Hoàng Kim, Chào ngày mớiCây Lương thực, Học mỗi ngày,
Update of Food Crops News from 21 Nov. to 04 Dec., 2014.
Update of Food Crops News from 21 Nov. to 04 Dec., 2014.
Crop Biotech Update
December 3, 2014
Section: News from Around the World
The research was conducted in a nationally representative survey of 1,117 U.S. consumers. Participants answered questions that explored their willingness to purchase foods that contained GM and foods that contained nanotech. The questions also explored the price of the various foods and whether participants would buy foods that contained nanotech or GM tech if the foods had enhanced nutrition, improved taste, improved food safety, or if the production of the food had environmental benefits. The researchers found that the participants could be broken into four groups:
Section: News from Around the World
Initial findings revealed nine genes involved in the pathway for cucurbitan C biosynthesis, which produces cucurbitacin. Cucurbitacin is responsible for the bitter taste in wild cucumber. By tracing the pathways involved in this trait, they were able to discover two transcription factors responsible for nine genes' switching on and off, the Bi and Bt. Bi is mainly responsible for the cucurbitacin production in the leaves while Bt is for the fruit. This identification will help in crop breeding through the creation of a more edible cucumber and will be necessary in the field of medicine. Further details of the story can be read at: http://www.sciencemag.org/ |
Section: News from Around the World
Section: News from Around the World
ISAAA and SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center sought the
perspectives of Filipino film makers on the benefits of biotechnology in
agriculture through Biotech Shorties, a video-making contest. The
winners of the contest were announced during the closing ceremonies of
the 10th National Biotechnology Week held at the Main Office of
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in Quezon City, Philippines.
Ms. Marielle C. Cruz from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines bagged the grand prize for the amateur category of the "Biotech in Everyday Life" theme with her entry titled Mga Kwentong Bt ni Mang Luis (Bt Stories of Mang Luis). Ms. Michaella Louise Candelario of University of the Philippines Los Baños won the grand prize for the amateur category of the theme "Potential Benefits of Bt Eggplant". The first prize for the professional category went to Ms. Anna Cherylle Ramos of the University of Sto. Tomas for her entry entitled Discovering the Extraordinary in our Ordinary Lives. Meanwhile, Alvin Quiel Sabanal from Calamba, Laguna grabbed the second prize for the same category. The Biotech Shorties was a joint project of ISAAA and SEARCA BIC with support from the Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II (ABSP II). View the videos at http://www.isaaa.org/ |
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NEWS | ||||||||
“Motivated By Greed With A Complete Disregard For Food Safety And Biodiversity.” Why Food ...
Why Food Sovereignty Should Not Be Handed To GMO Biotech ... As reported in Business Standard [6], the website also states GM food crops are an ...
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12 paths to strengthening food security and nutrition in an unstable world
Sugar cane is one of the most popular crops in the world but contributes to water shortages and unhealthy diets. Photograph: NIC BOTHMA/EPA ...
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Towards Acheiving Food Security In Ghana
Well, Ghana faces some challenges when it comes to agriculture, and food security at large. The food crop sector of Ghana's agriculture is rain fed, ...
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Scientists To Grow Crops In Space – To Help Astronauts with Food Supply
Now you'll see crops
being cultivated on the Mars and Moon, as researchers are experimenting
to grow plants in space. A 10-year program carried by ...
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Green Genes: Sustainability Advantages of Herbicide Tolerant and Insect Resistant Crops
Sustainable agriculture should embrace these principles to ensure the production of food and fiber crops that are safe for the consuming public, do as ...
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UGA graduate explores local food and sustainability in novel
UGA grad James Carr has written a book exploring sustainable food ... The food industry promotes mass production of crops for the nation rather than ...
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UK, India Collaborate on Crops of the Future
UK, India Collaborate on Crops of the Future ... India aim to provide crops suitable for a changing climate and to produce more food with fewer inputs.
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Indian panel advises caution on GMO crops
panel advises caution on GMO crops ... of the regulatory system, has
sounded a note of caution on genetically modified (GM) food crops.
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China's Plant Diversity Critical To Global Food Supply
"With more plant species than Europe and CWR of globally important food crops, its position as a provider of plant genetic resources for crop ...
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Our exotic food supply
When the first settlers visited our country they were met by native Americans who taught the settlers about native foods. Crops grown were mainly what ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Four Thai cash crops under consideration for GMO testing
PHUKET: Public and private agricultural biotechnology researchers in Thailand may soon get green light from the government to openly develop ...
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Crop Protection Association make neonictinoid plea
We have also released new research suggesting that the production of a host of British food crops is under threat as a result of the loss or restricted ...
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EU needs stronger food safety authority
These companies are merely motivated by greed and the promotion of single-crop farming, with a complete disregard for food safety and biodiversity.
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Near-record cranberry crop; federal government buying some surplus for food banks, schools
But you'd like to see average crops to keep things in perspective." ... the form of juice, sauce and dried berries to distribute to food banks and schools.
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Cider making a comeback in Virginia, expanding apple demand
Virginia Tech was awarded a planning grant from the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture to identify how best to address the needs of the ...
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UK food security
The National Farmers' Union (NFU), the Crop Protection Association (CPA) and the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) have commissioned ...
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Aquatic Plant Provides Fuel for People and Food for Pigs
"It is easy to harvest, and because it grows in water it doesn't compete with food crops for land. This makes it a very exciting crop for a variety of uses, ...
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Pakistan to use satellite data to improve forecasts of crop yields
Pakistan has launched a new system to more accurately forecast crop yields ... The system was installed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
High-level panel counsels caution on GM food crops
government-appointed High Level Committee (HLC) to review environmental
laws, while proposing a near complete overhaul of the regulatory ...
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New director plants a seed for the environment
“The goal is to increase the resilience of our agricultural systems and our food systems in our region through the application of the locally adapted crop ...
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We need more data on what's sprayed on food
All of these have been used by GMO scientists for food crops to force the seeds to accept the herbicide in order that the plant ultimately becomes ...
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Warm weather, plentiful food sources will make deer hunting harder this year in Pa.
"This means deer may be a bit tougher to scout, as food will be plentiful and not concentrated around young clearcuts, field edges or ag crops like they ...
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Pesticide ban not bee's knees - MILLS
European Food Safety Authority study published earlier last year stated
... Golf courses use them at rates much higher than allowed on food crops, ...
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These Bitter Foods May Help Treat Cancer
Understanding this process might help in developing other food crops that are naturally either inedible or poor in nutrition. It will help scientists ...
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Food price volatility rises November inflation to 2.1%
According to Sam Kaisiromwe, a senior statistician at Ubos, high food ... The annual core inflation – which excludes food crops and metred water, ...
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$20m in crops destroyed as Plum Mitan farms under water
Today marks 21 days since agricultural farms in Plum Mitan have been under waist-high flood waters. The water, which flooded 1,200 acres of ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Diversify food now!
In fact, for nearly 60 percent of all global food needs, the world relies (PDF) on a mere three crops: wheat, rice and corn — and of those, only a handful ...
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Modi's 'Make in India' bats for GM food crops
The website also states GM food crops are an investment opportunity for foreign players as they will offer “new business opportunities” in the country.
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GM Foods Still Controversial After All These Years
He says pollination and cross-pollination is always going on and has not prevented people from growing food crops for thousands of years and ...
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Pakistan to fight food insecurity with high-tech crop data
Late last month, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) installed the geospatial crop forecasting system at the Pakistan Space ...
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Scientists battle new threat to Salinas Valley crops
To protect these cash crops, conventional farmers have turned to increased pesticide applications, ... “And there is plenty of food here,” said Joseph.
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Food Smuggling: Why Commodities Traders Should Care
In recent years, there have been plenty of cautionary tales of plant and animal diseases that have hit crops and livestock and significantly driven up the ...
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World still learning from Ethiopia famine
There is more irrigation, and this year up in these highlands the food crops look good. As spectacular as the scenery is - with mountain ridges and ...
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Holkham estate energy first
These break crops can help them to secure better yields from the food crops that follow as a result of restoring soil fertility, reducing disease and pest ...
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Stagnation in Agricultural Production
Over the years, the production of major agricultural crops in the country has been generally increasing, except in the years of adverse conditions of ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Genetically modified food
Such weight of public opinion ensured that GM crops were not grown ... By 2011, however, British opinions had shifted: only 27% thought GM food ...
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Tastes of the New World make Thanksgiving a holiday of the Americas
... as well as a tutorial (possibly an App; we can't be sure) on the production, storage and preservation of food crops such as corn, beans, and squash.
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Column: 'Shmita' seasonal concept takes root at Leichtag Foundation
From the vineyard, a “crop mob” of sorts walked down to the community ... Whatever food crops come back up from last season's fruits and seeds will ...
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Bitter food but good medicine from cucumber genetics
Understanding that process might open up approaches to developing other food crops based on plants that are naturally either inedible or poor in ...
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WTO impasse ends, India's food security concerns taken on board
WTO impasse ends, India's food security concerns taken on board ... staple food crops in pursuance of public stock-holding programmes for food ...
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Christian church ends food bank project
CLINT GODFREY operates a combine this year to collect crops for sale ... Crop sales were donated to Food Resource Bank to aid the needy around ...
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What are the potential impacts of so much genetic engineering
... with new rounds of GE crops engineered to tolerate these older chemicals. ... So for now, Americans concerned about what's in their food will need to do ... Luckily some natural foods retailers are making it easier for consumers ...
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Problems for potato crops
Over the past couple of years, bumper potato crops both in the UK and ... in power to get them on side of science and the realities of food production, ...
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Weather not co-operating with corn crop this year
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs cereal crop specialist Peter Johnson said Thursday the province's corn crop is only a little over ...
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WEB | ||||||||
UK and India collaborate on future-proof crops
UK and India collaborate on future-proof crops ... aims to provide crops suitable for a changing climate and to produce more food with fewer inputs.
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NEWS | ||||||||
Impact of Unseasonal Rains On Crops in North Bank
Gambia: Impact of Unseasonal Rains On Crops in North Bank ... cultivate crops all year round with a view to reducing the importation of food items into ...
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Bank report finds northern Australian cropping unprofitable
Developing grain and oilseed crops in northern Australia would be an ... Senior agricultural economist Paul Deane says record high beef prices and ...
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Farmers mourn steep decline in crops
According to official data, 12,040 ha of agricultural land went arid due to the eruptions: 1,837 ha of food crops, 5,716 ha of horticulture crops, 1,630 ha ...
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Kvale '16 Leads Successful Harvest
“We live in an optimal agricultural location,” Kvale adds. ... their knowledge and experience in relation to agriculture and food and crop production.
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Ghana's crop pollinators dwindling
According to him the extinction of bees would mean low crop yields, poor quality ... crops, dwindling family income, poor diets and lack of food security.
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Astronauts reveal space station Thanksgiving menu of irradiated turkey
... for the longer missions. Stored food and salad crops will be used in the early stages of planetary stays until permanent living bases are constructed.
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Knowledge, risk combine for successful harvest
They farm to grow and harvest crops and produce livestock. Farmers see ... Countless foods are made from today's fall soybean crop. Some of these ...
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Research Yields Gasoline from Sawdust
“Cellulose is available everywhere; it is essentially plant waste, meaning it does not compete with food crops in the way that first generation energy ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
ANZ Bank report debunks vision for northern food bowl
THE grand vision of northern Australia being rapidly developed with dams and irrigation projects to grow crops to feed Asia has been debunked by a ...
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New study finds GMO feed safe for food animals, humans
Results of a new study of genetically engineered crops eaten by livestock ... is the most comprehensive study of GMOs and food ever conducted.
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Agricultural and Food Controversies
... reveal robust and active research on organic and no till cropping systems, local foods and farmer's markets, obesity prevention, and food security in ...
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In wake of China rejections, GMO seed makers limit US launches
Beijing is taking longer than in the past to approve new GMO crops, and ... government officials about excessive dependence on U.S. food supplies.
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DNA sequencing and biofortification the big trends for 2015
DNA sequencing and biofortification of food will create the biggest ... food firms should look into biofortification, the breeding of crops to increase their ...
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Earthworm farming in the West Bank (commentary)
Local agricultural experts say they've never heard of the practice. That doesn't mean that ... Placed around the roots of food crops, it's hugely valuable.
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Ethical Beef, Part 2: The Efficiency of Cattle Grazing
The Pimentels point out in Food, Energy, and Society that whereas crop cultivation adds significantly to the energy use of grain-fed livestock systems, ...
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Bees' Favorite Flowers Disappearing Along With Their Populations
Investigators believe challenges posed by declining food sources for bees ... Bees pollinate between 70 and 80 percent of the food crops, making it ...
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Turn Sawdust Into Gasoline Additive
"Cellulose is available everywhere; it is essentially plant waste, meaning it does not compete with food crops in the way that first generation energy ...
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Ontario to cut neonic use
The government says preserving pollinators is crucial for the health of a variety of food crops. “We recognize there is a roll to play in terms of the ...
Crop Biotech Update
November 26, 2014
Section: News from Around the World
According to FAO, the Rome Declaration on Nutrition enshrines the right of everyone to have access to safe, sufficient and nutritious food, and commits governments to preventing malnutrition in all its forms, including hunger, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity. On the other hand, the Framework for Action recognizes that governments have the primary role and responsibility for addressing nutrition issues and challenges, in dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders- including civil society, the private sector and affected communities. Based on the Declaration's commitments, goals and targets, the Framework sets out 60 recommended actions that governments may incorporate into their local plans on nutrition, health, agriculture, education, development and investment. Read more about the conference at http://www.fao.org/news/story/ |
Section: News from Around the World
The genes sterol side chain reductase 1 and 2 (SSR1 and SSR2) were revealed to be the potential genes involved in the process. Functional analysis conducted reveals that SSR2 is the main gene responsible in the conversion of precursor compounds to cholesterol which led to SGA production. RNA silencing to excise SSR2 in the potato genome was done and revealed that excision of this gene has reduced SGA levels without affecting plant growth. This finding has led the group to make a customization of an enzyme called transcription activator like effector nucleases (TALENS) that can selectively excise the SSR2 gene from the potato genome and will be necessary in engineering safer potatoes. Read more at: http://www.riken.jp/en/ |
Section: News from Around the World
The Philippine
Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) hosts this year's celebration of
the National Biotechnology Week (NBW) which runs from November 24-28,
2014 at CHEd Main Office in Quezon City focusing on the theme "Edukasyon sa Bioteknolohiya: Pagyamanin para sa Kinabukasan Natin" (Fostering Education in Biotechnology for our Future). The event aims to bring public consciousness on the role of biotechnology in food production, food security, and hunger alleviation.
Various activities organized by government institutions and non-governmental organizations are being held all throughout the week. One of the highlights of the event is the launch of the Biotechnology Scholarship Program of the Philippine Department of Agriculture. ISAAA and SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center organized Biotech Shorties, a video-making contest that seek to convey the perspectives of Filipino film makers on the benefits of biotechnology through 3-minute films or "shorties". DA Biotech Program also conducted an infographics poster contest to present the advances in Philippine agri-biotechnology research. High school and college students were enlightened on the different career paths available in the field of biotechnology such as science communication, medicine, and agricultural biotechnology during a Career Orientation on Biotechnology held on November 25. Consumers were also informed on biotech applications in medicine, the national biosafety regulatory framework, the food and environmental safety of biotech crops, and their co-existence with organic agriculture during a Biotech 101 seminar. Science teachers also took part in a study visit to biotech laboratories and facilities in Los Banos, Laguna. These activities were organized by the SEARCA BIC in partnership with the ISAAA, International Rice Research Institute, UP Diliman Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Foundation, Inc., UP Los Banos, DA Biotech Program, and Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines. For more details, contact knowledgecenter@isaaa.org. |
Section: Beyond Crop Biotech
The team generated more than 119 billion bases of sequence data, which it used to assemble a 1.086-billion-base draft assembly for P. equestris. They also generated RNA sequence data on the root, stem, leaf, and flower samples of P. equestris to aid in their annotation of the genome and gene expression profiling of the plant. Nearly 5,700 P. equestris gene families overlapped with those found in rice, grapevine, and Arabidopsis thaliana. On the other hand, some 4,171 orchid genes appeared distinct from genes documented in a wide range of sequenced plants that included A. thaliana, black cottonwood, grapevine, rice, purple false brome grass, sorghum, maize, Physcomitrella patens moss, and sequenced green algae species. The results of the sequencing study are published in Nature Genetics. For more details, read: https://www.genomeweb.com/ |
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NEWS | ||||||||
In Hardwick, Volunteers Bake Surplus Pumpkin Crops Into Pies
Ruby Dale-Brown, Bethany Dunbar and Nora Lecesse fill pie shells with surplus fresh pumpkin puree for the Hardwick Area Food Bank.
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Model evaluates where bioenergy crops grow best
Farmers interested in bioenergy crops now have a resource to help them determine which kind of bioenergy crop ... production, relying solely on corn is not sustainable because of its impacts on the environment and food prices.
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Israel warming to GMO crops as eco tech solution
Supplying food
to a growing population without destroying the world's ecological
systems is one of humanity's great challenges. Israel is helping
deal ...
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Australian Farmers Face Increasing Threat Of New Diseases
Honeybees pollinate a third of Australia's food crops. Losing them due to varroa might would cost the economy billions of dollars. David McClenaghan ...
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Yemeni qat cultivation impedes coffee,other crops
Work is under way at Agriculture Ministry to expand the cultivation of food crops and limit the cultivation of qat, which it says has become a threat to ...
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Can Coffee Replace Opium in Southern Shan State?
... to a slower, more stable, and ultimately more profitable model on the cash crops of coffee and rubber, as well as food crops for local sustenance.
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Future Impact of Climate Change Visible Now in Yemen
Our crops dry up, while we desperately wait for rain. ... Qat covers 38 percent of Yemen's irrigated areas; in places, food crops are being uprooted and ...
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University of Illinois researchers ID yield zones for three bioenergy crops
... and food prices. Other crops show greater potential for ethanol production, particularly large perennial grasses such as Miscanthus and switchgrass.
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Optimum agrochemicals usage key to raise India's food yield: Rajesh Aggarwal
India takes justifiable pride in the fact that it has achieved food security ... It said that Indian farmers lose crop worth Rs 50,000 crore annually due to ...
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Women's role in securing
Meha, along with other female farmers, now plan other food crops such as tubers, sorghum and vegetables that are more suitable to their climate to ...
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WEB | ||||||||
Area of crops grown for bioenergy in England and the UK: 2008-2013
These are experimental statistics on the areas of non-food crops grown in the UK. This includes the areas of oilseed rape, sugar beet, wheat, ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
'Food crops' to be grown in space
London: A new EU-funded research project is set to attempt to grow food in space, which may lead to crops being cultivated on the Moon and Mars.
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Respondents find the idea of crops emitting CO2 responsible for climate change offensive
Since agricultural scientists have announced earlier this week that carbon-dioxide increases crop productivity per acre while ultimately contributing to ...
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Crash course in cash crops
Labor, water, food safety, crop protection and other challenges dominate our work agenda. To say it's time-consuming, intense, complex, frustrating ...
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On former NFL player Jason Brown's farm, goodwill is main crop
Ultimately the haul was 170,000 pounds of cukes, all of them pushed out to area shelters, food pantries, and wherever the hungry or their advocates ...
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World Bank warns of climate perils
... driving global warming, some of the world's most important food crops could be severely affected by heatwaves, drenching rains and other weather ...
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We need more carbon dioxide, not less
At 400 parts per million, all our food crops, forests, and natural ecosystems are still on a starvation diet for CO2. While one wing of CSIRO promotes the ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Farm Crops Give Us Food but They are to Blame for Rising CO2, Climate Change
Demand for food is rising globally. Farming crops are an essential source of food but is also to be blamed for rising carbon dioxide (CO2) in our ...
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Bean Me Up: Scientists To Grow Crops In Space
The 10-year programme being led by researchers in Norway will see foods such as cherry tomatoes, lettuce and soybeans grown on the International ...
Can Tomatoes be Grown on Mars? Food Plants to Be Grown on International Space Station - International Business Times UK
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What you need to know about genetically modified crops
For example, the European Union requires extensive, case-by-case, science-based food evaluation of each crop by the European Food Safety ...
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Americans need to rethink their concern on GMO vs. organic crops
The beliefs and narratives that need rethinking are those around GMOs and organic food. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are crop plants and ...
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Study: Crops likely contributing to global warming
A study recently published in the prestigious journal Nature demonstrated the importance of crops and agricultural practices in the amount and cycling ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Scientists To Grow Food Crops In Space
Scientists To Grow Food Crops In Space. Cherry tomatoes and lettuce could be cultivated on the ISS as researchers investigate ways to feed space ...
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GMO Food Labeling. Go For It, Food Companies. Your Fear of Fear May Be Excessive.
Companies that make foods resist such labels, fearful that they WILL scare ... modified food, and where voters in 2005 opted to ban GMO crops from ...
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Rise in Crop Production increasing levels of Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere
Crops act as sponge for CO2 and it could be said that the sponge effect has become bigger because of the advancements in agricultural techniques, ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Norway to grow food crops in space
A team of scientists in Norway are set to research the possibility of growing plants and food crops in outer space, it was revealed on Friday.
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Is a ban on GM crops more harmful than growing them?
UK's chief scientist has said GM crops could provide plentiful food with less damage to the environment and at lower costs. But does that mean we ...
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Boost in Farm Crop Now Being Blamed for Seasonal Swings in CO2
Advances in the field of agriculture has resulted in more crops being ... that the steep increase in the production of crops that are grown for food is up to ...
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'Robust' evidence for GM crop benefits, says meta-analysis
Genetically modified crops offer 'large and significant' benefits in both ... the environment, many remain wary of genetically modified foods and crops.
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Growing Super Crops: Conventional or GM?
A customer stands in a supermarket as a label of GM-free food is seen in the ... But in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa or South Asia, fortified crops can ...
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Why Wall Street investors and Chinese firms are buying farmland all over the world
A 2010 World Bank paper estimated that 37 percent of this newly acquired land is used to grow food crops, 21 percent to grow cash crops and 21 ...
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Specialty crop grant applications due soon
Specialty crop farmers who want help paying for food safety audits will need to apply by Dec. 1. The Kansas Department of Agriculture has funds ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Origins Movie: "The Planet is an Ecosystem of Life, and We Are Part of that Ecosystem"
You can find me at a Las Vegas Raw Food Meetup Go green. ... raised the allowable concentration of glyphosate on food crops and animal fodder.
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Doomsday Seed Vault Safeguards More Marijuana Seeds
The diversity of food crops faces the challenge of climate change, evolving plant disease and the forever expanding population, The Ministry of ...
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