva Triggers Plant Defense
• New Website for Fruit Genome Databases
Asia and the Pacific
• CCAFS-SEA and Partners Discuss Effective Communication on Climate Change
• A Comparative Study of GMO Labeling in the South Korea, US, and EU
• Australian GM Farmer Wins Landmark Case
• Scientists Uncover Root Mechanism to Boost Crop Performance
• Effect of Excessive UV-B Light on Soybean Plants
• OsMYB103L Regulates Cellulose Synthase Genes and Improves Leaf Shape and Strength in Rice
• Potassium Transport Gene in Soybean Enhances Its Resistance to Soybean Mosaic Virus
• Impact of Virus Resistant GM Wheat on Microbial Community Diversity
Beyond Crop Biotech
• Human Genome Project Gets Protein Equivalent
• Sheep Genome Decoded
• Functional Human Growth Factors Produced from an Insect-Baculovirus System
• International Conference on Asian Food Security
Document Reminders
• ISAAA Infomercial: What Do People Say About Biotech?
• Biotech Corn Farmer Story in ISAAA Blog
Biofuels Supplement (May 28, 2014
Research and Development
• Bt Proteins Protect Jatropha curcas Against Soybean Leaf-roller
• Mass Spectrometry as a Tool in Biofuel Research
• SGR Promoter-Controlled EXG1 Gene Enhances Saccharification in Rice
News and Trends
• U.S. Court of Appeals Declares 2013 Renewable Fuel Standards Valid
• OriginOil Inc. and Catalina Sea Ranch Team-up for Research of Off-shore Algae Production
• Portugal is the Site for Microalgae Cultivation Demo
Energy Crops and Feedstocks for Biofuels Production
• Agave sisalana: New Candidate for Biofuel Source
• Carinata and its Potential as the Next Big Biofuel Thing
Biofuels Processing
• Bioprocessing of a New Strain of Hydrocarbon-Producing Alga
• Anaerobic Digestion Unlocks the Potential of Cork Boiling Wastewater (CBW)
Research and Development
• Bt Proteins Protect Jatropha curcas Against Soybean Leaf-roller
• Mass Spectrometry as a Tool in Biofuel Research
• SGR Promoter-Controlled EXG1 Gene Enhances Saccharification in Rice
News and Trends
• U.S. Court of Appeals Declares 2013 Renewable Fuel Standards Valid
• OriginOil Inc. and Catalina Sea Ranch Team-up for Research of Off-shore Algae Production
• Portugal is the Site for Microalgae Cultivation Demo
Energy Crops and Feedstocks for Biofuels Production
• Agave sisalana: New Candidate for Biofuel Source
• Carinata and its Potential as the Next Big Biofuel Thing
Biofuels Processing
• Bioprocessing of a New Strain of Hydrocarbon-Producing Alga
• Anaerobic Digestion Unlocks the Potential of Cork Boiling Wastewater (CBW)
Latest Communication Products
This informercial features photos of students, teachers, farmers, media practitioners, and consumers who were asked to write one-liners about their perception on biotechnology. These photos were taken during the science fairs held in the Philippines in 2013.
This infographic summarizes the important contributions of biotech crops in increasing crop productivity, conserving biodiversity, reducing agriculture's environmental footprint, mitigating the effects of climate change, and alleviation of poverty and hunger
This infomercial summarizes the highlights of the report on the global status of biotech crop planting in 2013. The 90-second video presents percentage of the major countries, crops, and biotech traits planted in 2013
Pocket K 46 includes a summary of genes studied to modify nitrogen use of plants and the research status of biotech crops with improved nitrogen use including corn, wheat, canola, rice, wheat, sugarcane, and sugar beet.
A visual presentation of the 10 important highlights about biotech crops in 2013, taken from the "Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2013" authored by Clive James, Founder and Emeritus Chair of ISAAA
Video yêu thích
Trở về trang chính
Hoàng Kim, hoangkim, hoangkimvietnam, Ngọc Phương Nam, Chào ngày mới Thung dung, Dạy và học, Cây Lương thực, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam, Food Crops, Cassava in Vietnam, Khát khao xanh, Dayvahoc, Học mỗi ngày, Danh nhân Việt , Food Crops News, Điểm chính, CNM365, Kim LinkedIn, KimTwitter, KimFaceBook Đọc lại và suy ngẫm, Việt Nam tổ quốc tôi, Tình yêu cuộc sống, Thơ cho con
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