Food Crops News 290 Thông tin Cây Lương thực Toàn cầu tháng 8 năm 2017. Chuyên trang thu thập, tuyển chọn thông tin Cây Lương thực giùm bạn và giúp bạn luyện học tiếng Anh nông nghiệp chuyên ngành. Hãy kiên trì làm giàu kiến thức chính của bạn.
All Consuming: Cassava pushes limits of the neighborhood restaurant
San Francisco Chronicle Aug 3, 2017
FIIRO partners GIZ, BOSCH on cassava processing
BusinessDay (satire) (press release) (registration) (blog) 23h ago
ZOA-Liberia's Commendable Initiative with Value-Added Cassava Products
Liberian Daily Observer Aug 4, 2017
ZOA Improves Food and Nutrition Security through Cassava Value Chain
Liberian Daily Observer Aug 3, 2017
Sunbird Bioenergy Africa launches cassava out-grower programme for bioethanol project
Biofuels International Magazine Aug 3, 2017
Global agriculture: African farmers get mentored at Carroll County farm
pharostribune.com Aug 3, 2017
Retailers find fresh solutions for their most challenging — and critical — categories
Supermarket News Jul 25, 2017
"One Hundred Percent Biodegradable Polythene Equivalent Products are Available"
The Island.lk (subscription) Jul 30, 2017
Students trek deep into the Amazon, scale the Andes to learn about global food security
Augusta Free Press Jul 26, 2017
Augustine Kanjia's incredible journey continues … Exam Day Distress Becomes Lesson in Perseverance
Worcester Sun (subscription) Jul 30, 2017
Tapioca Syrup Market to Witness an Outstanding Growth by 2017 – 2025
satPRnews (press release) Jul 28, 2017
Raitamata Sets Focus On Business Venture After Decades Behind Bars
Fiji Sun Online Aug 4, 2017
Cassava for biofueld
Designing coordination contract for biofuel supply chain in China
F Ye, Y Li, Q Yang - Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2016 - Elsevier
... Thus, the limited production of biofuels in China cannot fill the gap between energy demand and
supply (Chen et al., 2016). ... Then in Section 5, we present an empirical application of the proposed
coordination contracts with data from the cassava-based biofuel industry in ...
supply (Chen et al., 2016). ... Then in Section 5, we present an empirical application of the proposed
coordination contracts with data from the cassava-based biofuel industry in ...
Lignocellulosic bioethanol: A review and design conceptualization study of production from cassava peels
... Despite all the challenges associated with second generation biofuels such as cost of technology:
[17] and [18], environmental degradation: [19] and [20], biomass availability, limited flexible ... This
process [15] is the basis for the cassava peel biofuel plant conceptualized in ...
[17] and [18], environmental degradation: [19] and [20], biomass availability, limited flexible ... This
process [15] is the basis for the cassava peel biofuel plant conceptualized in ...
Impact of ecosystem carbon stock change on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon payback periods of cassava-based ethanol in Vietnam
TH Nguyen, S Williams, K Paustian - Biomass and Bioenergy, 2017 - Elsevier
... soil productivity due to soil erosion and high nutrient demand [7][8][9]. Although GHG mitigation
is not currently the main driving force for development of biofuels in Asia, the GHG footprint of
cassava-ethanol and potential negative impacts of cassava as a biofuel feedstock are a ...
is not currently the main driving force for development of biofuels in Asia, the GHG footprint of
cassava-ethanol and potential negative impacts of cassava as a biofuel feedstock are a ...
Modeling of China's cassava-based bioethanol supply chain operation and coordination
F Ye, Y Li, Q Lin, Y Zhan - Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
... is viewed as an important and highly attractive nonedible feedstock for the production of biofuels. ...
is tested, and the results show that it can enhance the supply of cassava, increase the ... set out
for policy makers regarding how to promote the development of the biofuel industry, to ...
is tested, and the results show that it can enhance the supply of cassava, increase the ... set out
for policy makers regarding how to promote the development of the biofuel industry, to ...
[HTML] Biomass resources and biofuels potential for the production of transportation fuels in Nigeria
J Ben-Iwo, V Manovic, P Longhurst - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2016 - Elsevier
... In comparison to first- and second-generation feedstock for biofuel production, these microbial
cells are more sustainable because ... Third- and fourth generation biofuels [28 ... zone favours the
growth of low base saturation and low solar radiation crops such as cassava, rice, sweet ...
cells are more sustainable because ... Third- and fourth generation biofuels [28 ... zone favours the
growth of low base saturation and low solar radiation crops such as cassava, rice, sweet ...
Preparation and characterization of cassava starch‐based adsorbents for separating of azeotropic ethanol‐water in biofuels ethanol production
H Li, Y Liu, X Gao, X Li - Journal of Chemical Technology and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Background Dehydration of biomass-based fermentation product is an essential process in
the production of biofuels ethanol for industrial applications. Cassava starch, an adsorbent
with high efficiency, can be fermented after saturating with water, which overcomes the
the production of biofuels ethanol for industrial applications. Cassava starch, an adsorbent
with high efficiency, can be fermented after saturating with water, which overcomes the
Economy-wide implications of biofuel production in Zambia
F Hartley, DE van Seventer, P Samboko, C Arndt - 2017 - econstor.eu
... supportive set of bioenergy incentives provide a strong case for successful biofuel production
within ... Identified potential bioethanol crops, namely sugarcane and cassava, are also well
established in ... The establishment of a biofuels sector in Zambia has the potential to promote ...
within ... Identified potential bioethanol crops, namely sugarcane and cassava, are also well
established in ... The establishment of a biofuels sector in Zambia has the potential to promote ...
The policy recommendations on cassava ethanol in China: Analyzed from the perspective of life cycle “2E&W”
T Zhang, X Xie, Z Huang - Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017 - Elsevier
... Cassava ethanol; Life cycle assessment; Water footprint; Energy consumption; GHG emissions. ...
disastrous consequences, including climate change; 3) the feedstock of biofuels are widely ...
Additionally, investments in biofuel production may create jobs and reduce poverty in rural ...
disastrous consequences, including climate change; 3) the feedstock of biofuels are widely ...
Additionally, investments in biofuel production may create jobs and reduce poverty in rural ...
Freshwater use analysis of cassava for food feed fuel in the Mun River basin, Thailand
P Pingmuanglek, N Jakrawatana… - The International Journal …, 2017 - Springer
... base for food for local consumption and export as well as for feed and biofuels. ... Energy
Development Plan (AEDP 2015–2036) of Thailand has the goal to increase biofuel use to 25 ...
with total capacity of 12.5 mL/day, comprising of molasses ethanol plants, cassava ethanol plants ...
Development Plan (AEDP 2015–2036) of Thailand has the goal to increase biofuel use to 25 ...
with total capacity of 12.5 mL/day, comprising of molasses ethanol plants, cassava ethanol plants ...
Energy and environmental assessments of bioethanol production from Sri Kanji 1 cassava in Malaysia
M Hanif, TMI Mahlia, HB Aditiya… - Biofuel Research …, 2017 - biofueljournal.com
Abstract According to the Malaysia's biofuel policy, renewable fuels are crucial for energy
sustainability in the transportation sector in the future. This study was aimed to evaluate the
potential of bioethanol production from Sri Kanji 1 cassava in Malaysia in terms of energy
Trích dẫn 2 bài viết Bài viết có liên quan Tất cả 4 phiên bản Trích dẫn Lưusustainability in the transportation sector in the future. This study was aimed to evaluate the
potential of bioethanol production from Sri Kanji 1 cassava in Malaysia in terms of energy
Cassava starch
Water desorption of cassava starch granules: A study based on thermogravimetric analysis of aqueous suspensions and humid powders
GA Valencia, M Djabourov, PJ do Amaral Sobral - Carbohydrate polymers, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract This work reports on water desorption from cassava starch in relation with the
structure and conditioning of granules in suspensions or after equilibration in desiccators.
The experimental work is performed by thermogravimetric analysis with isothermal and non-
structure and conditioning of granules in suspensions or after equilibration in desiccators.
The experimental work is performed by thermogravimetric analysis with isothermal and non-
Optimization and modeling of biohydrogen production by mixed bacterial cultures from raw cassava starch
S Wang, Z Ma, T Zhang, M Bao, H Su - Frontiers of Chemical Science and …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The production of bio-hydrogen from raw cassava starch via a mixed-culture dark
fermentation process was investigated. The production yield of H 2 was optimized by
adjusting the substrate concentration and the microorganism mixture ratio. A maximum H 2
fermentation process was investigated. The production yield of H 2 was optimized by
adjusting the substrate concentration and the microorganism mixture ratio. A maximum H 2
Edible films based on cassava starch and fructooligosaccharides produced by Bacillus subtilis natto CCT 7712
Abstract The objectives of this work were to produce fructooligosaccharides (FOSs) by using
the microorganism Bacillus subtilis natto CCT 7712 and to employ these FOSs as a
functional ingredient in cassava starch edible films, which were characterized according to
the microorganism Bacillus subtilis natto CCT 7712 and to employ these FOSs as a
functional ingredient in cassava starch edible films, which were characterized according to
Thermoplastic cassava starch/sorbitol-modified montmorillonite nanocomposites blended with low density polyethylene: properties and biodegradability study
S Chuayjuljit, S Hosililak… - Journal of Metals, …, 2017 - ojs.materialsconnex.com
Abstract The objective of this research paper is to prepare environmentally friendly plastic
materials from biodegradable cassava starch, montmorillonite (MMT) and low density
polyethylene (LDPE). MMT was first modified by sorbitol via a solid state method. Results
materials from biodegradable cassava starch, montmorillonite (MMT) and low density
polyethylene (LDPE). MMT was first modified by sorbitol via a solid state method. Results
Thermomechanical characterization of an amylose-free starch extracted from cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz)
Abstract The aim of this study was to determine and compare the melting (T m), glass
transition (T g) and mechanical relaxation (T α) temperatures of a new waxy cassava starch.
Thermal transitions measurements were obtained by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
transition (T g) and mechanical relaxation (T α) temperatures of a new waxy cassava starch.
Thermal transitions measurements were obtained by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Multivariate optimization of simple procedure for determination of Fe and Mg in cassava starch employing slurry sampling and FAAS
FAC Amorim, VC Costa, EGP da Silva… - Food Chemistry, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract A slurry sampling procedure has been developed for Fe and Mg determination in
cassava starch using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The optimization step was
performed using a univariate methodology for 200 mg samples and a multivariate
cassava starch using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The optimization step was
performed using a univariate methodology for 200 mg samples and a multivariate
Biodegradability and plasticizing effect of yerba mate extract on cassava starch edible films
CM Jaramillo, TJ Gutiérrez, S Goyanes, C Bernal… - Carbohydrate …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Biodegradable and edible cassava starch-glycerol based films with different
concentrations of yerba mate extract (0, 5 and 20 wt.%) were prepared by casting. The
plasticizing effect of yerba mate extract when it was incorporated into the matrix as an
concentrations of yerba mate extract (0, 5 and 20 wt.%) were prepared by casting. The
plasticizing effect of yerba mate extract when it was incorporated into the matrix as an
Edible cassava starch films carrying rosemary antioxidant extracts for potential use as active food packaging
D Piñeros-Hernandez, C Medina-Jaramillo… - Food …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Polyphenols-rich rosemary extracts (RE) were successfully incorporated within
cassava starch films in order to produce active food packaging with antioxidant properties.
Films with similar thicknesses (about 200 μm) and water content (15–20%) were obtained
cassava starch films in order to produce active food packaging with antioxidant properties.
Films with similar thicknesses (about 200 μm) and water content (15–20%) were obtained
Small-angle X-ray scattering measurements of gel produced from α-amylase-treated cassava starch granules
T Ichihara, J Fukuda, T Takaha, S Suzuki, Y Yuguchi… - Food …, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract Cassava starch granules slightly hydrolyzed by α-amylase from Aspergillus niger
show significantly enhanced gelling properties (Ichihara, Fukuda, Takaha, Yuguchi, &
Kitamura, 2014). This paper investigates the mechanism of these enhanced gelling
show significantly enhanced gelling properties (Ichihara, Fukuda, Takaha, Yuguchi, &
Kitamura, 2014). This paper investigates the mechanism of these enhanced gelling
High production yield and specific productivity of succinate from cassava starch by metabolically‐engineered Escherichia coli KJ122
K Khor, A Sawisit, S Chan… - Journal of Chemical …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
BACKGROUND Succinate has been widely used in chemical industries and its microbial
production is a desirable option. The feasibility of bio-based succinate production on an
industrial scale strongly depends on the utilization of cheaper renewable resources. The use
Bài viết có liên quan Tất cả 4 phiên bản Trích dẫn Lưuproduction is a desirable option. The feasibility of bio-based succinate production on an
industrial scale strongly depends on the utilization of cheaper renewable resources. The use
Cassava production
[HTML] Origins, production, and utilization of cassava in Burkina Faso, a contribution of a neglected crop to household food security
F Guira, K Some, D Kabore… - Food science & …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a food plant introduced in Africa from
America by the Portuguese in 1558. The objective of this study is to establish cassava
origins, production, and utilization in Burkina Faso. The investigation was carried out in the
America by the Portuguese in 1558. The objective of this study is to establish cassava
origins, production, and utilization in Burkina Faso. The investigation was carried out in the
Material flow management and cleaner production of cassava processing for future food, feed and fuel in Thailand
N Jakrawatana, P Pingmuangleka… - … of Cleaner Production, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract This research applied Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) to identify the costs of
material and energy loss, as well as the opportunity for technology improvement to increase
productivity in starch and ethanol productivity in Thailand. The results showed that ethanol
material and energy loss, as well as the opportunity for technology improvement to increase
productivity in starch and ethanol productivity in Thailand. The results showed that ethanol
AO Adepoju, EO Oyewo… - Current Research in …, 2017 - conscientiabeam.com
Contribution/Originality: This study documents that the cassava farmers labour used could
be capital intensive since majority of them used hired labour also decision to have a regular
or consistence contact with extension agent could enhance the farmers to acquire basic
be capital intensive since majority of them used hired labour also decision to have a regular
or consistence contact with extension agent could enhance the farmers to acquire basic
The impact of mechanized processing of cassava on farmers' production efficiency in Uganda
A Abass, P Amaza, B Bachwenkizi… - Applied Economics …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT The study investigates the impact of adopting mechanized processing of
cassava on farmers' production efficiency in Uganda. A stochastic production function, using
translog functional form, was used to compare efficiency measures of farmers in mechanized
cassava on farmers' production efficiency in Uganda. A stochastic production function, using
translog functional form, was used to compare efficiency measures of farmers in mechanized
[PDF] Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Production Constraints, Farmers' Preference Criteria and Diversity Management in Togo
K Kombate, I Dossou-Aminon, A Dansi… - Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. …, 2017 - ijcmas.com
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(6): 3328-3340 ... Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Production
Constraints, Farmers' Preference Criteria and Diversity Management in Togo ... K. Kombate
1,2 , I. Dossou-Aminon 1,3 *, A. Dansi 1,3 , RA Adjatin 1,3 , GA Dassou 1,3 , K. ... Kpemoua 2
Constraints, Farmers' Preference Criteria and Diversity Management in Togo ... K. Kombate
1,2 , I. Dossou-Aminon 1,3 *, A. Dansi 1,3 , RA Adjatin 1,3 , GA Dassou 1,3 , K. ... Kpemoua 2
Intensification pathway for improvement of smallholder cassava production systems in Southern Côte d'Ivoire
JBG Gnahoua, DJB Ettien, B N'ZUÉ, C Ebah… - Experimental …, 2017 - cambridge.org
Abstract In order to intensify cassava production in southern Côte d'Ivoire, multiple farmers'
field trials were carried out in two important cassava-producing areas (Dabou and
Bingerville). The effectiveness of an Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) approach
field trials were carried out in two important cassava-producing areas (Dabou and
Bingerville). The effectiveness of an Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) approach
[PDF] Profitability of Cassava-based Production Systems
AO Omotayo, AJ Oladejo - 2016 - krepublishers.com
ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to analyze the profitability of cassava-based production
in Oyo State. The population for the study consisted of all small-scale cassava farmers in the
State. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect information from 120 randomly selected
in Oyo State. The population for the study consisted of all small-scale cassava farmers in the
State. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect information from 120 randomly selected
A socio-scientific analysis of the environmental and health benefits as well as potential risks of cassava production and consumption
Abstract Due to its high adaptability, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is one of the
world's most cultivated and consumed plants after maize and rice. However, there are
relatively few scientific studies on this important crop. The objective of this review was
world's most cultivated and consumed plants after maize and rice. However, there are
relatively few scientific studies on this important crop. The objective of this review was
Participatory appraisal of preferred traits, production constraints and postharvest challenges for cassava farmers in Rwanda
A Nduwumuremyi, R Melis, P Shanahan, T Asiimwe - Food Security, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Physiological postharvest deterioration (PPD) and late bulking are among the traits
that make cassava an unattractive crop in many environments. This study aimed at
assessing the main constraints of cassava production, the effects of late bulking, the losses
that make cassava an unattractive crop in many environments. This study aimed at
assessing the main constraints of cassava production, the effects of late bulking, the losses
[PDF] Herbicide Adoption Could Greatly Increase Cassava Production in Africa
L Gianessi - Crop Life Foundation, 2016 - croplife.org
Cassava originated from tropical America and was first introduced into Africa around 1558. It
then spread rapidly and became a dietary staple in Africa. Cassava is rich in carbohydrates,
calcium, vitamins B and C and essential minerals. Cassava serves as a major staple food for
Trích dẫn 1 bài viết Bài viết có liên quan Tất cả 4 phiên bản Trích dẫn Lưu Xem thêmthen spread rapidly and became a dietary staple in Africa. Cassava is rich in carbohydrates,
calcium, vitamins B and C and essential minerals. Cassava serves as a major staple food for
Cassava plant
Global agriculture: African farmers get mentored at Carroll County farm
pharostribune.com Aug 3, 2017
Nigeria: Calabar Women Go to Farm With Umbrellas to Preserve Beautiful Bodies
AllAfrica.com Jul 25, 2017
rice paddy
Local News: Linton Florist to deliver honor on Purple Heart Day (8/4 ...
Greene County Daily World Aug 5, 2017
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sweet potato
Sweet Potatoes (Well Shut My Mouth!!): Southern comfort food with attitude
News & Observer Aug 4, 2017
Farm-to-bottle: Craft distillery making vodka from Jersey sweet potatoes at the Shore
Philly.com Jul 27, 2017
How to make roasted cauliflower and sweet potato salad in under 40 minutes
The Independent Jul 27, 2017
July 2017 NPD: 3D chips, sweet potato snacks, paleo flour
BakeryAndSnacks.com Jul 27, 2017
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