TÌNH YÊU CUỘC SỐNG. Thông tin Cây Lương thực Toàn cầu tháng 1 năm 2016 (Food Crops News 281). Chuyên trang thu thập, tuyển chọn thông tin Cây Lương thực giùm bạn và giúp bạn luyện học tiếng Anh nông nghiệp chuyên ngành.
food crops | ||||||||
NEWS | ||||||||
Green revelations
This is so whether it is about introducing nutri-farms or for creating awareness about new crops, methods and programs. For him, there is no food ...
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Uganda: Q1 2015/2016 growth marginal
''The main contributors to this decline were Food Crops and Forestry growing activities. Cash crops growing activities, however, registered a 12.2 ...
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Farmers shift from aus rice to other crops for higher profits
Farmers are shifting from aus rice cultivation to various other crops, ... The target for food grain production, including wheat, was set at 3.64 crore ...
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The poor and suffering
There was also the problem of food and water. The Japanese did not allow the planting of food-crops like corn or rice. They, the natives – for that was ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 30, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
LCCI for review of agri policies to cope with food insecurity as population soars
They said that “genetic modified crops have contributed to sustainable development in several significant ways including: contributing to food security ...
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Marrone Bio puts organic-friendly pesticide on the market
... Majestene, which targets roundworms in a range of food crops. Roundworms, also called nematodes, cause billions of dollars of damage to crops.
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Marrone Bio Innovations introduces Majestene bionematicide
is labeled for a wide array of crops including potatoes, corn, cotton,
... of pesticide residue limits that must be met for most food crop exports.
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 29, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Your food might be stuck on a barge
In crops, including almonds, apples and cherries, bees travel from blossom to blossom for food. In the process, they spread pollen containing the male ...
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Presentation given on GMO foods
The food industry, including companies such as Monsanto, have said that genetically engineering crops are important so yields can meet the needs of ...
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El Niño-linked drought kills crops and people in PNG
The latest data suggests that as many as 700,000 people in PNG are in critical need of food assistance, according to the World Food Programme.
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Mandatory GMO Food Labels Address Largely Supernatural Concerns and Are Meant to Confuse ...
The company flatly states that foods made using ingredients from biotech crops are as safe and as nutritious as foods produced using other processes.
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Massive maize crop failure looms
We are expecting rains this week because, if not, crops are going to die. ... He said government should invest more in irrigation to boost food ...
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Against the grain: Why grain consumption may be the underlying cause of your health issues
Most grains are “toxic” due to the levels of glyphosate used on food crops and found in the most popularly used herbicide, Roundup, which has ...
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Oregon Proposes Legislation to Protect Farmers and Consumers from GE Contamination
This also means that the work done at the local level to protect farmers and consumers from GE contamination on crops and food could be halted.
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Why a new trade deal has put GM crop concerns in the spotlight
The US has no specific legislation over GM crops, but approves them either through the Food and Drug Administration or via national environmental ...
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Marrone Bio Innovations Announces First Sales of MAJESTENEb" Bionematicide
is labeled for a wide array of crops including potatoes, corn, ... of
pesticide residue limits that must be met for most food crop exports.
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Kansas State University to help Agar farmers produce soya and millet food products
"This will help farmers to get the new options opened up for them and gain benefit from soy crops. This baby food about which we are talking can also ...
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Được chia sẻ công khai
Finger millet can play a key role in fighting malnutrition and bringing down the numbers of malnourished children under five…đọc thêm
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 28, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Molecular Method Promises To Speed Development Of Food Crops
"For plants with long life cycles, such as our food crops, this will greatly ... To meet the food and fuel needs of an ever-growing global population, ...
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India needs home-grown GM food to stop starvation
Indian scientists must develop domestic genetically modified crops rather than rely on unsuitable foreign technology, says Anurag Chaurasia.
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A proposed regulatory framework for genome-edited crops
Crops provide food,
feed and fiber for humankind, with the top 60 species covering 96% of
arable land in the world. The survival and well-being of our ...
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Expert on food industry discusses genetically engineered foods, labeling
The food industry, including companies such as Monsanto, have said that genetically engineering crops are important so that yields can meet the ...
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Zimbabwean farmers fear the worst as cattle, crops succumb to drought
Some villagers in Mafomoti are considering trekking the 100 km to the South African border to look for food. However, the continent's top maize ...
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Javadekar discusses GM crops issues with Agri Minister
In the meeting, sources said Javadekar discussed how field trials of many of the transgenic varieties of the food crops have got stuck despite ...
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Foodgrain production hits a new low
to official sources, a sharp decrease in the production of paddy, the
staple food in the State, has pulled down the total produce of food crops.
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Can Crops Survive Without Water?
Jill Farrant says that plants need to be much more plentiful in the coming decades to meet the food needs of the world. As the base of the food chain ...
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Astronauts and Arugula: Using Space-Station Technology to Grow Food
This gives hydroponic-based systems the potential to grow crops that have more nutrients than soil-based crops.” ... So, where does all this food go?
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Produce food safety worshops set for March
“On-farm food
safety touches all vegetable farmers throughout Wisconsin, ... “No
farmer wants to cause illness in a consumer; the basis of good food ... crops, such as cleaning and sanitation practices, and packing shed design.
Crop Biotech Update
January 27, 2016
Section: News from Around the World
The potential of the research is wide-ranging, with possible future applications in plant breeding and other industries. "Understanding this pathway could also allow us to come up with strategies to make these kind of useful compounds in microorganisms or in other plants that don't normally make them," Professor Last said. For more information, read the MSU news release. |
Section: News from Around the World
Twelve highly resistant GM potatoes of ‘Desiree' and one of ‘Victoria' varieties from the International Potato Center (CIP) showed extreme levels of resistance compared to the non-GM plants of the same varieties. Using genetic transformation, three resistance (R) genes from wild relatives (Solanum bulbocastanum, and S. venturii) were transferred into farmers' preferred varieties and the results are encouraging. A number of partially resistant varieties exist, but these are not preferred by farmers and consumers. This first observation of zero-fungicide potatoes marks an important milestone in the development and future deployment of biotech potato varieties to farmers in Africa that will significantly reduce losses and cost of production. In Uganda, losses due to potato late blight can reach up to 60%, forcing farmers to spray fungicides up to 15 times to protect their crops. About 300,000 smallholder households grow potatoes for their subsistence living and income generation. Losses due to late blight represents between 10-25% of their revenue from potato. For more details about this project, contact Dr. Andrew Kiggundu/NARO (akiggundu@kari.go.ug), or Dr. Marc Ghislain/CIP (m.ghislain@cgiar.org). |
Section: Beyond Crop Biotech
For this program, Oxitec initiated a new mosquito production facility in Piracicaba that will have the capacity to protect over 300,000 people. Piracicaba's CECAP/Eldorado district became the world's first municipality to partner directly with Oxitec after Brazil's National Biosafety Committee (CTNBio) approved releases throughout the country. In April 2015, self-limiting mosquitoes were released, and by the end of the calendar year, a reduction in wild mosquito larvae by 82% was recorded. Like many invasive insect species, Ae. aegypti's territory is expanding as are the diseases it spreads, including dengue, chikungunya, and Zika virus, which collectively impact over 100 countries and approximately 400 million people globally each year. Today, Brazil has the highest reported incidence of dengue in the Western Hemisphere, and with both chikungunya and Zika virus having entered the country in 2014 and 2015 respectively, the Ae. aegypti mosquito has become an increasing health risk. For more information, read the Oxitec news release. |
Section: News from Around the World
An international team of researchers from the University of
Turin (Italy), and the University of California Davis (USA) has
sequenced the genome
of globe artichoke. The globe artichoke was domesticated in the
Mediterranean region, with Italy as the top producing country and has
the richest primary gene
pool. The globe artichoke genome assembly covers 725 of the 1,084 Mb
genome. The sequence codes for about 27,000 genes, which were also
structurally and functionally annotated. Information on timing of
speciation, whole genome duplication and expansion of mobile elements
(2.5 MYA) were also gathered. A new pipeline (SOILoCo, Scaffold Ordering
by Imputation with Low Coverage) was used to anchor the assembled
genome to the 17 chromosomal pseudomolecules.
The globe artichoke is consumed as a food product, but it is also a source of bio-active compounds and can be used for the production of lignocellulosic biomass and seed oil for both edible and biofuel purposes. The sequence is available in the Globe Artichoke Microsatellite Database. |
Announcement from Plant Biotechnology:Subject line: The 2016 Hiring Outlook | |
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 26, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Eliminating Toxic Pesticides from Our Food and Environment
Food Tank had the opportunity to speak with Stephanie Davio, Forum ... allowed for use on major food crops, grown domestically and internationally.
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Fifteen million people facing food shortages in Ethiopia
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation says already, crop production in the country has dropped by 50 to 90 per cent in some regions and failed ...
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Editorial Comment: Food security; everyone's responsibility
Editorial Comment: Food security; everyone's responsibility ... to save the crops and ensure food security, but has stepped up measures to ensure that ...
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OPINION: Food Fights in our Future?
How certain are we that we can continue to have access to foods "from ... broccoli, potatoes and any other food crops that grow well in our particular ...
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Not just bees: the buzz on our other vital insect helpers
These wild insect pollinators occur naturally in our crops and are not ... Overall, about three-quarters of all the world's food crops and a third of the food ...
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Is cassava the key to tomorrow's food security?
Huyen Thi Phuc, a small-scale farmer in southern Vietnam, has grown cassava and cashew nuts for 15 years. The cassava, a root crop, brings in more ...
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Low rainfall threatens Zim food security
Harare – The low rainfall patterns that have characterised the current season have had a disastrous effect on rain-fed crops and put Zimbabwe's food ...
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CATO GMO debate: Should we regulate based on 'responsible research' or health and safety ...
She darkly noted the concomitant rise of biotech crops with increasing food allergies and cases of irritable bowel syndrome. Suggestive, no? Actually ...
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El Nino drives up inflation in southern Africa
Harare - Food inflation is on the rise in most southern African countries as ... Economist Jeffrey Kasirori said food inflation in the region was already rising ... “Driving through southern Zambia, I saw fields of crops severely stressed ...
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AGT Food and Ingredients Inc (AGT) Stock Rating Lowered by Raymond James
AGT Food and Ingredients Inc. (TSE:AGT), formerly Alliance Grain Traders Inc., is a processors and splitters of pulse crops and an international ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 25, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Encouraging GM food crops only way out for India: KV Thomas
Encouraging GM food crops only way out for India: K V Thomas ... out the food security law, former Food Minister and senior Congress MP K V Thomas ...
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Encouraging GM food crops only way out for India: Thomas
With the Union government deciding to roll out the food security law, former Food Minister and senior Congress MP K V Thomas today said ...
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Building a Farmer-Centered Movement for Seed Biodiversity
“Today, about 95 percent of the seeds that grow major food crops are being bred by agribusinesses for genetic uniformity, performance under ...
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View point: Strengthening Bulog's role in achieving food security
challenge here is that national food consumption occurs throughout the
year and increases steadily because of population growth while food crop ...
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70% wheat crop in JK hit by dry spell
The food crisis in Jammu and Kashmir is likely to worsen as nearly 70 per cent of this year's wheat crop has already been damaged due to an ...
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Ordering seeds for summer bounty in the garden
think about how many plants of each crop you'd like to grow and ... It
also means that seed crops stay in the field much longer than food crops do, ...
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Growers learn about spokes in food hubs
Growers learn about spokes in food hubs ... acquaints Illinois growers with the concept of food hubs at the Illinois Specialty Crops, Agritourism and ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 24, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Genetic engineering needs full disclosure and in-depth study
In contrast, the science is very clear about the effects of herbicides and pesticides sprayed on our food crops, genetically engineered to withstand the ...
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Rhode Island invests $380000 in local food businesses
Farm viability grants support efforts to increase specialty crop production and grow the marketplace for these crops in Rhode Island. Grants range from ...
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Food issue divides Greens
Fierce divisions in the Greens over genetically modified crops have surfaced following Greens leader Richard Di Natale's comments on the ...
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Tanking loonie, El Niño accelerate food costs for Canadians
The University of Guelph's food institute says the cost of some fruit and ... While it's a little difficult to do so in the winter, storage crops like potatoes, ...
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Manila accused of protecting GM crop firms
Manila: Militant scientists and food activists accused the government of fast-tracking a new policy on biotechnology to protect multinationals to the ...
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Take time to read the label on your pesticide
those who choose not to use pesticides more often than not wind up with
crops that are in poor condition and, if it's a food crop, maybe ...
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Boosting Sarawak's agricultural produce
“Strong global demand, together with on-going efforts to modernise and mechanise processing of food crops such as rice, fresh produce and spices ...
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Cooked in Indonesia: Phoney Rice Data Threatens Food Supply
The number rigging, critics say, flies in the face of food self-sufficiency targets that Joko Widodo has been aggressively pursuing since taking office in ...
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Poking nose without malice
Organic food items are the best for human consumption as well as for animals ... Perhaps the debate will go on whether the GM food/crops are the only ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 23, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Expanding wings: Food ministry demands control of crops wing, NFDC
ISLAMABAD: After the cotton wing, the Ministry of National Food Security and Research has sought control of two other departments from the Planning ...
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Crops for Every Corn - or Sauerkraut!
Nevertheless, it has taken until 2016 for these resources that are our food future to be fully funded. 830,000 samples of almost every known crop are ...
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New $130 million project to cut food waste from field to table
In parts of Africa up to half of some crops are lost due to inefficient harvesting, storage, processing, and time to market. A new initiative aims to cut food ...
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Harvest backyard grain crops to make tasty treats in the kitchen
"Learning about how our major food crops are grown, what they look like and the joy of seeing them growing" is a major benefit to growing backyard ...
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The food issue dividing the Greens party
ANALYSIS: Richard Di Natale's pragmatic approach to GM crops could bring ... The Greens might change their approach to genetically modified food.
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'Food security is heavily threatened by drought'
JOHANNESBURG - Agriculture Minister Senzeni Zokwana says food ... period, they are being encouraged to plant other crops as rainfall picks up.
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Cooked in Indonesia: phoney rice data threatens food supply
"This is the best way we have," said Hasil Sembiring, director general for food crops at the ministry. "We are very open to critics. Please show us if ...
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Responsible Research and Innovation: A Concept Worse than the Precautionary Principle
The U.S. regulatory system applied to genetically enhanced crops was cobbled together in the mid-1980s. The Food and Drug Administration ...
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Irrigation method that helps farmers grow more crops using less water
The drip irrigation has been hailed as the formidable weapon against food insecurity, and has been used by desert countries such as Israel to literally ...
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Local Biofuel Production for Rural Electrification
... that "food security is currently not achieved for all income groups" and that "replacing food crops with crops producing biofuel will most likely result in ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 22, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Rockefeller Foundation to Take Food-Waste Fight to Davos
The wide-ranging plan will stretch from thrown-out crops to excess food at the ... “The idea is that if you could really reduce food waste across the value ...
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Farm Service Agency reminds producers that USDA provides noninsurable crop assistance
Some of the eligible crops include livestock forages, oats, food crops, honey, maple sap, sorghum, industrial crops, Christmas trees, ginseng, and ...
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Venezuela´s response to food shortages? Grow your own food at home
“If a building has 120 apartments and they all have crops, they could even ... “Venezuela's food production problems will not be solved with urban ...
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Agriculture Seeks Silicon Valley's Help To Satisfy The World's Demand For Food
... largest amount of food — from reducing the amount of water needed to grow certain crops to reducing the amount of wasted product left in the field.
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A war on drugs? We'd be better off paying for a war on hunger
Forced crop eradication programmes by aerial or manual spraying with ... plus any food crops growing alongside, while polluting land and water.
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Papua New Guinea drought: A desperate need for food in drought-ravaged Western Province
"The lack of rainfall has really just meant that their crops have been wiped out," she ... "One woman was very weak and trying to find food in the bush.
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How big is Nigeria's food import bill?
Nigeria is set to adopt a labour intensive agriculture strategy to boost local production of rice, cocoa and other crops, this is according to the agriculture ...
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After early struggles, 'biopharming' poised to make big impact on medicine
The Center for Food Safety announced that “we don't think drugs should be in food crops.” The Federation of American Scientists, one of the more ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 21, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Report on wild food industry suggests the need for a co-operative
The Woodlot Association of Manitoba (WAM) says the province's privately owned forests are a cornucopia of foods if entrepreneurs are willing to take ...
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EAC committed to boosting food security, nutrition
The major food crops are maize, rice, potatoes, bananas, cassava, beans, vegetables, sugar, wheat, sorghum, millet and pulses. Some of these are ...
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White or yellow? South Africans face corn conundrum as drought hits crop
Farmers, millers, producers and retailers all have a stake in how consumers respond, with food prices expected to surge as crops wither during the ...
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Modified plants not good for consumers
Farmers try to control the weeds by using more herbicide and manufacturers add more-potent compounds so the weeds (and also food crops) will take ...
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Bio-Rad joins Mars and IBM-led food safety consortium
brings expertise in chromogenic and molecular tests for food ... share
food safety resources and expertise to control aflatoxins in food crops.
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Margaret Lauterbach: Learn to choose seeds that are nutritious
Generally, those food crops that are dark colored, red to purple, or have substantial blue color in them are extra nutritious because they are rich in ...
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Facing Drought, Farmers Turn To Produced Water
state officials, academic experts and industry representatives on the
panel are charged with studying the safety of irrigating food crops with ...
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Abu Dhabi claims world's first bioenergy facility to produce both food and aviation fuels
... production – that it diverts agricultural production away from food crops, competes for scarce fresh water sources and uses land that could grow food ...
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NWS Issues Drought Information Statement for the Marianas
Drying and yellowing of food crops and vegetation will become much worse. Grass fires have already been observed on Guam and the risk of grass ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ January 20, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
What impact could unpredictable weather have on our crops and food?
recent unpredictable weather may have been a shock to the system for
most Britons but for farmers the effect of fluctuating temperatures is
far ...
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Is Recycled Oilfield Water Safe for Crop Irrigation?
But is this produced water safe for use on food crops? A newly formed panel aims to answer this question. “There appears to be a data gap here,” the ...
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Producers may forgo profit for market share
As the worst drought since records started in 1904 decimates food crops, import costs are surging. Picture: REUTERS/SIPHIWE SIBEKO ...
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INFERNO: Fire Razes 55 Houses, Crops In Kebbi
It destroyed over 55 houses and destroyed properties worth ten million naira including food crops,” he said. Jega added that the inferno displaced over ...
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Freak weather ruins British crops, price increases expected
Adverse weather conditions in Britain have had disastrous effects on food crops and caused chaos for farmers this year. The combination of warmer ...
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Refugees in Malawi face food aid cuts amid funding drought
BARCELONA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Food supplies for thousands of ... As crops have failed, 2.8 million people there need food aid out of an ...
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Kenya: A Commercial Village Brings Business to Poor Kenyan Farmers
The initiative is generating income and ensuring food security not only at Tangakona but for the entire Busia County. The farmers grow the crops in ...
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DIRT ON GARDENING: Pollination sustains circle of life
According to the USDA, three-fourths of the world's flowering plants and about 35 percent of the world's food crops depend on animal pollinators to ...
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Why University-Industry Collaborations In Biotechnology Matter
Where do GM crops and other agricultural innovations come from? ... GM crops can also increase the amount of micronutrients in the food, which ...
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Can underground herb gardens boost Britain's food security?
Conditions can be adapted as needed, so different crops can be produced in ... reliance on imports, which make up around 40% of food consumption.
Crop Biotech Update
January 13, 2016
Section: News from Around the World
The information on the whole genome assembly will be combined with physical-map based sequence data to produce a high-quality, ordered sequence for each wheat chromosome that precisely locates genes, regulatory elements, and markers along the chromosomes, providing vital tools for wheat breeders. "This new wheat genome sequence generated by the IWGSC and its partners is an important contribution to understanding the genetic blueprint of one of the world's most important crops," said Curtis Pozniak, one of the researchers working on the project. "It will provide wheat researchers with an exciting new resource to identify the most influential genes important to wheat adaptation, stress response, pest resistance, and improved yield." Read the original article from IWGSC. |
Section: News from Around the World
The team looked at the gene SYNTAXIN 132, which encodes receptors (SYP132) that identify cell membranes, and interact with secretory vesicles. They found that the gene usually makes a transcript that always seeks out the plant cell's surface membrane. But if rhizobia are present in the host, that same gene will make a second type of protein that is able to find the membrane surrounding the bacteria. Surprisingly, symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi shares the same SYP132 receptor. Scientists now understand that the host membrane – both in legumes and beyond – around the fungal arbuscule has a lot in common with the membrane around the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. For more details, read the news article at the UMassAmherts News and Media Relations. |
Section: News from Around the World
Get a copy of the report from USDA FAS. |
Section: News from Around the World
The meeting was convened for the approval of new crop varieties for cultivation. The Punjab Agriculture Secretary also constituted a sub-committee for a complete review of 19 Bt cotton and 2 non-Bt cotton varieties, as well as 11 mango varieties. The Secretary of the Seed Council will head this committee, which, after thorough analysis, will submit recommendations to the provincial secretary of agriculture. The Chairman of Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) Nawab Shahad Ali Khan urged the farmers to grow high yielding approved varieties to make the country self-sufficient in agricultural commodities. He aspired that cotton production in Punjab would be considerably enhanced through cultivation of Bt varieties, which have effective resistance against pests. For more, read the news posted on the website of the Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center. |

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