Crop Cultivation Harvest for Food | Kwentology
About 500 years ago, nobody in Europe had ever seen potatoes, maize, or tomatoes. These important food crops were first developed by peoples who lived in ...<http://www.kwentology.com/crop-cultivation-harvest-for-food/>
Reporter's notebook: Declining nutrition in U.S. crops concerns food ...
A study from a University of Texas researcher has found significant declines in the nutritional value of today's crops versus those grown 50 years ago. <http://www.oregonlive.com/living/index.ssf/2013/03/reporters_notebook_declining_n.html>
Growing food crops in pots
Chilliwack Times
You don't have to be a condo or townhouse dweller to enjoy the advantages of growing some food crops in pots. Anyone who likes the accessibility of having salad plants or herbs near their back door, or tomatoes by the warmth of a house wall may find ...
<http://www.chilliwacktimes.com/life/Growing+food+crops+pots/8130681/story.html> See all stories on this topic:<http://news.google.com/news/story?ncl=http://www.chilliwacktimes.com/life/Growing%2Bfood%2Bcrops%2Bpots/8130681/story.html&hl=en&geo=us>
Non-food crop holds biofuel promise
San Diego Source (subscription)
SGB Inc., a San Diego-based energy crop company has identified more than 2 million individual genetic markers (SNPs) in Jatropha curcas, a non-food energy crop, concluding that the plant has a genetic diversity comparable to corn and other domesticated ...
<http://www.sddt.com/News/article.cfm?SourceCode=20130320tqc&_t=Nonfood+crop+holds+biofuel+promise> See all stories on this topic: <http://news.google.com/news/story?ncl=http://www.sddt.com/News/article.cfm%3FSourceCode%3D20130320tqc%26_t%3DNonfood%2Bcrop%2Bholds%2Bbiofuel%2Bpromise&hl=en&geo=us>
Improving food crops - 15 ebooks - free download
Improving food crops download on GoBookee.com free books and manuals search - Improving Productivity in Agriculture - International Atomic ... <
Yemen: Tomato crop destroyed by infested food stock
A researcher at Yemen General Authority for Agricultural Research and Extension, Engineer Abdullah Mutawakil warned tomato crops across the country stood at risk of contamination after it was found food stock imported from Syria presented signs of ... <http://www.freshplaza.com/news_detail.asp?id=107010> See all stories on this topic: <http://news.google.com/news/story?ncl=http://www.freshplaza.com/news_detail.asp%3Fid%3D107010&hl=en&geo=us>
Futurity.org – Fertilizer adds selenium to Malawi food crops
Fertilizer adds selenium to Malawi food crops. "It is of course feasible for people to diversify their diets to increase the consumption of other selenium-rich foods ...<http://www.futurity.org/health-medicine/fertilizer-adds-selenium-to-malawi-food-crops/>
Exploring the origin of Maori staple food crops. | ABC Radio Australia
Taewa, the Maori potato, kumara and Indian corn all came from South America but how did they reach New Zealand <http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/pacific/radio/onairhighlights/exploring-the-origin-of-maori-staple-food-crops/1101014>
Experts: crop biotechnology to help with food security
Crop biotechnology could help Vietnam ensure food security, experts have said at a recent workshop on global outlook for genetically modified (GM) crops in Hanoi. According to Nguyen Van Tuat, Deputy Director of Vietnam Academy for Agricultural ...
See all stories on this topic: <http://news.google.com/news/story?ncl=http://www.tuoitrenews.vn/cmlink/tuoitrenews/society/experts-crop-biotechnology-to-help-with-food-security-1.99960&hl=en&geo=us>
Nguyễn Kiều Anh - Vietnam's Got Talent Bán Kết 6 Full - Ngày 24/03/2013
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