Food Crops News. Thông tin Cây Lương thực Toàn cầu tháng 2 năm 2016 (Food Crops News 283). Chuyên trang thu thập, tuyển chọn thông tin Cây Lương thực giùm bạn và giúp bạn luyện học tiếng Anh nông nghiệp chuyên ngành. Cassava News 133; Cassava News 132

The cassava revolution in Vietnam
Le Huy Ham1*, Hoang Kim2, Nguyen Thi Truc Mai3, Nguyen Bach Mai4and Reinhardt Howeler5
- AGI, Hanoi, 2) NLU, HCM City, 3) HUAF, Hue, 4) TNU, Tay Nguyen, 5) CIAT-emeritus, San Mateo, USAhttp://www.gcp21.org/wcrtc/PlenaryTableofContents.pdf
Cassava Conservation and Sustainable Development in Vietnam has been very successful, as indicated by the results of trials and demonstrations conducted in Tay Ninh, Dak Lak, Phu Yen and Dong Nai provinces, where farmers using the improved varieties and practices boosted cassava yields from 8.5 t/ha to 36 t/ha − a more than four-fold increase. The Vietnam National Cassava Program (VNCP) has introduced various methodologies, named “6M” and “10T” (after the Vietnamese titles all starting with M or T, respectively), as well as Farmer Participatory Research (FPR). These are collaborative experiences that helped to bring advanced technologies into production for millions of poor farmers. This included the selection of high-yielding varieties and the testing and selection by farmers of locally appropriate technologies.
Cassava in Vietnam: Trends, Challenges and Direction. Cassava is now considered to be the most suitable crop for biofuel production in Vietnam, because of its wide availability and low cost of production, as compared to other potential biofuel crops like maize or sugarcane. Cassava in Vietnam has great potential, but also big challenges. To make cassava production profitable and more sustainable there is a need for varietal improvement in disease resistance and starch content, as well as better cultivation techniques. Modern methods of biotechnology for plant improvement, like genetic engineering, marker assisted selection and others should be incorporated in cassava breeding. A Joint laboratory between CIAT-RIKEN (Japan) and the Agricultural Genetics Institute (AGI-Vietnam) for Cassava Molecular Breeding has been established in AGI as an open platform for cassava research and breeding in Vietnam and the region.
food crops | |||||||
NEWS | |||||||
South Africa to ease some GM crop rules to avert food crisis
... genetically modified crops so it can ramp up maize imports from the United States and Mexico to avert a potential food crisis amid a severe drought, ...
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You're eating meat tainted by genetically modified crops but you don't know it
Livestock are being fed on genetically modified food then ending up on supermarket shelves without the knowledge of shoppers, it was claimed last ...
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'Flower power' could be an answer to solving the world's increasing food security problems
Research from Australian and New Zealand scientists has found that including more wild plants among crops can increase farm output as well as ...
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Has the weather doomed Texas peach crops?
Peaches are among the fruit crops that could suffer bud damage if the area has a late freeze after a ... The Market food hall, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.
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Black sorghum finds its fit in cereal line
“Which is based on cereals and other grain based foods such as .... by gluten intolerance than anything, and maybe a little bit of reaction to GM crops.
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Consumer concern with GMOs continues
All G.M.O. crops (including corn, soybeans and sugar beets) have been evaluated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug ...
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Should You Go Organic?
A second study from the same team showed organic foods have higher ... review by the same team compared organic to conventional food crops.
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Unnecessary, costly hurdles threaten crop innovation
The report said most support or rejection of GM food and crops was “conditional” and likely to move based on regulation or scientific evidence of safety ...
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Activists protest against Centre buying excess FCV tobacco
urging tobacco farmers to support the cause and switch over to other
crops. ... growers to switch over to other suitable crops, especially food crops.
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WEB | |||||||
Green Manure Crops in Africa: A Report from the Field
In this personal letter, Roland shares his recent work with the successful farmer-to-farmer spread of cover crops in seven African countries.
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Carbon Farming: A perennial Crops Approach for Global Food Security and Climate Change ...
and participate in a live webinar presentation by Eric Toensmeier
(Author of “Edible Forest Gardens” and “Paradise Lot”) as he discusses
some ...
food crops
Daily update⋅February 23, 2016
NEWS | |||||||
The Crop That Will Skyrocket Most This Century Isn’t Really a Food at All
By 2060, however, hay will be growing even faster, and by 2080 it will have completely overshadowed the growth of all other food crops combined.
Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the Senate DARK Act
Voluntary labeling won’t work – Food companies have been able to make … but are threatened by drifting pollen from GMO crops and pesticides.
More than 1600 sign petition on GMO safety, benefits
The petition said the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations … “G.E. crops can provide major health benefits to people throughout the …
Tanzania to pilot aflatoxin research
The threat is beyond crops as Bendantunguka Tiisekwa, a senior ….
And, with aflatoxin contamination reduced to safe levels, Africa’s food crops are …
Book review: Biofuels, Food Security and Developing Economies
But, as this book shows, this can divert agricultural land from food production to energy crops, thus affecting food security, particularly in less …
Organic milk and meat may be worth shelling out extra for, study suggests
Previous research concluded that the only thing organic food had going for it was a lower level of pesticides. … “Taken together, the three studies on crops, meat and milk suggest that a switch to organic fruit, vegetables, meat and …
FAO Food Price Index drops to seven-year low
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Food Price Index fell in … prospects for cereal crops in 2016, especially in the Southern Hemisphere, …
We’re set to double food production – Katavi RC
KATAVI Region is expected to double crop production in the next two years, in its efforts to retain its position as the country’s main food basket.
Vava’u cyclone recovery effort includes mosquito nets
Apart from loss of agricultural food crops, some damage to schools, Ngu Hospital and HMAF Camp Fangatongo, Vava’u has emerged from Cyclone …
Our new webpage dedicated to beans and IYP2016 is just one click away!
It will take you to a virtual tour of Where Beans Grow, bring to you amazing Tales of Beans, colorful photo galleries of beans from around the world, and much more.
Let’s celebrate the impacts of our research so far, thanks to our work with hundreds of partners in Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Let’s also take the opportunity to thank our donors and partners for their continued support. Their commitment is critical for translating the remarkable achievements of recent years into new rounds of improvement in global pulse performance. This work is vital for the food and nutritional security of the 300 million people who depend on beans!
read more …. www.ciat.cgiar.org
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 22, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Tanzania introduces remote technology to monitor crops
The National Food
Security Division in the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and
Fisheries in collaboration with the Sokoine University of
Agriculture ...
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Why the whitefly is bringing global scientists to Tanzania
The whitefly spreads diseases to important crops very swiftly, a situation which, if not urgently controlled, efforts to ensure sustainable food security ...
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Organic versus non-organic food
The latest analysis of organic versus non-organic food was done by a British research ... Crop rotation prevents any one crop from depleting the soil.
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Managing land can be beneficial to animals, hunters
Baylor of Baylor's Food Plots in Danville said most of his clients
belong to ... “Planting food plots is like baking your favorite
cookies,” Aumen said. ... at the expo, said cutting trees also opens
space for food crops such as berries ...
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Global biodiversity body zooms in on pollinators
“All these highly beneficial and flavourful food crops have a common denominator. They arrive in our stores thanks to the tireless efforts of pollinators, ...
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Tonga rebuild could take months after Cyclone Winston
"Some crops have been totally uprooted," says Sela Fa'u of Tonga Public Health. "I think in the next month or two there will be a food shortage.".
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 21, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
FG, Netherlands collaborate to boost food production
“We need to put our growing population to good use by increasing local production of food crops. There is an urgent need for us as a country to grow ...
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El Nino-Linked Drought Is Ethiopia's Worst in 50 Years
... need of food aid in Ethiopia amid a drought worse than the one that triggered the haunting 1984 famine, the U.N. has warned. Crops have withered ...
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Nutritious food, stable food production, technology to make India hunger free
Between 1994-95 and 2013-14, availability of food grains per capita .... Research should focus on food crops, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, milk, ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 20, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Madagascar flirts with food crisis as Khat fields replace staple crops
the political crisis that gripped Madagascar in 2009, global prices of
agricultural commodities fell, and farmers in the island's northern
peninsular ...
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FDA to test foods for controversial herbicide
CROP COVER The FDA will begin testing food for the herbicide glyphosate, which is in widespread use, thanks in part to the development of crops ...
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'Expedite action on passing ranching law'
He observed that there has been confrontation between food crop producers and alien herdsmen. “If measures are not put in place we will have ...
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Pro-GMO Activism in India: Journalism Gives way to Spin, Smears and “Scientific” Falsehoods
genetic engineering as practiced today is a crude, imprecise, and
outmoded technology. It can create unexpected toxins or allergens in foods ...
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Planting Cover crops with your potatoes may increase production
Topics for workshop included "A Biotic Approach to Potato Production", "The Value of Cover Crops", Healthy Soil", The Food Security Act ...
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Fiji braces for cyclone Winston after Tonga hit twice
Director Leveni Aho said some houses had been damaged but the main area of concern was the loss of food crops. "They lost about 10 houses, and ...
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WEB | ||||||||
Should We Be Watering California's Crops With Oil Field Wastewater?
Concerns include the potential health and environmental effects on food crops grown with this water and eaten by consumers around the U.S., ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 19, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
NASA plans to develop food crops in outer space
The opportunity to grow food crops successfully in controlled environments for the duration of the mission would be a notorious asset to the Mars trip.
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Startup Indigo wants to use bacteria to create hardy super-crops
... in the body, Indigo's goal is to manipulate the composition of bacteria in plants to grow healthier crops that ultimately produce more nutritious food.
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Plant Scientists: GM Technology a Safe Tool to Help Meet Food Supply Demands
... corporate, academic, and private institutions say public doubts about genetically modified food crops are hindering the next Green Revolution.
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Pulse crop prices jump in Canada, even as supply grows
Pulses are also a trendy item, according to many food writers, considering ... Canadian production of pulses and special crops, such as peas, lentils, ...
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China Hates GMOs. Problem Is, China Really Needs GMOs
Food security is a national obsession—so it only seemed natural when, earlier this ... Since then, China has confined GM crops to the laboratory. Food ...
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Dept plans jumbo 'food paradise' | Bangkok Post: news
Wild elephants are often in close contact with farmers, and sometimes are killed to protect crops. A new plan would provide more land for elephants to ...
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A Primitive Advance
Currently, the biofuel industry relies primarily on food crops, which are easier to process for sugars to convert into ethanol. This creates a competition ...
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Growing more than fresh food
On this particular Tuesday, the volunteers were harvesting the winter crop of broccoli, dill, cauliflower, cilantro, celery and sweet peas to make room for ...
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World hunger: what the Ebola virus can teach us about saving crops
Our research focuses on cassava, a staple food for some 800 million people in ... These “Cassava Brown Streak Viruses” can destroy entire crops.
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Wrong on GE labeling
Many GE crops are designed to resist glyphosate, an ingredient in the weed ... GE foods should be labeled so that consumers can make their own ...
Crop Biotech Update
Special Edition: February 18, 2016
Stakeholders Gear Up for New Philippine Regulations
Agriculture Modernization and National Food Security Require GMOs
CAMP’s (Coalition for Agriculture Modernization in the Philippines) position paper on GMOs.
Consistent with the enlightened national policy since the
late 1980s, the Coalition for Agriculture Modernization in the
Philippines, Inc. (CAMP) supports genetic modification (GM) technology
as an important tool for modernization and global competitiveness of
agriculture in the Philippines. This powerful tool is able to develop
crops which can: (1) provide higher yields; (2) reduce environmental
impacts of food production; (3) adapt to hazards such pests, diseases
and climate change. Global competitiveness in farming today, unlike in
the past, is based more on scientific knowledge and technology, rather
than on natural resources such as soil and water.
We join many sectors of society, including those who truly care about the future of farming, consumer health and environmental care, in expressing dismay over the recent Supreme Court decision permanently stopping research on Bt talong, declaring DA Administrative Order No. O8 null and void, and temporarily stopping the whole range of activities on research, development and utilization of genetically modified organism (GMO) technology. This decision will tend to perpetuate existing hazardous practices for agricultural pest control. We urge the Supreme Court to review its decision, considering that its assumptions are outdated and its information based purely on ideology. The Supreme Court relied on so-called scientific literature from sources which have been discredited while completely ignoring the statements of at least 271 Academies of Science and reputable organizations from developing and industrial countries that GM products are no riskier than their conventional counterparts. These institutions include the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), AgBio World Foundation (signed by 25 Nobel Prize winners and more than 3,400 scientists), the International Union of Nutritional Scientists, the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society of London, the US National Academy of Sciences, the China Academy of Sciences, the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the Mexican Academy of Sciences, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), the Philippine National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), the Third World Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, the USA's Society of Toxicology, England's Royal Society of Medicine, the British Medical Association, the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Food Safety Authority, Food Standards Australia and New Zealand and hundreds of other respected, reputable organizations. The Supreme Court gravely erred when it failed to consider the relative risks of alternative technologies compared to Bt talong and hastily applied the precautionary principle to support its judgment. Presently, farmers spray synthetic chemical pesticides which are hazardous to human health on eggplants as often as every other day during the eggplant's growth cycle or worse, dip the developing eggplant in a solution of the pesticide in order to prevent enormous yield loss and to be able to market eggplants with no holes. There is absolutely no justification to lump GMOs with toxic chemicals waste, the hazardous materials for which the precautionary principle was originally designed. In the interest of farmers, consumers and the environment, we urge the Supreme Court to allow Bt talong research to continue. The Supreme Court’s decision to nullify Administrative Order 8 (AO8) is absolutely unjust. There is no emergency affecting life or death, or constituting environmental disaster, or even an imminent threat, which could justify such a harsh judgment. On the contrary, AO8 has a proven record of safe and effective use for the past 12 years. Because of AO8, our corn, livestock and poultry industries have become globally competitive, and our farmers’ incomes have increased. What is clear and imminent danger is the possibility that feed millers will be unable to import much needed soybeans, a huge percentage of which are obtained from genetically modified seeds and that about 400,000 Filipino corn farmers who annually plant GM corn on more than 800,000 hectares will not be able to plant GM corn because permits to sell those GM corn seeds will expire as early as March 2016. We call on the Supreme Court to allow AO8 to remain in effect until a new set of rules for GMOs is formulated so that R and D and utilization of GM technology can continue without interruption. Abruptly nullifying AO8 puts excessive pressure on the five departments concerned to issue a new set of rules. We need all the appropriate technologies, incl We call on the patriotic citizens of the Philippines to join us in exorcising our country of the negative influence of false environmentalism on the executive and judiciary branches of government. The Coalition for Agriculture Modernization in the Philippines, Inc. (CAMP) is a non-profit organization comprised of individuals using their time and money to help improve agricultural output in the Philippines. CAMP's advocacy and advisory services revolve around all sound means to modernize Philippine agriculture and to attain better food security. Contact information: campsecre |
Science Journalists Recognize UP’s R&D as a Catalyst for Progress
University of the Philippines (UP) President Alfredo E.
Pascual hosted a Media Brunch for Science Journalists on Saturday,
February 13th in UP Diliman to showcase some of UP’s Research and
Development Activities with practical applications that benefit the
Among the many laudable researches discussed was UP’s response to the urgent need for Food Security and Nutrition by harnessing biotechnology to feed a growing population. President Pascual emphasizes that “this topic is very much in the radar of our media due to the Supreme Court decision to suspend Bt Talong field trials, which impacts not only agriculture but also greatly affects the fisheries, poultry & livestock sectors, as well as the pharmaceutical and clothing industries.” Also discussed was the emerging aerospace industry with the development of the first microsatellite for Scientific Earth Observation in the Philippines through the Diwata Program, primarily led by UP faculty. Component projects such as the microsatellite development and ground-receiving station are being undertaken by UP Diliman. The Diwata microsatellite also benefits farmers and aids in food security by measuring the extent of farmlands, determine growth stages of crops, and observe weather disturbances that can affect crop health and production yield. Lastly, the need to develop Filipino Scientists and Engineers in order to adequately support the economic growth of the Philippines is addressed by Versatile Instrument System for Scientific Education and Research (VISSER), which boosts Science & Technology through education by the use of hand-held electronic devices as an alternative to the traditional Science Laboratory set-up. Senior High Schools who opt for the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education (STEM) track under the K-12 Program will have to provide laboratories for their students. “In UP, we recognize that adding Agriculture as an additional discipline will boost our country’s chances for increased national development, thus transforming STEM into STEAM,” announces President Pascual. All these research projects such as Bt Talong, Diwata and VISSER are proudly products of the UP Faculty as gifts to the Filipino people. “It being February- a month marked by both Valentine’s Day and People Power- I have to mention that not all heroes need give up their life for country,” explained Vice President for Academic Affairs Gisela P. Concepcion. “Some like most of the UP academe, offer their Talents and Genius not only to shape the minds that shape the nation, but also to shape our nation’s public agenda by moving our country’s national development forward through their scientific researches.” UP College of Mass Communication Dean Elena E. Pernia reiterates, “Media as gatekeepers of information need to present all sides of the issues, most specially when presenting controversial topics.” She added that media are best equipped in disseminating facts and figures on how UP R&D benefit the country, such as Bt technology. The brunch reception is part of a series by the Communicating Science and Technology, Research and Development at the University of the Philippines (CoST UP) to engage the media in a meaningful dialogue to provide timely, relevant and accurate information about current issues. About CoST UP Communicating Science and Technology, Research and Development at the University of the Philippines (CoST UP) is an interdisciplinary program that aims to mainstream S&T into the public consciousness and the nation’s development policy. The collaborating units are the Colleges of Mass Communication and Fine Arts, School of Economics, and Marine Science Institute from UP Diliman and the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (BIOTECH), Institute of Plant Breeding (IPR) and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) from UP Los Baños. CoST UP is a project under the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA). For more information, kindly contact Rica D. Abad at (0917) 875-8703 or rica.d.abad@gmail.com. |
Socio-Economic Considerations Highlighted in 5th JDC Public Consultation
The 5th and final public consultation for the Joint
Department Circular (JDC) being drafted by five government agencies,
namely: the Departments of Agriculture (DA), Science and Technology
(DOST), Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Health (DOH), and
Interior and Local Government (DILG) was held last February
17, 2016 at the Department of Agriculture in Quezon City, Philippines.
Attended by various stakeholders including representatives from civil
society, the public consultation presented for discussion the latest
revisions to the draft which focused on the process workflows for the
issuance of biosafety permits for confined trial, commercial
propagation, and direct use of biotech products in the Philippine
setting. The said consultation followed those conducted in Cagayan De
Oro City, Cebu City, and the first and fourth consultations in Quezon
Since the 1st public consultation, the JDC has evolved into a draft that aims to address the risks and benefits of biotechnology, with the 5th draft expected to incorporate considerations on the socio-economic, cultural, and ethical aspects. Another highlight was the premium given to the involvement of DILG, which is deemed crucial in enhancing public participation in biosafety decision making. Meanwhile, technology developers and providers made representation to include in the JDC sanctions for parties that use protected technology to produce and market counterfeit seeds and thus sidestep responsible technology stewardship. Regarding food and environmental safety issues, it was reiterated during the public consultation that food safety considerations are already embedded in the new JDC in accordance with the guidelines stipulated in the Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Alimentarius has 188 member countries and 1 member organization, including the Philippines, which collectively cover 99% of the world’s population. On the other hand, obligation towards biosafety is derived from the Convention on Biological Biodiversity, which the Philippines has acceded to, which recognizes both potential benefits and risks of biotechnology. According to Jaime Montoya, Chair of the Technical Working Group (TWG) for the JDC, “the JDC and the five departments involved aim to address the specific issues raised during the consultative process. The TWG, with the sincerest of intentions, will determine what is best for everyone without exception. Albeit there are issues related to biotechnology as a science, science (be it pure science or the social sciences) is constantly evolving. Absence of evidence should not preclude one from making a decision.” For the next steps, the TWG will recommend the final draft to the five department secretaries on February 19. It will also be made available for public viewing via the DOST-National Commission on Biosafety of the Philippines (DOST-NCBP) website. However, no precise date was given on when the new JDC will be signed and take effect. Until then all research, field testing, commercialization, and importation of GM crops and biotech products are put on hold in the Philippines, as the country braces itself on the overall impact of the Supreme Court decision. |
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 18, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
6 Things I Would Ask the Presidential Candidates About Food and Farming
These crops are irrigated by water diverted from the declining Colorado ... water resources in the context of its central position in our food system? 3.
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Global food production needs 'significant' fertiliser boost
Global food production needs 'significant' fertiliser boost ... This in turn will spark a rise in demand grass crops and production is expected to increase ...
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Food Innovation Center Welcomes its First Crop of Students
Food-Innovation-sprouts KALAMAZOO (MICH.)-The Food Innovation Center on the Bronson Healthy Living Campus of Kalamazoo Valley Community ...
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Soilless farming suggested as a solution to food shortage in Qatar Pensoft Publishers
Furthermore, this type of soilless farming could provide reliable quantity as well as quality of the crops. Grown indoors, where they would be constantly ...
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Science Used to Regulate Roundup is Outdated, Says New Study
The weed-killer is also used on numerous other food crops and on landscaping plants. Enough glyphosate is now used to cover nearly every acre of ...
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Commentary: Bananas are going extinct; Corn soon to follow?
The Irish Lumper potato, considered the staple food for the poor in Ireland, was grown extensively in monocultures across Ireland. It only took one crop ...
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Talking Seeds With High Mowing's Tom Stearns
advocacy for a GMO-free food system has earned him no less than three
... conventional seed is outrageous, because seed is not a food crop.
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How wheat changed the world
has been a global food staple for thousands of years. (Photo: ... The
colonists, however, planted wheat as a hobby crop rather than a food crop, ...
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GM food key to 'feed growing world population'
Mr Rana said in many cases, crop yields were enhanced and water use reduced because farmers no longer needed to plough the land, wasting ...
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FDA to test food for Monsanto weedkiller
Milk, corn, eggs and soybeans are on the list of foods the Food and Drug ... Soy and corn are widely used in animal feed and are among the crops ...
Crop Biotech Update
February 17, 2016
Section: News from Around the World
Instead of building a better sensor, Innes' team created 'decoy' proteins that would be targeted by the enzymes that pathogens use to cause disease. When existing sensor proteins detect modification of these decoy proteins by the pathogen's enzymes, resistance is activated. Using this approach, the team was able to broaden the recognition ability of a sensor protein that normally detects the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae to detect two different viral pathogens, turnip mosaic virus and tobacco etch virus, expanding the disease resistance of the plant. For more information about this research, read the news release from Indiana University Bloomington website. |
Section: News from Around the World
The study found that the genetically engineered rice has significantly increased levels of Fe (up to 15 micrograms) and Zn (up to 45.7 micrograms) per gram of polished rice that human cells can potentially absorb. Polished rice grains contain only about 2 micrograms of Fe and 16 micrograms of Zn per gram, and with limited variation in grain Fe content across the rice gene pool, conventional breeding efforts have not been successful in reaching 13 micrograms of Fe and 28 micrograms of Zn per gram of polished rice to fulfill 30% of the estimated average requirement (EAR) in humans. The scientists used genes–nicotianamine synthase from rice and ferritin from soybean–that together produce high-micronutrient grains. They introduced the genes to the rice variety IR64, and bred these into other popular indica varieties, the most widely grown rice from South and Southeast Asia where Fe and Zn deficiencies are prevalent. For more, read the article in Rice Today. |
Section: News from Around the World
"The result shows how important professionally conducted scientific studies are to ensure that consumers are not unnecessarily confused in the emotional debate on pesticide residues", said BfR President Dr. Andreas Hensel. The BfR commissioned the studies as a response to the June 2015 report that found glyphosate in 16 breast milk samples. The BfR has now confirmed its opinion that no relevant transfer of glyphosate to breast milk occurs. These findings have also been incorporated in the EFSA conclusions, which now form the scientific basis for the process for the renewal of the approval for glyphosate at European level. For more, read the news release at the BfR website. |
Section: News from Around the World
"The vast biodiversity we observed in tomato species is the result of a complex set of genetic resources that we can distinguish with large-scale genomic data," said James Pease, University of Michigan postdoctoral fellow and first author of the study. The team found evidence that supports three major genetic strategies behind the tomato's ability to rapidly adapt to ecological change: the recruitment of genes from a common ancestral pool, the trading of genes between species through a form of natural crossbreeding called introgression, and the rapid accumulation of new genetic mutations. For more details, read the news release at the University of Michigan website. |
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 17, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
New Gene-Editing Techniques Could Transform Food Crops--or Die On the Vine
New Gene-Editing Techniques Could Transform Food Crops--or Die On the Vine. A powerful new gene-editing tool is sweeping agriculture. It could ...
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Flowers Harvested on Earth and in Space for Food Crop Research
Spern removes a base tray containing zinnias from a controlled
environment chamber in the Space Station Processing Facility at
Kennedy ...
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Food for thought - 'I think there has been a misunderstanding of what GM crops are'
Depending on who you believe, GM crops are either going to cure world ... According to the United Nations World Food programme, there are 795 ...
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Minister Ecweru clarifies on food relief
Musa Ecweru while refuting the allegations said: “The relief food was sent for people whose food crops were damaged by floods but not for political ...
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Southern Africa: Crop Diversification Key
It is equally becoming clear that over-reliance on certain staple foods like maize needs a rethink. This is in view of indicators pointing to difficult times ...
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Asia watches as GMO legal challenge threatens Philippines food supply
country was the first in the region to allow planting and
commercialization of GM corn, which it did in 2002, and has permitted GM
crop imports for ...
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Philippines: Experts bat for reversal of high court ruling on GM crop
eggplant gm crops ... the Philippines are asking the government to issue new regulations governing food crops produced through genetic engineering.
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Food shortage looms in Fiji after second cyclone
Villagers in Fiji's remote Lau group say they are expecting food shortages in ... So the root crops have been twisted and as I came this morning to the ...
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Interview: Tackling food loss/waste in Africa requires an all-inclusive solution—Mamadou Biteye ...
The initiative will work with private, public and nonprofit actors in the food ... These same crops are priorities in national agricultural plans, they also ...
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Tanzania: Whiteflies Wreak Havoc On Cassava
"Damage through feeding by the pest causes severe economic losses in a wide range of food crops grown by millions of smallholder farmers," said Dr ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 16, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Factbox: Asia, Africa tiptoe into GMOs; Europe reluctant
GMO crops have their DNA modified to make them resistant to pests, ... However, GMO food crops have not gained any foothold in China and India.
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Experts bat for reversal of high court ruling on GM crop
Experts bat for reversal of high court ruling on GM crop ... to issue new regulations governing food crops produced through genetic engineering.
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The Biotech Corporate Vision: Genetically Engineered Crops, Transgenic Seeds, Demise of ...
At today's opening of the three-day international symposium on agricultural biotechnologies convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the ...
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Technavio Announces Top Four Emerging Trends Impacting the Crop Protection Chemicals Market ...
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio's latest report on the crop ... land and an increase in the demand for food mandates crop yield efficiency.
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Interview: Tackling food loss/waste in Africa requires an all-inclusive solution—Mamadou Biteye ...
These same crops are priorities in national agricultural plans, they also have ... MB: Due to the fact that food loss and waste is an all-inclusive problem, ...
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Dry and brown Southern Africa will need food aid
Paul van der Walt looks at the failed maize crop on his farm Lusthof near Lichtenburg in North West. Crop failure due to severe drought has put the ...
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Ethiopia: The ADLI Still Mobilizing Ethiopia's Economy
moisture stress areas, major activities are undertaken to enhance food
... in crop diversification and specialization, for both traditional food crops, ...
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Food Shocks – Scientists Gather to Discuss the Dangers of an Agriculture/Climate Change Clash
"Crop yields and climate data show us that the global food system is at increased risk as extreme weather events are as much as three times more ...
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Ethiopia: Tackling Drought Through Cultivating Drylands
Failure of the sector to assure food security through irrigation technology is ... effort to produce wheat which is one of the food security crops in Africa.
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Climate Change Effects: Ghanaians brace yourselves; Massive food shortage looms
With the situation set to worsen this year, there are concerns about Ghana's food production and supply, as crop production is directly dependent on ...
food crops
Daily update ⋅ February 15, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||||
Climate scientists warn rising temperatures will affect crop yield, threaten global food security
record-high yields of corn and soybean across the United States in
2014, climate scientists warn that rising temperatures and future
extreme ...
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Flowering Zinnias on space station set stage for deep-space food crop research
Feb 14 : Zinnia plants from the Veggie ground control experiment at
NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida were harvested Feb 11 in the ...
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Food Grain Output Likely to Rise Marginally in FY16, Says Government
New Delhi: India's food grain production is estimated to increase marginally to 253.16 million tonnes in crop year 2015-16 on likely improvement in ...
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Valley Voice: Insure our food supply and our economy
Or that America's food security is improved by insurance because it helps ... This new policy is not crop specific, and now crops like dates, spinach, ...
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Anti-GM activists blamed for limiting crop yields
It said allowing more farmers in low-income nations to grow biotech crops would allow them to grow more food and increase rural incomes. The report ...
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Food is the new steel at Hamilton's Lake Ontario ports
For growers, the rise of a new agri-food hub offers new markets for their crops. “Investments in agriculture, particularly grains, are always something ...
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Flood-Ravaged Crops on Indonesia's Sumatra Island Pose Food Shortage Risks
KAMPAR, Indonesia – Farmers in areas of west Sumatra island are facing possible food shortages after heavy seasonal flooding, which has left 43 ...
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''Crop production to suffer unless rains come''
The Ghana Meteorological Service has already predicted a possible drought that could lead to severe food shortage this year, if appropriate steps are ...
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Earth Talk: Are GMOs really so bad for us and the environment?
According to the non-profit Non-GMO Project, genetically modified crops and food items can contaminate conventional crops and foods through ...
Forget organic extremists or pro-GM firms – Africa needs to make own calls on biotechnology or ... - Mail & Guardian Africa
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Farmer's comment: If you want great British food tomorrow, buy British today
It becomes very frustrating having spent time last autumn creating the best seedbed for the crops to grow only to see the healthy crop disappear over ...
food crops
Daily update⋅February 14, 2016
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NEWS | |||||||
Flowering Zinnias set stage for deep-space food crop research
plants from the Veggie ground control experiment at NASA's Kennedy
Space Center in Florida were harvested Feb. 11 in the same way that ...
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FOOD WIPEOUT WARNING: US could be devastated by ANOTHER 1930s-style Dust Bowl
And they said that climate change could make the food wipeout even more devastating, as a warmer world would leave crops even more prone to ...
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Flood-ravaged crops on Indonesia's Sumatra island pose food shortage risks
Farmers in areas of west Sumatra island are facing possible food shortages after heavy seasonal flooding, which has left 43 people dead, destroyed ...
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A shock to the food system
A drought can dry out what had looked like a healthy crop. Too many simultaneous floods, droughts and other extreme events worldwide could sent ...
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Weed Regulation: States Are on Their Own
The Environmental Protection Agency, which typically tests food crops for dangerous toxins, also won't commit resources to ensuring the safety of a ...
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Science responds to globalized disease threat to farms and food systems
... between the US and UK is anticipating and protecting our food supplies from a host of new disease threats to crops, animals and humans and which ...
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Say hello to flowering Zinnias on space station this Valentine's
“The flowers going to seed are a good demonstration for sustainable food crops,” said Nicole Dufour, NASA mechanical engineer. “It's a good example ...
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Straight from the Plate: This week in food and ag
The report argues that by pressuring governments into restricting the growth of biotech crops, activists are limiting economic opportunities for farmers ...
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Bayer continues to support partners with sustainable solutions
Bayer recommitted to supporting partners throughout the food chain to ... being extended to broad-acre crops such as oilseed rape, wheat and rice." ...
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When It Comes To Food, I Believe What I Believe. Now Leave Me Alone
A recent study published in the journal Food Policy attempted to inform study participants about the scientific facts of GMO crops and food products.
food crops
Daily update⋅February 13, 2016
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NEWS | |||||||
How Climate Change Will Hurt Crops and Endanger Our Food Security
global climate system is a complex, multifaceted system. It's hard to
infer the effects of climate change plainly on the basis of an isolated
instance ...
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Syngenta deal could pave way for biotech acceptance from China users
The Syngenta executive noted that while cultivation of GM food crops remains illegal in China, there are indications that the government wants to ...
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Rodd Moesel: It's time to start planting
There are also many perennial food crops to plant now in the early spring season to produce fresh nutrition and great taste for years to come.
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Montana poised for leadership during Year of Pulses
Pulses are also becoming one of Montana's most important cash crops. ... “Not only have the pulse crops become an important food source for ...
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Agriculture Forum: Ending food waste, feeding people
In some communities, farmers actually grow extra crops for the gleaners to take. They donate this otherwise lost food to pantries and shelters.
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Kenya Approves Cultivation Trials for GMO Maize
would have been a mockery to the government that funds allocated to
research and development of GM sweet potatoes among other food crops ...
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'Imposed' agricultural policies in Africa push farmers deeper into poverty
“Such policies may increase aggregate production of exportable crops, yet for ... and insufficiently tested Genetically Modified (GM) foods and crops.
food crops
Daily update⋅February 12, 2016
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NEWS | |||||||
Hungry For Truth: Exchanging Lessons About Food, Crops Between Nations
addressing the topic of agriculture, we a lot of times focus on the
Upper Midwest. But we can learn a lot from other parts of the country
and even ...
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UK research supports AD food-based digestate use as fertilizer
The DC-Agri data also enables farmers to predict how much nitrogen food-based digestate will supply to crops, but underlines the high economic and ...
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New Albany Farmers Market welcomes food co-op
They may not purchase food every time they meet, but about 70 shares of crops are sold each time. Kaempfer said she knows access to fresh produce ...
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Zimbabwe: 42 000 Receive Food Aid
"The recent rains are quite substantial in improving the situation for crops that ... "We are currently providing food relief, on a monthly basis, in the driest ...
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Colombia's Deep Drought Causes High Food Prices
The dry condition of agricultural land and diminished supply of crops are affecting supermarkets, causing food prices to rise up to 80 percent in some ...
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More farmers looking at organic potential
Manitoba Agriculture crop production budget expert Roy Arnott told the seminar that based on expected costs and returns for crops this year, organic ...
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Indian Food and Agriculture Under Attack
Notwithstanding the environmental damage resulting from industrial-size mono-crop plantations (see this on palm oil in Indonesia and this on soy in ...
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US horticulture sales blossom, survey shows
Potted herbaceous perennials at $945 million, up 12 percent, and food crops grown under protection at $797 million, up 44 percent, rounded out the ...
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How the great phosphorus shortage could leave us all without food
In the past, the phosphorus cycle was closed: crops were eaten by humans and ... Food wastage is also directly linked to phosphorus overuse. In the ...
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AM markets: wheat, soybean futures exploit dollar decline
... for commodities either, at least they had the positive of a falling dollar as well as, for food crops, their relatively low correlation to economic fortunes.
food crops
Daily update⋅February 11, 2016
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NEWS | |||||||
DA official says GM crops vital to food self-sufficiency, security
DA official says GM crops vital to food self-sufficiency, security ... in the corn industry but also in the livestock sector and in food security as a whole.
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South African corn withers amid worst drought on record
Corn output in the 2015-16 crop season fell almost a third from 14.3m tonnes to ... The region's ability to meet its needs for corn used for food is further ...
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S. African Farmer Goes From 'Voice in the Wilderness' to Sought-After Expert
"(It's) one of the easy crops to grow, and it's probably one of the most unbelievably perfect foods. But not out of a tin! And not bought processed and ...
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Developers get personal about food
Personalised nutrition will also be covered at Food Manufacture's 'New ... Campden BRI's project on improving the nutritional status of crops for the ...
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Drought in Colombia Causes Food Prices to Skyrocket
But the drying up of agricultural land and loss of crops is starting to show its effects in supermarkets, causing food price hikes of up to 80 percent in ...
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Worldwide bee epidemic linked to human cause: colony trafficking
By one estimate, 75 percent of all food crops in the U.S. benefit from pollination, and for commercial crops, that means the European honeybee.
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Chemical farming poses threat to safe food output
observations came at the Safe Food Conference 2016, organised by the
... self-sufficiency in food grains, potato and other some other food crops.
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Millions Face Food Shortages as El Niño Fuels Africa's Worst Drought in Decades
The World Food Program estimates that up to 14 million people are facing hunger due to failed crops, skyrocketing commodity and food prices, and ...
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Agenda of the next president: Food security
Food security, according to the 1996 World Food Summit exists “when all ... We will also introduce and promote crop insurance to the farmers, since ...
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California Farmers Irrigate Crops With Chevron's Oil Wastewater in Drought-Stricken Central Valley
California Farmers Irrigate Crops With Chevron's Oil Wastewater in ... It's being used to grow food for people—citrus crops, grapes, pistachios,” Tom ...
food crops
Daily update⋅February 9, 2016
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NEWS | |||||||
Genetically modified crops: the way forward
GM food crops have fared worse. An agreement to develop Bt brinjal was signed in 2005 between Mahyco—American agricultural biotech giant ...
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Why we mustn't pass the GM mustard
However the many-sided threats posed by GM food crops have not been met; the matter has only been postponed till a final decision is taken by the ...
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Improved Crop Storage Bags Can Improve Harvests and Incomes
Healthy, clean food is increasingly available to small farmers and their ... plastic crop storage bag called PICS (Purdue Improved Crops Storage) bags.
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Confessions of a former GMO virgin
Halterman said the advantage of using Bt in genetically modified crops is that ... Turns out that a lot of people didn't want to buy food with GMOs in it.
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Core inflation falls in Uganda during January
The vehicle for this decline was attributed to decrease in annual food crops inflation. “Prices for food crops reduced because of the abundant supply of ...
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Takeover sows the seeds for anxieties about food security
Today we're one of the few global businesses that is a pure play agricultural input company in that we're selling crop protection chemistry and seeds.”.
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GM row again, with mustard topping
The opponents of GM mustard point out that cotton is not a food crop, while mustard is India's largest edible oil-yielding crop. However, there are many ...
food crops
Daily update⋅February 8, 2016
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NEWS | ||||||
Gene editing could create medicines and self-fertilising crops. But are we facing another GM food ...
This dearth of GM crops has not stopped genetically modified foods from appearing in the UK, however. Much soya-based animal feed imported into ...
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India says no rush on genetically modified crop but will not stand in way of science
New Delhi: India needs more data before deciding whether to permit commercial growing of its first genetically modified food crop, Environment ...
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Seed sovereignty, food security at stake
Much of our germ plasm lines of specific crops are owned by companies that never pay any royalty to local authority. Now defying the Cortagena ...
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Global Trade Spurs Decline In Honeybee Populations: What Humans Can Do To Save These ...
At the same time, honeybees are extremely important to the pollination of human food crops. According to the White House, more than 90 percent of ...
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Sector needs to cultivate trust to attain its social licence
For example, food producers have fought vociferously against labelling foods made with genetically modified crops, saying it would be too costly and ...
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Climate changes is affecting Lincolnshire's ability to produce crops like sprouts and oil seed rape
production in those farms will suffer the effects for months, and
perhaps years, to come. And although in the grand scheme of things, the
area of ...

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