TÌNH YÊU CUỘC SỐNG. Thông tin Cây Lương thực Toàn cầu tháng 12 năm 2015 (Food Crops News 278; Food Crops News 278b; Food Crops News 278c ). Chuyên trang thu thập, tuyển chọn thông tin Cây Lương thực giùm bạn và giúp bạn luyện học tiếng Anh nông nghiệp chuyên ngành.
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NEWS | |||||||
VIEW: Food inflation may rise in 2016 on rabi crop moisture woes
After a general respite in 2015, food inflation may rear its ugly head again early 2016 as Rabi crops face the threat of a decline in production in the ...
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The 7 Biggest Food Stories of 2015
Since GM crops
first hit farm fields in the mid-'90s, the industry has relied heavily
on one blockbuster innovation: a gene that confers corn, soybeans, ...
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Uganda: Here Is How We Can Address Chronic Hunger in Karamoja
Most of the current narrative revolves around providing relief food aid, promoting crop agriculture and alternative livelihoods. The issue also stood out ...
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Russia's food exports continue to grow – but where are they going?
At year-end, Russian food exports for 2015 could reach $20 billion. ... The basis of the Russian agricultural exports is formed by crops, vegetable oil, ...
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Communities struggle to build back better nine months after Cyclone Pam
Landslides triggered by heavy rains have washed away all the gardens the community used to grow crops. Food has not been growing well following ...
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Food security harmed by processing void
Some of this food inflation was inevitable as Canadians and their ... Ontario farmers are adept at growing crops, but lack the domestic facilities to have ...
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The Promise of Biofortification
According to the World Health Organization, biofortification is the process by which the nutritional quality of food crops is improved through biological ...
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SC ruling against Bt Talong cripples food security, hurts farmers - science students
Labs said the SC decision favoring Greenpeace and Masipag, a group of
scientists and farmers promoting traditional rice varieties and other crops ...
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NEWS | ||||||
Barbara Quinn: Pulse crops a plus for 2016
Pulses are crops of legumes such as lentils, beans, peas and peanuts that are harvested and dried for food. Alan Dep — Marin Independent Journal ...
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Indoor farming: Good for cannabis, not so good for food
We're looking at all crops that are considered high-value crops or crops that can better humanity, whether that's lettuce, other types of leafy greens, ...
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Maps reveal US “hotspots” where crops could fail in the future
Dozens of staple foods
depend on bees for pollination, including almonds, apples, berries,
onions, and broccoli. Because of declining bee populations ...
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Low-hanging fruit: the fight for food security
Some food loss is expected in the processing of many crops, particularly grains. In the case of rice, over 30 percent of the “rice” harvested (the husk or ...
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INLAND WEATHER: Frost means late nights for farmers
Below freezing temperatures can kill food crops, such as citrus trees, ... it is, he rallies his troops and they get to work protecting the crops, Burke said.
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Could Canada have the pulse of a new era for food?
A new year is soon upon us and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has declared ... As legumes, pulses are nitrogen-fixing crops.
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Christmas Trees Make Perfect Gift for Fish and Goats
to the Virginia Cooperative Extension, Christmas trees often are grown
on “marginally productive farmland” that can't be used for food crops ...
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Ramp up distribution mechanism for food, nutrition security: Study
Though the overall production of food (in terms of cereal crops) at the national level was fairly high last fiscal, there were wide variations in ...
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8 Food Trend Predications for 2016
Only time will tell, but here's what food industry consultants predict we can ... The pulse category is comprised of 12 crops that include dry beans, dry ...
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Permaculture group learning to work as a team, share knowledge
What comes to mind when someone says “food. ... to turn lawns into living soils with edible ornamentals or food crops, and expand local markets.
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NEWS | |||||||
GM crops may hold key to fighting food crunch
the glare of white and yellow tube lights are rows of seedlings in
petri dishes neatly laid out on metal shelves. With their frail shoots
holding on to ...
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Non-GM crops increasingly popular in Taiwan
29 (CNA) Non-genetically modified crops such as soybeans and corn ... Taiwan has been hit by a series of food safety scares, including edible oils ...
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Seed bank key to food security: experts
Quality seeds, he said, could improve the food crop output by 15 to 20 per cent. Dr. Gurung called for steps to increase the seed replacement rate and ...
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10 things we should do to fix our broken food system
As a nod to Dr. Seuss, I wanted to write my “If I Ran the Food System” column in anapestic tetrameter, but nothing rhymes with “crop-neutral insurance ...
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Seed bank will be key to food security: experts
and experts participating in the consultation underlined the relevance
of the seed bank in achieving collective self reliance in food crop production in ...
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Insecurity in Dominican Countryside Threatens Local Food Supply
The heavy rains hurt her subsistence crops – corn, banana, papaya, avocado, ñame and mango – which sometimes produce a surplus that she sells, ...
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Morning Caffeine Fix Gets Cheaper as Rains Boost Brazil Supplies
Arabica-coffee futures tumbled in 2015 as ample rains boosted crops in ... Food prices have fallen 18 percent in the past year as farmers harvested ...
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Zimbabwe: 2015 - an Eventful Year for Zim Agric Sector
"The programme has a direct impact on food production. Farmers will be able to produce crops that will boost their income. Ending hunger is also an ...
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Chania farmers advised to plant faster-growing crops
Karume noted that farmers who apply crop rotation, for instance, make ... crops that take a short duration before maturity to increase food security in the ...
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Indonesia still needs to import food in 2016
So, he will not be able to prevent food from being imported to strengthen ... Through its Director General for Food Crops Plantation, Hasil Sembiring, ...
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NEWS | |||||||
Freeze risk for citrus, other crops in California
... hardware stores for insulation to keep water pipes from freezing; some are sold out of foam pipe wraps. Related Topics: food u.s. & world freeze food.
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2015: An eventful year for Zim agric sector
“The programme has a direct impact on food production. Farmers will be able to produce crops that will boost their income. Ending hunger is also an ...
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Farming is now calendar driven, climate change report says
They are growing different varieties of food and cash crops, some of which are resistant to dry spells as well as some pests and diseases,” the ...
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Central govt. to promote agro-food in Nagaland
However, she pointed out that crop yield was low as there was potential for ... Mrs. Badal believed that Nagaland food processing industry would not ...
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NEWS | |||||||
California's Largest Tribe Bans GMO Crops and Genetically-Engineered Salmon
The announcement, as the release notes, came on the heels of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval of genetically engineered ...
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Sorry, you can't have fries with that: Here are 10 foods that may disappear thanks to climate change
But there is one effect that will hit many of us right in the gut: Certain foods could ... Brace yourself: here are 10 foods you'll probably be sad to see go. ... as well as in the productivity of rice crops grown in different parts of the world.
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NEWS | |||||||
The world faces widespread food shortages due to global warming
Widespread water shortages caused by global warming could lead to food ... Earlier this week the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) ... by the El Nino weather pattern, delays planting and stunts crops across the region.
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Despite Health Risks, Many Argue GMOs Could Help Solve Food Security
He says though Cameroon hasn't begun using genetic engineering to modify food crops and livestock, "There are a good number of them which will ...
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Healthiest foods are raised in a natural environment
The second principle I was taught is that the quality of a food is affected by the ... Fertilizers do stimulate the growth of crops but at the expense of the ...
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Southern Africa: El Nino Threatens Crops, Livestock, Says FAO
Crop and livestock production prospects in Southern Africa have been ... and increased temperatures, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) ...
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Organic food for Christmas from Russia
According to IFOAM, the size of Russia's organic food market is about ... Specific Russian crops are rarely grown in the West or not grown at all; certain ...
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SouthCot pushes for cloud seeding operations to save corn and rice crops
... for immediate cloud seeding operations to save its corn and rice crops. ... The plan seeks to ensure accessible and affordable food supplies in the ...
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NEWS | |||||||
County With GMO Crop Ban Permits Roundup Ready Alfalfa
The Oregon county where voters in 2014 banned genetically modified crops has reached a peace agreement with growers of its largest existing ...
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Southern Africa faces food shortages as El Nino drought worsens
Southern Africa faces food shortages as drought, exacerbated by the El Nino weather pattern, delays planting and stunts crops across the region, the ...
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Biotech Company Terrorists Poison Chipotle's Food, Claims Natural News Nutjob Mike Adams
... that it was going "GMO-free," by which it meant that it would no longer serve foods made using ingredients derived from safe modern biotech crops.
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EU doubles aid to drought-hit Papua New Guinea to tackle food, water shortages
on the worst drought in 20 years in Papua New Guinea, which is home to
more than 7 million people who mostly rely on their own crops for food.
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Oregon Food Bank credits farmers with contribution surge
Extension of tax credits for crop donations is a win for hungry people in Oregon and Southwest Washington, says the CEO of the Oregon Food Bank.
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Climate Smart Coffee and Banana Set to Boost East African Farmers' Income
“Coffee is an important cash crop in this area. It is our gold,” Muhangu said, adding: “Bananas are equally important as a food crop. It is the only food ...
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Danforth Center team wins share of $13.5 million bioenergy grant
biofuel crop because it needs less water than corn and can be grown on
less productive land, freeing up prime agricultural land for food crops.
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NEWS | ||||||
Declining Wild Bee Populations Threatening Food Supplies Across US
new study just released says there is a imbalance in the populations of
wild bees in the areas where they are most needed to pollinate crops for food ...
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Expanding Food Production and Biomass Benefits
Through smart management and research and development by federal and state agriculture agencies, the yields of many crops have increased over ...
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A Farmer's Letter To A Concerned Student About GMOs
also grow NonGMO crops every year however we no longer grow any
certified ... One of the “GMO” crops we grow are high oleic acid
soybeans. ... by which humans domesticated wild plants over time to
become food crops.
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'Pompeii of the Americas' reveals Mayans operated differently than people long thought
recent discoveries point to the fact that residents had plenty of
freedom to make crucial decisions about family organization, religion
and food crops.
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Yurok Tribe bans GMO fish, crops
The ordinance is also a response to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decision in November to approve an application for the sale of ...
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Innovation in agriculture
The unsustainable use of water and land has led to increased volume of food crops over the last several decades. This is a bubble, stretched to a point ...
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Modern Biotechnology Key To Food Security – AFAN President
He said: “Modern biotechnology is to enhance food production; and the world population is increasing, traditional crops cannot feed us and we cannot ...
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Growing Food on Mars to Feed People on Earth
Scientists have already conducted soil analyses to determine the best areas for potato crops. The International Potato Center has recently disclosed ...
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MP minister assures facilities to investors setting up food processing units
According to her, the state has a climate conducive for all crops. It had outdone other states in production of milk and food grains. This year, there has ...
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Pangasinan to remain as Ilocos' food basket
is the top priority of the Provincial Government under Governor Amado
Espino Jr. He confessed that he too is a farmer and growing crops ...
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- Chào ngày mới 29 tháng 12
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- Trời nhân loại mênh mông
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- Chào ngày mới 25 tháng 12
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- Bên lề chính sự: Nhìn xa hơn 2016
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- Chào ngày mới 20 tháng 12
- Chào ngày mới 19 tháng 12
- Bên lề chính sử: Chiến tranh Đông Dương
- Bên lề chính sử: Thư Thủ tướng
- 90 năm Viện KHKTNN miền Nam
- Nhà văn tồn tại ở tác phẩm
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- Cây Lương thực 12 2015
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- 24 tiết khí lịch nhà nông
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- Ơn Thầy
- Đọc lại và suy ngẫm
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- Sáu mươi năm ĐHNL tp.HCM
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- Angkor nụ cười suy ngẫm
- Cây Lương thực tháng 11.2015
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- Lên Yên Tử sưu tầm thơ đức Nhân Tông
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- Chào ngày mới 7 tháng 11
- Đọc lại và suy ngẫm
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- Biển Đông vạn dặm
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- Đọc lại và suy ngẫm
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- Giống khoai lang ở Việt Nam
- Chào ngày mới 2 tháng 11
- Đọc lại và suy ngẫm
- Chào ngày mới 1 tháng 11
- Cây Lương thực 10.2015
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