CNM365. Thông tin Cây Lương thực Toàn cầu tháng 3 năm 2016 (Food Crops News 285). Chuyên trang thu thập, tuyển chọn thông tin Cây Lương thực giùm bạn và giúp bạn luyện học tiếng Anh nông nghiệp chuyên ngành. Hãy luôn kiên trì làm giàu kiến thức chính của bạn.
Crop Biotech Update
March 30, 2016
Section: News from Around the World
The United States Agency for International Development
(USAID) has awarded Cornell University a US$4.8 million, three-year
grant to strengthen capacity to develop and disseminate Bt eggplant in Bangladesh and the Philippines.
The award supports USAID's work under the Feed the Future, the US
government's global initiative to fight hunger and improve food security
using agricultural science and technology.
Dr. Anthony Shelton, and international professor of entomology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell will direct the project. According to Dr. Shelton, because of infestation by the fruit and shoot borer, or FSB, as much as 70 percent of the eggplant crop in South Asia never makes it to market. Bt brinjal (eggplant) has been developed over the last 11 years and uses a gene from a naturally occurring soil bacterium to produce a protein that causes borers to stop feeding. "Bangladesh faces food shortages, increasing population, and decreasing amounts of arable land," said Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Mondal, director general of BARI. "Genetically engineered crops developed under the Feed the Future South Asia Eggplant Improvement Partnership will enhance the quality of life for Bangladeshis by increasing income, improving nutrition and health, and fostering a safer environment." The Feed the Future South Asia Eggplant Improvement Partnership addresses and integrates all elements of the commercialization process — including technology development, regulation, marketing, seed distribution, and product stewardship. It also provides strong platforms for policy development, capacity building, gender equality, outreach and communication. For more on the story, visit the Feed the Future website. |
Section: News from Around the World
The first line was developed by Syngenta Seeds, Inc. for both insect-resistance and glufosinate-ammonium resistance. APHIS is extending deregulation to this line based on its similarity to a previously deregulated corn line. The second line was developed by the Monsanto Company for resistance to the herbicides dicamba and glufosinate. The final documents for these deregulations are available at the USDA APHIS website. |
Section: News from Around the World
Speaking at the Forum for the Future of Agriculture in Brussels, the FAO Director General reiterated that the SDGs are interlinked and calls for new combinations of policies, programmes, partnerships and investments to achieve common goals and produce the most needed public goods. He also underscored the need to utilize a broad portfolio of tools and approaches, including agroecology and biotechnology to eradicate hunger, fight every form of malnutrition and achieve sustainable agriculture. These tools ought to serve the needs of family members, whose empowerment should be a central part of sustainable development interventions, as well as the 80% of the extreme poor and undernourished people that live in rural areas. "It is essential to invest and create new products, technologies, processes and friendlier business models to support them, improve their resilience and enable them to produce more in a sustainable way," the Director General said. See the original article at the FAO Sustainable Development website. |
Section: News from Around the World
In a recent study, Saule Burikbayeva and Jo Swinnen from KU Leuven and Matin Qaim from the University of Goettingen have analyzed possible reasons, including low acceptance levels, regulatory issues, or trade-related constraints. Yet, none of these typical political-economy arguments was found convincing. Instead, the most likely explanation is limited demand for Bt in Central Asia owing to low insect-pest infestation. This would imply that global Bt cotton adoption rates may already be close to 100% when considering real demand for insect-resistant varieties. The study was published in the April issue of Trends in Biotechnology. The free link to the article, valid until 12 May is available at the Science Direct website. |
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NEWS | ||||||||
Environment Minister Cleared 80 Percent Proposals for GM Crops Field Trials, Despite Protests
Some agriculturists are pitching for introduction of GM crops, pointing out that it's important for the country's food security. Bt Cotton is the only GM crop ...
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Forget Food, Farmers Have This Lucrative Source to Harvest
As the prices of many crops, like soybeans, cotton, and peanuts, have ... been making the switch from food and material crops to solar panel fields.
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Monsanto CEO Talks Crops, Pesticides And Farms
It doesn't matter where you go, if you've got a party on the weekend there's usually a conversation about food and food is front and center in many ...
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A No-Nonsense Guide to Growing Food in Your Apartment
Annie Novak hunches over rows of crops, harvesting chard and arugula as she looks out over empty rooftops towards the Chrysler Building, the East ...
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From Garden to Cafeteria: Students learn to grow healthy food
From Garden to Cafeteria: Students learn to grow healthy food ... Budding gardeners in 50 Atlanta Public Schools are growing food to help feed ... spread the compost donated by local homeowners, plant seeds and tend the crops.
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How city dwellers can grow own crops
Here's proof that you can grow food in the smallest and most urban of settings. Window farming allows you to grow plants vertically inside your house ...
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El Niño worsens food shortages in Malawi and Zimbabwe – podcast transcript
IB We've had prolonged dry spells that have affected the crops in the field, currently, according to information from government, about 7,000 hectares ...
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North Korea warns of new famine as Kim's weight, belligerence balloon
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, whose hostile actions have brought
crippling international sanctions to his impoverished nation, has a
new ...
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Protecting Health or Spreading Fear? The Battle Over GMO Labeling Goes National
Both sides agree that a downside of GMO labeling is a predicted price increase of non-GMO foods. GMO crops have allowed farms to produce food ...
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Over 5 Million Nigerians Urge Government to Reject Monsanto Crops
Over 5 Million Nigerians Urge Government to Reject Monsanto Crops ... Further there is virtually no testing of any food material and products in Nigeria ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Jericho farmers raise crops for food shelves
The entire crop is destined for the Vermont Foodbank, Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf and some smaller food shelves. Why are they doing it?
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Decline of pollinators threatens food supply
Most of our staple food crops such as wheat, rice, sorghum, barley and maize do not require animals for their pollination. However, wild pollinators ...
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$4.8 million USAID grant to improve food security
$4.8 million USAID grant to improve food security ... Eggplant, or brinjal, is a staple crop that is an important source of income and nutrition for farmers ...
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One crop breeding cycle from starvation
2050, the global population will have grown and urbanized so much that
we will need to produce 87 percent more of the four primary food crops ...
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Global Agribusiness, Dependency and the Marginalisation of Self-Sufficiency, Organic Farming ...
In 'The impact of organic farming on food security in a regional and global .... Increased diversity in food crops available to farmers resulted in more ...
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Thierry Vrain: Molecular biologist claims GMOs “poison food supply”
the past two decades, he has emerged as a vocal opponent of GMOs,
traveling around the world claiming genetically engineered crops and ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Experts say fighting misperceptions about GE crops begins with educating public
The paper, entitled "Food and Energy Security," was written by Virginia ... But when it comes to GE food crops, there is significant resistance in India.
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Gerber recalls organic baby food pouches
Gerber said Thursday consumers who have the food pouches shouldn't use ... Organic food is much more safe than food grown using GMO crops.
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The vaults securing the future of food
Stored not in the faceless building but in underground vaults is the world's third-largest plant gene bank, underpinning food security in India and ...
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Faculty Distinguished Lecture Focuses on Food Production
Aghoram shared a brief overview of the pioneers of plant hybridization, which started with “deliberate, methodical plant breeding” that allowed food ...
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Sugarcane, modified to produce oil, promises better biodiesel
Biofuels offer the promise of lower emissions, but they are often made from crops that might otherwise be used for food—or displace food acreage.
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What Saudi farm companies are buying in America
For decades, Saudi Arabia attempted to grow its own water-intensive crops for food rather than rely on farms abroad. But it reversed that policy about ...
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Global Agribusiness, Dependency and the Marginalisation of Self-Sufficiency, Organic Farming ...
It also improves nutrition, food security and crop diversity (contrast this with what Daniel Miangi says about the chemical-intensive mono-cropping ...
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NJ Accepting Specialty Crop Grant Applications
Most of New Jersey agriculture falls into the specialty crop category. ... enhancement, food safety, food security, plant health programs, education, “buy ...
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Seed library in Richmond Hill and native plants key to happy spring
100,000 global plant varieties are endangered today. ... and even
nations, play an important role in preserving ancient varieties of food crops.
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Midlands: 88000 homes need food aid
SOME 88,000 households are in need of food aid in the Midlands after crops were affected by the dry spell which hit the country in the just ended ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
How Little Vermont Got Big Food Companies To Label GMOs
You'll soon know whether many of the packaged foods you buy contain ingredients derived from genetically modified plants, such as soybeans and ...
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Regulator defers decision on importing genetically modified animal feed
The debate on whether or not to allow commercialization of genetically modified food crops is far from settled in India. Photo: Indranil Bhoumik/Mint.
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Crapo: Year of Pulse Crops
The Food and Agriculture Organization reports that despite pulse crops being an important part of the human diet for thousands of years and a vital ...
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Climate change threatening Philippines's food security
Climate change threatening Philippines's food security ... The DA said 349,620 metric tons of crops were destroyed and 121,490 farmers affected.
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Davao leads in creating high-value products with DOST's Food Processing Innovation Center
“With this food innovation center, we are able to maximize the use of our local raw materials by turning ordinary agricultural crops into high value food ...
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The Sassy Sandpiper: Urban Farming
In addition to food crops, I think they planted something in my DNA. Science documents the possibility of heritable traits and inclinations. But it's ...
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Precision agriculture is need of the hour
... to meet the requirement of their staple food crops. Rice, maize, wheat, pulses, fodder, oil seeds, potato and barley are the main crops of the region.
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NEWS | ||||||||
New nonprofit initiative restores donated lands to original Hawaiian crop purposes
Property that could have simply remained 60 acres of high-end ranch property at Keawewai will be terraced and Hawaiian food crops like breadfruit, ...
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GM crops: Government should set up an independent regulator at the earliest
One key reason it is much harder for the government to push Bt mustard and Bt brinjal than Bt cotton is that they are food crops, though in the US more ...
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Vermont-Driven GMO Labeling Could Have Troubling Unintended Consequences
This small state may soon alter the food supply for all Americans ... that there are no safety issues with biotechnology as it has been applied to crops.
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The Simplest Synthetic Life Form Yet?
Can we get more from our current food crops for less? Scientists and farmers alike have been increasingly haunted by the environmental effects of ...
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FoodCorps fosters relationship between kids and food
FoodCorps is a nationwide non-profit that works to increase food and ... Some children affectionately call the organization "Food Crops," said Kat ...
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Why Transgenic Mustard is Unlikely to Hurt You or Your Environment
Next, they test the composition of the food from these crops and compare it with food from normal canola. Finally, they look at the structure of the ...
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Famine looms in far-western districts
Agro experts said the prolonged drought would hit food production in the ... Crops like wheat, mustard, gram have been grown only in areas near the ...
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Managing biodiversity loss for planet's sake
The report establishes that more than three-quarters of world food crops rely at least in part on pollinators. The species' declines threaten as much as ...
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Permaculture and the Edible Forest Garden: a Critical Analysis
Gardens which are primarily or entirely perennial polycultures, containing at least three identifiable vertical layers of food-bearing plants including ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Perennial food gardening: The garden that keeps on giving
Growing perennial food crops in your garden provides delicious fruit, vegetables and edible flowers year after year. The majority of food plants are ...
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Cross-shaped garden at Our Lady of the Angels to provide crops for food pantry
John O'Leary said that the project is designed not only to help community by raising crops for the church's food pantry, but to help the children grow ...
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How to Prevent the Extinction of Monarch Butterflies: Plant Some Milkweed
Tech Times reports that 75% of food crops depend on the pollination of butterflies, but the combined effects of climate change and loss of habitats for ...
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Future fare tipped to be GM, GE, 'organic' or none
certainly open to GM as a way of increasing crop yields, Hickey ...
Thus, if genetic modification by breeding is acceptable, and food crops ...
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Study reveals tremendous benefits of eating less meat
The outcomes show that eating fewer animal-sourced foods could make a big difference in a lot of ways. ... Not plants and animal products. Otherwise ...
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These Oregon organic farmers figured out how to have nature do all the work
Cullen stood in the Winslow Food Forest, a budding forest of edible foods, a long-term investment in perennial plants that will eventually do all the ...
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Will peace halt Colombia's coca boom?
What would you do if someone tried to take your plate of food away? ... People growing traditional food crops often find that the transportation costs ...
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Organic farm slashes input costs
The de-mand for organic food is growing quickly, but the number of acres dedicated to organic crops and livestock is growing very slowly,” she said.
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Change tact, farmers told as global warming bites
They ought to plant food crops that can survive the weather, as well as include practices like terracing, rotating fields, mulching and agro-forestry, ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Seed banks overlook wild relatives of food crops
Wild relatives of vital food crops are at risk of going extinct but remain ... of these crop wild relatives is almost incalculable for our future food security.”.
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GMO Crops in US Threaten to Exterminate Monarch Butterflies
Monarch butterflies depend on milkweed as a food source and habitat, but crops like Monsanto's Roundup Ready soy and corn are killing off these ...
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ASU researcher improves crop performance with new biotechnology
Increasing the yield from crops such as wheat, maize, rice and barley, is paramount to growing enough food. In addition, crop production is now ...
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Zimbabwe: Farmers Root Out Hunger With Sweet Potatoes
"Sweet potato is a drought tolerant crop with the potential to enhance food and nutrition security, especially for subsistence and small-scale farmers in ...
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Scientist to talk GMO's
the world's population and demand for food continues to increase, Nina
... will cover genetically modified organisms and the future of food crops.
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How to feed a hungry world
To solve the problem of global hunger, we need mass production of food staples, and realistically that requires genetic modification of crops and the ...
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Australia set for legume boom
Mr Wilson said he expected the two major food crops to be the most popular pulse crops this season, while he said faba beans may benefit from the ...
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The organic industry's GMO hoax
Sold as consumers “right to know” about their food, the real purpose of the ... Plants can be made pest-resistant or more nutritious, for example.
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Faith in the Community - Healing Hands International
Crop failure and rising food prices are resulting in hunger, malnutrition, and starvation. As wells dry up, crops wilt, and livestock die the people need ...
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Mares: Pollinators
Worldwide, all pollinators are critical to $500 billion dollars' worth of food crops. Conference speakers described a witch's brew of stresses.
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NEWS | ||||||||
Research Scientist calls for measures to ensure food crops are not contaminated by agro-chemicals
Research conducted in the country has shown that residue from some harmful chemicals like DDT can still be found in some food samples.
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Zimbabwean 'wizard' bewitches a bumper crop amid drought
How else could he grow a bumper crop of ripening maize, sorghum, millet and ... According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, ...
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Seed Banks Are Supposed To Ensure Food Security, But They're Missing Crucial Pieces
But a new study found that the banks themselves are missing crucial pieces: crop wild relatives, which contain key genetic diversity that could help ...
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Farmers root out hunger with sweet potatoes
“Sweet potato is a drought tolerant crop with the potential to enhance food and nutrition security, especially for subsistence and small-scale farmers in ...
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PHOTOS | Agricultural workers decry destruction of Luisita beneficiaries crops
some 20 hectares of their bungkalan, or collective farms, in Barangay
Mapalacsiao planted mostly to monggo (mung beans) and other food crops.
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Guest post: Failure to tackle food demand could make 1.5C limit unachievable
Furthermore, the demand for food has led to global expansion of farmland ... there has been a worldwide deceleration in yield growth of major crops.
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Climate change may redraw map of places to grow cold-sensitive crops
“If our favorite foods can be cultivated over a larger area, there may be more ability for stable food prices in years of regional drought, spring freeze or ...
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Durbin, Bustos see opportunity in Cuba
“Turns out Cuba ... has not been using chemicals for years” on food crops, Durbin said, adding that 1 percent of organic food consumed in the U.S. is ...
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Seedlings to boost post-Winston food security
He added that "These seedlings consist of a mixture of cabbages, egg plants, tomatoes, chillies, papayas and so forth. In total it is close 450,000 ...
Crop Biotech Update
March 23, 2016
Section: News from Around the World
The decision to issue the license was made after consultation on the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) with the public, State and Territory governments, Australian Government agencies, the Minister for the Environment, the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee and local councils, as required by the Gene Technology Act 2000 and the corresponding State and Territory legislation. The final RARMP, as well as its summary, a set of Questions and Answers on this decision, and a copy of the license are available online from the DIR 138 page of the OGTR website. |
Section: News from Around the World
The study was based on B4Warmed, a five-year project that simulated the effects of climate change on 10 boreal and temperate tree species growing in an open-air setting in 48 plots in two forests in northern Minnesota. The researchers increased temperatures at the test plots by 3.4 degrees C, an increase that is likely to happen by the end of the 21st century, and learned that plants grown and measured at those higher temperatures increased their leaf respiration by an average 5 percent, compared to plants in ambient temperatures. If the plants were not acclimated to the higher temperatures, their respiration would have increased by 23 percent over the plants in ambient temperatures. For more details, read the news release at the University of Minnesota website. |
Section: News from Around the World
Researchers from the Department of Plant and Environmental
Sciences at the University of Copenhagen have shown, for the first time,
that the production of a plant hormone by a beneficial microbe is
protecting a plant from a pathogenic microbe by inducing plant
Plant beneficial microbes mediate biocontrol of diseases by interfering with pathogens or via strengthening the host, but the microorganisms' production of phytohormones, including cytokinins, has not been considered as a biocontrol mechanism before. The research team has now identified a novel mechanism of how bacterial production of cytokinin contributes to its ability to control plant diseases. According to Dominik Kilian Grosskinsky from the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, they have identified the ability of a bacterium to efficiently control a pathogen infection in a model plant by producing cytokinin, allowing the plant to maintain tissue integrity and ultimately biomass yield. The group has also shown the close link of the plant growth stimulating hormones to regulation of plant carbohydrate metabolism, and they linked the findings to the microbial activity related green islands in autumn leaves. More details are available at the University of Copenhagen website. |
Section: News from Around the World
During the afternoon, plants ready themselves for the cold temperatures that follow sunset. In this manner, plants use their biological clock to respond beforehand to the changes in their surrounding environment that are caused by variation in time. "Since 2011, we have been trying to find the key factor that regulates the expression of the gene that is transcribed during the afternoon," says Nakamichi. The group used PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR 5 (PRR5), which is a clock gene of the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. According to Nakamichi, they believed that CCA1, a clock protein generated during sunrise, binds to a specific DNA sequence involved in the expression of the target gene PRR5. They collected the CCA1 protein bound to DNA using Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), and analyzed the DNA sequence by rapid DNA sequencing. They were able to identify that the PRR5 gene appears in the regulatory region at a high frequency, and data suggested that the CCA1 protein directly acts towards the regulatory region of the PRR5 gene and has a major effect on it. The research group also found the target DNA region of the CCA1 clock protein in the plant cell's chromosome. "We found many genes that are expressed in the evening nearby the DNA region that CCA1 binds to," explains Nakamichi. Some of these genes are responsible for the plant's responses to drought stress, transmission of the signals from the plant hormone, abscisic acid, regulation of the opening and closing of stomata, and production of wax. "The results of our studies suggest that the CCA1 protein induces these biological processes to occur at a specific time during the evening." For more details, read the research highlights at the Nagoya University website. |
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NEWS | ||||||||
Study Finds Philips LED Lights Provide Improved Energy Efficiency and Production for Growing ...
The work we are doing is focused on driving innovation of new farming technologies that allow food crops to grow in indoor environments, absent of ...
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UMD receives $10M from USDA for sustainable water reuse, food, and health
... need to safely and sustainably grow food crops is in short supply. In the face of climate change, finding alternative sources of water to grow food that ...
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Plant pollination doesn't just depend on what's blowing in the wind
Flowers are not only beautiful, but are the part of the plant used to attract pollinators. The nectar that many flowers produce is an important food source ...
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Feeding the World - Part One
As the world's population grows and the climate challenges our ability to grow crops, how can agriculture provide enough food? Can we get more from ...
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A decade later, RFS results are in
Biofuel production incentivizes land grabs, forcing small farmers from their land — traditionally used to grow multiple food crops — to make way for ...
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Egypt One Step Closer to becoming Regional Food Security Leader
Blumberg Grain's fully integrated crop and food security systems can reduce post-harvest losses of grain, produce, and other perishables to 5% or less ...
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A new, healthy spin on carrot cake just in time for Easter
Mast incorporates research-based information about food crops studied at the Plants for Human Health Institute and the health-related findings of her ...
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Book Review: Genetic Modification and Food Quality: A Down to Earth Analysis
Thus, when I learned about the book “Genetic Modification and Food ... Lynas said, "I apologise for having spent several years ripping up GM crops.
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Wheat's Evil Twin Has Been Intoxicating Humans For Centuries
Oats and rye began their relationship with humanity in a similar way, but for whatever reason, they were developed into full-on food crops while darnel ...
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Durably resistant potatoes with wild genes need less chemical control
The potato is the third food crop and offers a relatively high yield and valuable food per hectare. Global potato cultivation is, however, under threat from ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Study: 'Collect Crops' Wild Relatives for Future Food Security'
Many wild relatives of important food crops, which could be used to help those crops adapt and thrive in an environment impacted by climate change, ...
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Go wild to protect food security
More needs to be done to ensure wild relatives of our key food crops are conserved for future generations, a study has said. Researchers are ...
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Scream of the crop
That number was the estimate on “food poor” families here, based on a ... With the recent spate of attacks against GM crops, the NCBP also came ...
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Where does the world's food grow?
Different plants
grow in different places. This is a key reason why patterns of
technology diffusion in agriculture are distinct from those in other ...
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New Green Challenge: How to Grow More Food on Less Land
say the technological fixes also distract from more challenging social
reforms like slowing the rate of population growth, shifting away from crops ...
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Ten Questions with Ari Novy, Executive Director of the U.S. Botanic Garden
Agriculture is simultaneously one of the coolest things we do with plants (I love to eat good food) and the single greatest driver of plant biodiversity loss ...
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Scientists Developing Climate-Adapted GMO Rice
Rice is a staple food crop in many countries around the world. Rice crop failures have led to malnutrition, disease, and death for millions of people ...
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To climate-proof our food supply, go where the wild things are
Scientists involved in collecting crop wild relatives in Pakistan, Nepal, Vietnam and Malaysia learning the best techniques on collection and long-term ...
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Mild winter and potential for drought could affect some Oklahoma crops and livestock
Mild winter and potential for drought could affect some Oklahoma crops and livestock ... The other is cattle may not have enough food to graze on.
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Applications for Federal Specialty Crop Grants
... proposals to the USDA's Farmers' Market and Local Food Promotion Program. The USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service defines specialty crops as ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Hemp a potential health food crop
As far as food crops
go, they don't much better: light on water and ... Industrial hemp seed
and oil is sought-after globally as a health food — full of ...
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Genetically modified foods, a miracle gone dark?
Glyphosate originally killed all food crops dead. It was discovered, however, that glyphosate-resistant genes from a resistant bacterium could be ...
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Ten Questions with Jason Clay, Senior Vice President of Food & Markets at WWF
Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with Jason Clay, the Senior ... Mapping the genomes of neglected food crops in Africa and the [Indian] ...
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Anakpawis party-list rep seeks ban of products containing GMOs in food, agriculture
“The possible harmful effects of genetically modified crops and food on human health and environment are irreversible. Thus, the burden of proof as to ...
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The price of banning GMOs
sum up the results of this study the researchers said “Higher food
prices, a significant boost in greenhouse gas ... USDA have found that
there is really no difference between foods crops with GMO traits and those without them.
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The Rant: Let them eat gravel!
An evil multinational corporation takes over world food production, by inventing food crops that require being sprayed with poison. The evil corporation ...
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Arunachal Bags Krishi Karman Award
The state has received the award for the fourth consecutive year from 2011-12 in recognition for steady growth in overall food crop production and is ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Renewable energy targets may have increased emissions
In practice this translated into biofuel, which environmental campaigners say displace food crops and can cause more emissions because of changes ...
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Why I Don't Buy Organic, And Why You Might Not Want To Either
labelled “Certified Organic” must adhere to certain rules and ...
However, many consumers believe that the Organic label means the food has ... is the same standard for synthetic pesticides allowed on conventional crops.
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Small farmers learn to grow healthier crops at 6th annual conference
"With the local food movement more people are taking an interest in where where their food comes from and the nature of that food, whether it has ...
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Save water, diversify crops, take up allied jobs: PM Narendra Modi to farmers
Save water, diversify crops, take up allied jobs: PM Narendra Modi to farmers ... "Food processing is the best way to increase the farmers' income," he ...
Conserve water, diversify crops, take up allied jobs: PM Narendra Modi to farmers - Financial Express
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Biofuels: the historical energy sources with a burning bright future
Waste from food crops or non-food plants, known as second-generation biofuels, have fewer drawbacks, although they are typically eclipsed by ...
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Genetically Engineered Food and the Right to Know: What's Hidden Beneath the GMO Label?
How do you expect the public to accept your GM crops if you make every ... and stated that it was essential for tracking novel food allergies and …
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Villagers express gratitude for food rations
Rate Semi said the food ration would benefit villagers whose farms were damaged ... Most of the food crops were badly damaged during the cyclone.
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Let the good guys do the fighting
are certain types of plants that will encourage a good, healthy ...
fertilize your flowers, which in turn increases the productivity of your
food crops.
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Farmers Feed The Hunger For Ag Facts
Besides raising crops and livestock, Tripp farmer Marc Reiner fields ... He finds the public remains hungry for information as well as the food he ...
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Arunachal receives Krishi Karman Award
He also stated that there has also been significant rise in production and productivity of other food crops, like Maize, Millet and Pulses in the recent ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Peter Newton: Food system needs options, including GM crops
The Boulder County Commissioners this week directed county staff to draw up a plan to phase out genetically-modified crops on county-owned open ...
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Bee decline could cause major global food production problems, expert claims
Bees, and other flying insects like butterflies and wasps, help propagate crops when feeding. When landing on plants to gather food, some of the ...
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Maryland Bees Just Caught A Break
facing honeybees — found that 90 percent of wild flowering plants
depend on animals for pollination, along with 75 percent of the world's food crops ...
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Cereal giant General Mills to start using GMO labeling nationwide
biotech seeds have been approved by global food safety agencies,
General Mills said in the blog post, and widely used by farmers in food crops, ...
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UN Agencies Report Continued Food Insecurity In Post-Disaster Areas
According to the 2015 Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) on which the report is based, the national impact of natural disasters on ...
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'Leadership must act on food crisis'
failures in southern Africa mean that maize prices are already high and
still rising. Twenty-eight million people in the region were already “food ...
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First Crops Grown on Mars Soil
In 2013, a team of scientists from Wageningen University in the Netherlands began a study exploring the possibility of growing food crops in simulants ...
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Kisumu County banks on rice irrigation to solve food insecurity
Kisumu County banks on rice irrigation to solve food insecurity ... It has also rolled out a plan to introduce horticultural crops during non-rice planting ...
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Bills would limit accommodation of transgender students at public schools
... of livestock or food crops approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. ... Supporters say the measure makes nutrition labeling and food sale ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Ban on GMO crops sought again for Sonoma County
The federal government, many scientists and food producers say such foods are safe, while critics contend the crops pose health risks, citing research ...
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Nebraska Farmers Union completes specialty crops producer training
Lincoln, NE – Nebraska Farmers Union (NeFU) recently completed another food safety training session for specialty crops producers of vegetables, ...
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How gene editing will help solve the world's looming food crisis
How gene editing will help solve the world's looming food crisis ... Well, imagine super-crops that could endure harsher, drier, and hotter growing ...
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Prepared food could follow state-wide nutrition labeling
Prepared food could follow state-wide nutrition labeling ... the growing of livestock or food crops approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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Ethiopia leader calls for more foreign food aid amid drought
... more toward emergency food aid for millions of people amid a drought. ... government say more than 10 million Ethiopians need urgent food aid and ... El Nino climate phenomenon that affected seasonal rains, causing crops to fail ...
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Lane County Propagation Fair
This free annual event aims to promote local food security by supporting home orchardists, vegetable gardeners and native plant enthusiasts in and ...
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India cancels corn import tender, puts off plans to buy more
Since India doesn't allow genetically modified (GM) food crops, PEC sought in its import tender only non-GM corn, a condition that looked like a tall ...
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National Agriculture Week: More with less is mantra for future
Did you know that in 1940, the average farmer produced food and fiber for 19 ... Cattle easily convert grass, hay, small grain forages, cover crops and ...
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Tanzania: Be Creative, Minister Tells Agro-Marketing Investors
Although cashew nuts is the second major crop after tobacco in terms of ... Since animals consume more food crops, the demand for food crops has ...
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Central coast ag sector aims to thrive in dry spell
Studies show projected climate-related declines in California crop yields, ... A California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) climate change ...
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NEWS | ||||||||
Uganda: 'Grow More Food Crops to Address Malnutrition'
Malnutrition in western Uganda has been attributed to the practice of growing more cash crops in relation to food crops. The region is known to have ...
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Public Confidence 'Necessary Ingredient' in GMO Labeling Debate
It's noteworthy that other than corn and soy, most of the different types of food crops grown in the United States are already non-GMO. Commercial ...
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Perspective: City farming needs monitoring
Monitoring of this kind is intensive, but the consequences of unsafe produce entering the food chain impel us to implement these measures for crops ...
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Australia's Wilting Crop of Migrant Farm Workers
Australia's push to become a food bowl for expanding middle classes in China and Asia is running up against a similar problem facing U.S. farmers: a ...
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How Carbon Farming Could Reverse Climate Change
But we can't plant enough forests because we need land for agriculture. I thought to myself: ... Grow perennial food crops. We're basically already ...
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Sean Gillon Publishes on Biofuels, Food Insecurity & Climate Change
Sean Gillon, food systems & society faculty, published an article examining the politics and economic dimensions of "flex crops" in the January 2016 ...
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The Value of Eating in Season
Otherwise, she'd have to throw extra resources at off-season crops to help ... Instead of fighting natural food cycles, says Farfour, consumers need to ...
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Late publication of biofuels study raises questions
EU data for 2011 showed that biofuels made from food crops provide about 4.5% of EU transport fuel. This is why the 2012 U-turn was seen as an ...
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National increases in three manufacturing sectors bode well for Southwestern Ontario
Southwestern Ontario is one of the nation's richest food belts, producing everything from grain commodity crops to beef and speciality crops.
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Beyond cash crops
The study attempted to understand what kind of changes had taken place in the food systems of the people over the past couple of generations.

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Du lịch Việt Nam (Phú Yên)
Trở về trang chính
Hoàng Kim Ngọc Phương Nam Thung dung Dạy và học Cây Lương thực Dạy và Học Tình yêu cuộc sống Kim on LinkedIn Kim on Facebook Kim on Twitter
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