Hoàng Kim, Chào ngày mớiCây Lương thực, Học mỗi ngày,
Update of Food Crops News from 14 Nov. to 21 Nov., 2014.
Update of Food Crops News from 14 Nov. to 21 Nov., 2014.
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Origins Movie: "The Planet is an Ecosystem of Life, and We Are Part of that Ecosystem"
You can find me at a Las Vegas Raw Food Meetup Go green. ... raised the allowable concentration of glyphosate on food crops and animal fodder.
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Doomsday Seed Vault Safeguards More Marijuana Seeds
The diversity of food crops faces the challenge of climate change, evolving plant disease and the forever expanding population, The Ministry of ...
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How GMO Crops Can Be Good for the Environment
Among the winners in this month's elections, along with the Republican candidate in just about every competitive race, were foods containing ...
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Crops play a major role in the annual CO2 cycle increase
While the area of farmed land has not significantly increased, the production efficiency of that land has. Intensive agricultural management over the ...
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Conference to Debate Food vs Feed
UK - Animal feed vs human food will come under the microscope at the ... “Grazing cattle and sheep on land where you can't grow food crops due to ...
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The great food debate: Why GMOs are safe, and why they should be labeled
In short, GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are food crops that have been genetically modified in order to increase crop yield. Scientists and ...
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Transforming food
The African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC), is working with the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi to develop lesser-known food crops in Africa.
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UNC, NFL star Jason Brown, who gave away his crops, delivers his own child
He had no farming experience but bought a 1,000-acre farm near Louisburg in Franklin County with the intention of growing crops to donate to food ...
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Turns Out, the Future of Food Lies in These Old Seeds
The couple brought the seeds for these melons from Europe, along with seeds of 800 other varieties of food crops, with the hope that in addition to ...
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Changing the genetics of food
As for health risks, UCS acknowledges that eating refined products derived from GE crops is unlikely to cause health problems, but maintains that ...
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Ecuador's flower growing technology helps improve food production
It's an export industry worth $800 million to Ecuador, and floriculture is teaching farmers how to grow better food crops. Benito Jaramillo was perhaps ...
Crop Biotech Update
November 19, 2014
Section: News from Around the World
Furthermore, the report includes case studies from Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, and India. Country profiles provide dashboards of more than 80 indicators of nutrition outcomes, determinants, program coverage, resources, and political commitment. For more information about the report, visit http://www.ifpri.org/ |
Section: News from Around the World
The cells of the biotech alfalfa were manipulated to reduce the production of lignin, increasing digestibility and widening the harvest window for the alfalfa. The U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center says increased digestibility would mean more beef and milk produced per pound of feed and less manure from those animals. The alfalfa is not currently available for sale and is still pending regulatory approvals from key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Read the APHIS Notice of Determination of Nonregulated Status here: http://1.usa.gov/1xNFJ11. Read the HarvXtra white paper here: http://www.foragegenetics.com/ |
Section: News from Around the World
The researchers found the diversity of growing conditions to be the greatest problem in the implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) programs for Mexico's 2 million maize growers. They also pointed out that another obstacle is the lack of insect resistant Bt maize varieties which are grown in 90 percent of maize fields in the U.S. and produce yields three times larger than Mexican yields. "According to our estimates, 3,000 tons of organophosphate active ingredient is sold in Mexico each year to control only fall armyworm, only on corn," said Professor Urbano Nava-Camberos of the Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, and one of the authors of the study. "In addition, applications are also made to cutworms, corn rootworms, borers, and corn earworms that do not necessarily coincide with the fall armyworm applications. However, all of these insect pests can be effectively controlled with Bt corn and integrated pest management programs." The study is published in the Journal of Integrated Pest Management. Read the original article at http://entomologytoday.org/ |
Section: News from Around the World
The researchers discovered that the protein, known as higher yield rice (HYR), could enable the plants to survive stress, thrive and increase productivity. Pereira said "The regulator HYR does regulate photosynthesis, a complex process. I saw in the greenhouse that the plants using the HYR regulator were much greener than any others. It was because of more chlorophyll, hence, higher photosynthesis." Plants under stress shut down photosynthesis to stop producing reactive oxygen, which is damaging to them. This is where the HYR regulator protein comes in by keeping the whole photosynthesis machinery active and maintaining productivity, Pereira explained. The research showed that HYR increases photosynthesis, which increases sugars, increases biomass and finally leads to more grain yield among normal rice cultivars. For more information, read the news release available at: http://newswire.uark.edu/ |
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EarthTalk: Assessing the risks of genetically engineered crops
Twenty-one countries and the European Union have instituted policies requiring foods created using genetic engineering (GE) be labeled accordingly ...
Earth Talk for November 17, 2014: Assessing the Risks of Genetically Engineered Crops - The Paper Magazine
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China's red tape trips up farm firms bringing crops home
Chinese companies farming abroad are having trouble selling the food they produce back home because of a web of domestic rules, a report has ...
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To end food waste, change needs to begin at home
There are lots of reasons for food waste. Some crops are never harvested. Some foods are thrown out if they don't meet cosmetic standards.
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High Five for High Tunnels — Tool Brings Conservation, Fresh Produce to Detroit
During a growing season, producers harvest vegetables and replant different crops within a high tunnel, as the demand for local food increases in ...
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Voters in 2 States Reject GMO Labeling
Some activists and organic food advocates say there are too many ... But the FDA in 1992 said genetically modified crops are no different than regular ...
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AD digestate 'safe' for farmers crops in Scotland
This can then be used back on farmland to grow more food and keep the ... sold as 'biofertiliser', reflecting its benefits for crops and the environment.
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Food Security a Hostage to Wall Street and US Global Hegemony
Small farmers in the country now produce over 90% of diverse agricultural food crops, while they only provided 60 to 70% of the national food before ...
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Bringing farm to table
Gachina will plant fruit trees, berry bushes, culinary herbs, some perennial food crops (artichokes, for instance) and an array of vegetables. Volunteers ...
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Vitamin-A rich sweet potato improves nutrition and health of millions throughout sub-Saharan Africa
the first time, this year's crop in the U.S. White House kitchen garden
... forever grateful and will never stop feeding my child on these food crops.”
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You'll find a bumper crop of ideas at farming conference
in growing medicinal herbs, making hard cider, using organic seeds,
raising native plants or helping build up the local food economy?
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GMO labeling advocates trying to solve non-existent problem
The same is true with all of the other genetically modified crops that are processed into food products also to include meat and dairy products.
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'Adopt biotechnology-driven food'
CALLS for government to adopt biotechnology-driven food, commonly ... Organism (GMO) food, are growing louder with local crop researchers and ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Monsanto Suggests RoundUp Herbicide Treatment For Many Crops Right Before Harvest, Not Just ...
Though these crops are not always used in human foods, this might, in part, help explain to the public the results from a breast milk study released ...
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Assessing the risks of genetically engineered crops
Dear EarthTalk: What are the potential health and environmental impacts
of so many genetically engineered organisms in our food supply?
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Field of weeds: Could agriculture crisis crop up from herbicide resistance?
And the problem is spreading, which could mean more lost crops and lost .... The center for food safety, a national environmental advocacy group, ...
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Food sovereignty movement grows roots among Passamaquoddy
“You name it, we've tried it,” said Dana, whose own crops included potatoes ... “Food sovereignty” is a noble label that really means self-sufficiency.
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American academics seek to boost crop productivity to help poor farmers stave off famine
And that might put more food in more mouths and earn money for struggling farmers in the world's poorest countries. "The science, how to increase ...
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Damage assessment: Floods trigger fears of food insecurity
The flooding destroyed standing crops, killed livestock and curtailed livelihood activities – and this would have a devastating impact on food security.
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Countering The Emotional Blackmail And Bogus Claims Of The GMO Lobby
[Using GM food and data science is] the only thing that will enable us to feed ... It claims that GM crops provide higher yields and higher incomes for ...
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Gardener: Help create healthier ecosystems by becoming a backyard beekeeper
Bees are solely responsible for pollinating many of our food crops such as fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables. In fact, about a third of all the food we ...
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You'll find a bumper crop of ideas at farming conference
This year's trade show offers farmers and those interested in local food ... plans to offer “Kids, crops, sows and cows: Life happens, learn to bounce.
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Ark in the Arctic
In fact, the Vault already holds the most diverse collection of food crop ... of crop species now secured in the Vault, and of the major crops, roughly half ...
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Genetically Improved Crops Will Develop Nigerian Agriculture Sector
While arguments persist on the implications of GMCs, there is a scientific consensus that foods derived from GM crops pose no greater risks to human ...
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How Israel is making the case for genetically modified food
Supplying food to a growing population without destroying the world's ... food crops increased by 16.8 percent, while the yields grew by 93 percent.
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Row crops are important part of GF&P habitat management plan
Row crops such as corn, sorghum and soybeans planted on public areas provide a key food source for wild game such as pheasants and deer.
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Editorial: Feeding a growing world population
a Popular Science magazine essay titled “10 Common GMO claims
Debunked,” science journalist Brooke Borel wrote: “Virtually all of our food crops ...
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Genetic Modification Increases Crop Yield With No Ill Effects
Through plant-gene modification, we have larger crop production, lower food prices and less impact on the environment. Even better nutritional ...
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The Votes Are in on Soda Taxes and GMO Labeling
For example, plants may be genetically engineered to produce characteristics to enhance the growth or nutritional profile of food crops. While these ...
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The Arctic Doomsday Vault Might Save Our Food Future
If climate change threatens the world's present supply of food, we want in ... “It will mean a different environment for the production of crops, and we'll ...
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Community calendar (Nov. 13)
Info: 575-538-1623. Community Forum: The Silver City Food Co-op's Community Forum is a discussion on New Native Food Crops for New Mexico.
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Britain's EU adviser Anne Glover who backs GM farming is ousted
... to the EU, said last year: 'I am 99.99 per cent certain from the scientific evidence that there are no health issues with food produced from GM crops.
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NEWS | ||||||||
EU one step closer to law on national GMO crop bans
& Water Europe, a nonprofit consumer group, hailed the Parliament's
vote, saying the discussion on GMO opt-outs had been fraught
because ...
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Climate may be changing crops
is difficult to say whether the climate change we are now experiencing
is negatively impacting the nutritional quality of our food, researchers warn ...
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EU moves closer to enabling national bans on GM crops
Although the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has sanctioned several GM crops, many European consumers spurn these foods, and some ...
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New study shows healthier food choices could dramatically decrease environmental costs of ...
Trees are burned and habitat destroyed (as shown here, in Mexico) for agriculture, possibly to grow crops as feed for livestock. Credit: WIKI ...
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Kenyan farmers profit from the sun to water crops
Farmers who move from subsistence agriculture into growing higher-value crops with advanced irrigation are more likely to remain food-secure, ...
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WEB | ||||||||
MEPs vote to firm up national bans on GM crops in Europe
MEPs voted to allow national bans on genetically modified food crops for environmental reasons on Tuesday, even if the EU has already approved ...
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