Food Crops News, Hoàng Kim, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
Cassava News; Chào ngày mớiCây Lương thực, Học mỗi ngày,
Update of Food Crops News from 27 Aug to 31 Aug, 2014.
Are Weeds the Food of the Future?
Many plants that humans have designated as “weeds,” however, are hardier than food plants, and better able to adapt to the new climate. As your ...
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Food prices pull Ugandan inflation rate down in August
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) said in a statement the inflation
drop was largely due to a reduction in the inflation rate for food crops to 1.5 ...
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GMO crops have no place in the market: councilor
Genetically modified crops threaten the sustainability of agricultural lands and food production eventually leading to disaster in food security, he said.
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Honey Bees and Native Pollinators Need Our Help
bees are responsible for one out of every three bites of food that we
eat — not to mention their contribution to the pollination of food crops for ...
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The end of the potato? Deadly crop pests threaten our dinner staple new The UK has “significantly...
The UK has “significantly underestimated” the risk that crop pests pose to its food supply. Fungi and viruses present so great a danger to staples such ...
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Indiana seeks input for specialty foods survey
Food hubs allow growers and consumers to connect, helping to move locally ... Specialty crops are fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and ...
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The challenge of providing better food to more people
Schaal has been studying crops for more than a decade, though in recent years, ... And that better food very often means more protein, more fruits and ...
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Honeybees play a vital role in the agricultural industry
"Honeybees are responsible for pollinating agricultural crops that make up one-third of our diet, including fruits and vegetables. They're the ...
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The Root of it All: Cover crops and sustaining lawns
Cover crops
are a great way to improve the soil. They protect soil from erosion,
eliminate weeds, increase nutrients and nutrient availability, and ...
Yam and pana bulking sites show positive results
Honiara, Solomon Islands – August 29: 6.20pm (UNDP): Traditional staple food crops such as yam, pana and taro once commonly found in ...
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Potatoes could be off the menu as crop pests threaten UK
Britain has “significantly underestimated” the risk that crop pests pose to its food supply. Fungi and viruses present so great a danger to staples such ...
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Significant Moisture Deficit Affects Rwanda's Crops
Harvesting of the minor 2014C season, which represents about 10?15 per cent of annual food crop production, mainly potatoes and beans, ...
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ALJASSAR: The merits of GMOs
Any claim about the extent to which food crops are natural is meaningless. Agriculture is the largest and most enduring human intervention into the ...
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Local food: everyone benefits
Our local abundance, however, is still linked to a national food system that is ... We use one or more of the following agricultural best practices: crop ...
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Gene to help engineer drought-resistant crops
With scientists worldwide looking for ways to produce more food with less water, researchers have identified a thermostat-like gene that could help ...
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Small holder farmers contribute 80% of maize production
The Presidential input programme supported 1,6 million households with inputs to stimulate production of key food and nutrition security crops.
Crop Biotech Update
August 27, 2014
Section: News from Around the World
Genetic Literacy Project (GLP), another source of information about genetics and biotechnology from plants and human, developed an infographic based on preliminary data available at GENERA. The infographics focused on answering the following questions: Where is the government-funded research happening? Are GMOs safe? Results showed that out of the initial 400 randomly-selected studies posted in GENERA, half are funded entirely by government agencies and independent nonprofit organizations. The government-funded research was evident at the global scale, present in different regions of the world. This information debunks the common perception that GM crops are developed in private, U.S.-based laboratories. For more details, read http://genera.biofortified. |
Section: News from Around the World
The study showed that apart from the post-Neolithic hybridization that led to its formation, oilseed rape has one of the most highly duplicated genome of all flowering plants, because of numerous older polyploidizations that occurred during its evolution. This phenomenon led to the accumulation of a great number of genes, 101,000 in total, the highest gene densities of any previously sequenced organism, four times more than the 20,000-25,000 genes of humans. Boulos Chalhoub, from the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) who coordinated the research and federated research efforts within the international consortium said "The main difficulty for oilseed rape has been to differentiate its different sub-genomes. This has been achieved by the development of an original sequencing strategy, bioinformatics tools and the analysis of duplicated gene expression and their regulation." The paper presenting the research results is published in the August 22, 2014 edition of Science (DOI: 10.1126/science.1253435). For more information about this breakthrough, read the following articles: |
Section: News from Around the World
More than 40 representatives of ministries, research institutions, regulatory agencies, and the academe from China, Cambodia, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Philippines,
and Vietnam participated in a preparatory meeting for the upcoming
Meeting of the Parties 7 (MOP7) in Bogor, Indonesia on August 25-26,
Prof. Piet van der Meer of Public Research and Regulation Initiative facilitated the entire meeting and led the discussion on the items to be taken up in MOP7. These include the Organizer heads Dr. Randy Hautea of ISAAA and Dr. Bambang Purwantara of Indonesia Biotech Information Center welcomed the participants and challenged them on the importance of the meeting to biosafety regulation and implementation in their respective countries as well as on international trade of biotech crops. For details of the meeting, contact |
Food crop land shrinks in JK; govt blames farmers for conversion
SRINAGAR: The area under the food crops has shrunk in the last three decades, with government blaming farmers who prefer growing of other ...
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State Examining Value of 'Food Hubs'
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture will use a federal grant to study the use of food hubs for specialty crops. The research will involve surveys ...
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The $1.5 Million Project To Promote Organic Seed In The Face Of Remorseless Uniformity
"As we get a more chaotic climate, it's very important to have greater diversity in our food crops, so they are resilient enough to withstand unpredictable ...
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Refuge to discontinue GMO crops by 2016
The refuge has a cooperative farming program that allows farmers to harvest 80 percent of the crop, leaving 20 percent standing to provide food and ...
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When it comes to GMOs, which side is Hillary Clinton on?
These crops
are engineered to produce their own Bt toxins in every cell or else ...
Third, according to experts at global organizations, such as the Food ...
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Concerns about BT Brinjal
Why could Bt brinjal be unsafe ? It belongs to the plant family Solanacea which has important food plants like potatoes, tomatoes and chilli but also the ...
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Efforts to preserving yam, pana, and taro
Variable weather conditions due to climate change, the impacts of crop pests and diseases, and the importation of lesser quality convenient foods also ...
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Food Self-Sufficiency Boon for Economy
Under the scheme 1,6 million communal farmers received seed, chemicals and fertiliser in the 2013-14 cropping season and managed to turn the vast ...
Food Crops Pushed To The Side As Oil Trains Sail Through
In oil-rich North Dakota, farmers trying to get their crops to market are ... and other crops to markets, and it's driving large production losses for big food ...
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Take pro-poor stand & promote GM crops to provide food security to growing population ...
Apex industry body ASSOCHAM has urged the Central Government to continue allowing research in crop biotechnology (BT) and simultaneously ...
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Study to find ways to promote locally grown crops
A series of meetings will study setting up regional food hubs to increase marketing of locally grown fruits, vegetables and related farm products.
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India's Dangerous Food Subsidies
India justifies these policies under the guise of achieving “food security” by encouraging domestic production of basic crops. The same excuse is given ...
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Lupins looking for a new food fit
... years, attracted by the better gross margins in broadleaf crops such as canola. However, there is work being carried out by Lupin Foods Australia - a ...
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Rethink Biofuel Sources, Not Biofuels Subsidies
Others say that if the price of food crops includes the cost of linked oil production, then biofuels are still cheaper, that certain biofuel crops have not ...
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Life coach: is organic food really better for us?
Although the pesticide residues were lower in the organic crops, the levels reported in all crops, whether organic or conventional, were well below ...
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1000s of tonnes of local produce dumped - while families rely on foodbanks
“For those crops that may go to waste, it would be a positive step if they could be used to feed those who may be disadvantaged and in need of food.
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Late crops finally maturing
At this late point in the growing season, local agricultural producers are left just crossing their fingers now as they wait for harvest, although fears about ...
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Trở về trang chính
Hoàng Kim, hoangkim, hoangkimvietnam, Ngọc Phương Nam, Chào ngày mới Thung dung, Dạy và học, Cây Lương thực, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam, Food Crops, Cassava in Vietnam, VietnamAfricaCassavaRice, Khát khao xanh, Dayvahoc,Học mỗi ngày, Danh nhân Việt , Food Crops News, Điểm chính, CNM365, Kim LinkedIn, KimTwitter, KimFaceBook Đọc lại và suy ngẫm, Việt Nam tổ quốc tôi, Tình yêu cuộc sống, Thơ cho con
Trở về trang chính
Hoàng Kim, hoangkim, hoangkimvietnam, Ngọc Phương Nam, Chào ngày mới Thung dung, Dạy và học, Cây Lương thực, Tin Nông nghiệp Việt Nam, Food Crops, Cassava in Vietnam, VietnamAfricaCassavaRice, Khát khao xanh, Dayvahoc,Học mỗi ngày, Danh nhân Việt , Food Crops News, Điểm chính, CNM365, Kim LinkedIn, KimTwitter, KimFaceBook Đọc lại và suy ngẫm, Việt Nam tổ quốc tôi, Tình yêu cuộc sống, Thơ cho con
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