Climate change to affect Mekong production
BANGKOK, April 1 (UPI) -- Climate change will have a significant effect on major industrial and food crops in the Lower Mekong basin countries of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, says a new study. The study, conducted by the Mekong Adaptation and ...
JIN:The Global Land Rush for Food and Fuel
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
These agribusiness schemes exacerbate the problem in areas of chronic hunger and malnourishment and have farmers growing cash crops for export, rather than food crops for consumption. As the Brazilian-Japanese partnership ProSavana shows, it's no ...
Costly farm inputs could lead to food shortage, say experts
Daily Nation
The farmers are faced with challenges of planting this season's maize crop at a time when the Early Warning System (EWS) has forecast food scarcity in the country from last month until June this year. Other African countries
likely to experience food ...
SU Farm Club plants crops for campus dining halls
The Slate Online
Shippensburg's Farm Club met last week to plant a new crop of seedlings for the spring. The food will be eaten by many Shippensburg students on-campus. Chartwells, the food service company at SU purchases some of the yield to be used in dining halls.
Fish farming in Detroit's future?
Royal Oak Daily Tribune
And should the campaign succeed, Food Field farmers will be able to grow crops year-round, because an aquaponics system can moderate temperature in greenhouses and provide extra fertility for the plants it sustains. That means fresh, local Food Field ...
GMO food labels would benefit Minnesota consumers
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The United States is the biggest producer of biotech crops, and Americans who choose not to eat genetically engineered foods are reasonably asking for information that takes the guesswork out of buying groceries. Companion bills introduced in the state ...
Modified crops get boost from budget deal
Columbus Dispatch
“This unprecedented and egregious effort guts the necessary review process put in place for public safety and leaves consumers unprotected from potential health consequences by introducing untested crops into our food system,” Bailey said in an emailed ...
Can we completely avoid genetically modified foods?
Monsanto has a one year lease to grow and harvest genetically modified crops with the passage of H.R. 933. In the United States, as long as the genetically modified crop is legal, producers don't have to inform consumers that the foods are GM. 75 ...
Obama signs bill that protects makers of genetically engineered crops from ...
Fox News
The biotech rider was included in spending bill HR 933 and signed Tuesday by Obama, despite White House protests and at least two petitions, including one by the group Food Democracy Now that got more than 250,000 signatures. Critics have also ...
Rice to supplement maize and sugarcane in Mumias
The Star
Keya said the ministry intends to use the upland rice species as an alternative food and cash crop so that farmers don't over-rely on maize as food crop and sugarcane as cash crop. He said the district targets to harvest 15 to 20 bags of rice per acre ...
Saturday, March 30, 2013: Food labeling, obstructionism and online pharmacies
Bangor Daily News
Five main genetically modified commodity crops — corn, soy, cotton, sugar beets and canola — have byproducts, such as high fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, vegetable oil and canola oil, in an estimated 75 percent of processed foods sold in grocery ...
Monsanto Protection Act, Put Into Law, Lets GMO Crops Have Free Reign
One thing we should get straight however, is that Monsanto is not the only beneficiary to this bill opening up the floodgates to genetically modified crops and seeds being used in the US food system. Other companies that will benefit from the “Monsanto ...
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Plague of Locusts in Madagascar Threatens Crops
The Epoch Times
Locusts now threaten around 60 percent of Madagascar's rice crops, a staple in the country, it said. Madagascar is a poor country, with more than 80 percent of the population living on less than $1 per day. As the locusts eat up crops, the food agency ...
Small-scale producers and traditional crops key in fighting hunger: FAO
He said that the Green Revolution of the 1960s had increased per capita availability of food by over 40 per cent, but at the cost of a loss of food diversity because of a focus on a few crops and significant impact on the environment from intensive use ...
Chicory is flexible summer food crop
A recent Bainesse dairy farm day seminar was all about the benefits of the crop chicory and was held at Robert Ervine's Manawatu farm. A farm adviser with Feilding-based Dairy Consult, Tim Ferguson said chicory crops were becoming more popular. He said ...
Connecting the Dots: GMOs and Our Food Future
Huffington Post
Much like bees, the monarch butterfly provides essential pollination for many of our food crops -- this pollination is the foundation of our food supply. According to a study by researchers at UC Berkeley, one third of the world's food supply is ...
Food costs to rise as lambs and crops hit
The Times (subscription)
Sharp frosts and heavy snow have disrupted the lambing season and hit many crops, in the fields, raising fears that food prices could rise again. Thousands of animals have been killed by the cold, with reports of livestock buried under several feet of ...
Anybody for baingan and bhindi? 'Ethnic' cash crops tops in Ontario
Experts suggest the planned increase in such 'ethno-cultural' crop acreage holds the potential “to address the issues of access to culturally appropriate food of an expanding population in Ontario”. The collaboration between Vineland and the BBFG will ...
Almost 50 AD plants now treating food waste
According to the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and National Non-Food Crops Centre (NNFCC), over 100 (106) anaerobic digestion (AD) plants are currently operating outside of the water industry – including
those treating both farm and ...
Reporter's notebook: Declining nutrition in U.S. crops concerns food ...
A study from a University of Texas researcher has found significant declines in the nutritional value of today's crops versus those grown 50 years ago
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Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... And Spring CD1 [Vietsub]
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